June Event Photos

It's been a busy June at the club - here are some photo galleries of what's happened:
It's been a busy June at the club - here are some photo galleries of what's happened:
Carrie Russell was at 2016 Key West Race Week racing on J/111 Wicked and here's her account of the experience:
Key West Race Week, hosted by Storm Trysail Club, took place January 17-22, 2016. It was a wet and wild week of top class boats competing in four Divisions on the Coke bottle green waters of Key West. With weather conditions described by Commander Weather as "juicy and unstable," it was just that. Predictions of 8-15 knots fell short; in reality 20+ knot breezes with close, steep chop seas were the norm for the week. Four courses of 130 boats participated. Hailing ports sounded more like a fast paced trip around the globe than a …
The final three races of the One Design Spring Series were competed on Sunday July 3rd. Sunday’s racing was characterized by close racing, wind from around the compass and a different winning boat in nearly every race. On the whole, 8 skippers participated in the Front Runner series and the Flying Scot fleet saw 17 different skippers on the line. It was a fun series with a variety of conditions that challenged the sailors and the race committees. The Front Runner fleet series champion is Matt Braun followed by Mark Stephens and Kevin Cross. In the Flying Scot fleet, Len Guenther won the series followed by John Beery, Noel Clinard and Rob Whittemore. Complete series results are posted at …
Congratulations to all of our perpetual trophy winners. Here is a summary and pictures from our Annual Awards dinner November 7th. Photos can be found here.
Matthew Fontaine Maury Bowl FBYCs Highest Award: awarded for outstanding contributions to FBYC John M. Buhl, III
Piankatank Trophy - awarded to the skipper who most exemplifies the principle that "all is not lost until the boat sinks" Eric R. Powers
Hubard Trophy - awarded to the outstanding woman sailor of FBYC Amy L. Miller
Hicks Trophy - awarded to the winner of FBYC's one-design long distance race William C. Spencer, II
Nott Memorial Trophy - awarded to the Flying Scot finishing the greatest number of FBYC sponsored Flying Scot events during the calendar year John …
As preparation for the race, Mike and Noel swam to the mooring in the cold Nantucket waters. Mike, ever the preparer, had Noel scrub the bottom with an abrasive pad while Mike pumped the bilge and gave encouragement …
Recommended attendees for this event are: Race Chairs, Racing Skippers, New Racers and Crew.
Seating is limited please register online for this event to ensure your place. Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:30 PM 9:00 PM at Retreat Hospital Boardroom (ground floor)
David Pyron is a US Sailing Judge and Umpire and is currently finishing requirements for certification as an International Umpire. He began judging in 1997 and since then has …
FYI, our Treasurer, Mason Chapman is the new CFO of C. W. Wright. It is unknown whether our Treasurer is due any credit for getting our power restored!
Fall Series # 1, originally scheduled for September 28, will not be made up. Fall Series 2, 3 and 4 will be sailed as scheduled on October 5, 18 and 19. The format for racing on October 18 may be changed to provide a distance race to Wolf Trap: the final decision on the format for Fall Series 3 on October 18 will be made after racing October 5, and announced Monday October 6.
Fall Series 4 will be sailed as scheduled this Saturday, October 4. Fall Series 2 and 3 will not be made up, but …
The highest gusts. GWYNNS ISLAND VA (MATHEWS CO.)107 MPH at 0042 9/19 Sustained winds and gusts RICHMOND INTL ARPT 38 73 0013 UTC (KRIC) WINDMILL POINT VIRGINIA RECORDED MAXIMUM WATER LEVELS AROUND 3.5 TO 3.8 FEET MLLW.The Wakefield office of the National Weather Service has posted a preliminary Post Storm Report at http://www.erh.noaa.gov/er/akq/wx_events/hur/isabel_2003.htm . It includes some data from all over about the storm
A couple tidbits, the highest gusts. GWYNNS ISLAND VA (MATHEWS CO.)107 MPH at 0042 9/19
Sustained winds and gusts …
Over 45 boats sailed in this years regatta representing 5 classes. Presiding over a packed clubhouse, Mike Karn, with Dick Cole and David Hazlehurst, conducted a festive awards ceremony. First place in the J24 Division went to Will Crump. Christian …
Using the Laser class rule of thumb "no triangles unless you have a steady 12 knots" the race committee changed to a "G" course for all but the 420's and ignored mild complaints from …
Case Whittemore, Bob Wardwell and Ron Buchanan traveled to North American Championships in August
From Rochester, NY..in the J/29 Fleet Fishing Bays Case Whittemore placed 2nd in the J/29 North Americans, Bob Wardwell finished 4th.
Top 5 finishers were 5th Bruce Lockwoods Tomahawk, 4th Bob Wardwells Killshot, 3rd John Lavins Dirty Harry, 2nd Case Whittemores Patriot and 1st John Espositos Hustler.
In the Lighting Fleet Ron Buchanan and Bob Wardwell traveled to North Cape, Michigan to sail the Lightning North Americans. 116 boats registered for the fierce competition. Bob Wardwell sneaked in to the top flight (North Americans) and Ron Buchanan qualified for the 2nd flight (Presidents Cup …
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MORC Station 70 and Fishing Bay Yacht Club
wonderful sport of sailing. Classroom sessions review basics of sailboats, sailing and racing. On
the water sessions are an opportunity to practice what has been learned in the classroom.
Upon completion of the program, we will assist in placing you (if you wish) as …