NEW Registration Process for Junior Week/Opti-Kids
Monday March 22, 2004 11:22AM
From Noel Clinard, Jr. Division Cdr.
Soon, the 2004 Junior Program will begin. Building on last year, which saw the introduction of the 420 fleet and Race Team curriculum, there will be many new and exciting opportunities for FBYC Juniors. To make the most of those opportunities, there will be a significant change in the process for registration and the distribution of information and forms. We hope this change will help FBYC families better understand the FBYC Junior Program. For additional details about the exciting Junior events scheduled for 2004, see the March Log or go to the web site
The Junior events need planning, preparation and participation. To accomplish these three Ps there will be an information and registration meeting for Junior Parents (no juniors please) at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 24, in the Dining Hall of Hunton & Williams, 20th Floor, Riverfront Plaza, East Tower, 951 East Byrd Street. At this meeting, the Junior Division leadership will give an informative presentation guaranteed to demystify participation in junior sailing in FBYC, CBYRA, USODA, and the rest of that alphabet soup. During the meeting, you will register for Junior Week/Opti-Kids or Junior Race Team extended curriculum. This meeting will be the key to a successful Junior program in 2004. Please be sure to attend.
To facilitate discussions, please bring your 2004 Sailing Events Books, which were recently distributed, to the Registration Meetings
Recognizing the inevitable conflicts of busy parents, there will also be three make up registrations for those who cannot attend the first meeting. The first will be the following night, Thursday, March 25, at 7:15 p.m., also at Hunton & Williams. The second will be at FBYC in Deltaville on Saturday, March 27, during the lunch hour for Spring Clean-Up Day at noon. The last will be at 7:15 p.m., Monday, April 5, again at Hunton & Williams. Special arrangements will be made for those members living well outside the usual geographic areas. Those members are encouraged to contact me at or by phone at 804 788 8594 (office) to arrange a personal briefing and registration.
If the Junior Program is not filled to capacity at these meetings, additional registrations may be allowed by mail in a late registration period, but space is limited and your choice of programs cannot be assured. There will also be a 15% tuition surcharge during late registration.
Please accept this change as a means to improve communications about the FBYC Junior Program and to put our program on a level with other junior sports and activities. Junior sailing is a wonderful, healthy alternative to cruising the avenues. We hope you will take advantage of it. Well do everything possible to make you glad you did.
Directions to Hunton & Williams at Riverfront Plaza
For those who know downtown, go South on 10th St. alongside Riverfront Plaza; go behind building to Parking Entrance P-3 (Visitor Parking); park in deck under the East Tower; go up elevator to East Tower Lobby Floor; walk around to main elevators and go to 20th Floor; Dining Room on South Side of Building. If you find yourself at the Downtown Club, you are in the West Tower; go back down to ground and walk thru breezeway to East Tower and start over. If you get lost, call my cell phone 804 338 4066.
To get there from the West, take the Downtown Expy., thru Toll Booths to 7th Street exit, bear right on ramp (do not turn left on 7th) and go straight on Byrd past Federal Reserve and Riverfront Plaza (Brown Towers) and turn right on 10th, following directions above.
To get there from the East, North or South from I-95, take Downtown Expy. for a very short distance to Canal Street exit, pay toll, go one block on Canal to 10th, turn left on 10th , following directions above.