Time to register for Junior Sailing
Wednesday February 1, 2017 02:23PM
onRegistration for Junior Events opens today, February 1
Member preference ends on Tuesday, February 28
We are excited about the 2017 Junior sailing season at Fishing Bay Yacht Club, and looking forward to another great year of FUN! No matter your sailor's age, experience, or sailing goals, we have a sailing activity to excite them and get them out on the water with their friends. Our philosophy is that if kids have fun sailing with their friends, they will come back for more.
New for 2017 is FBYC’s first 420 Race Team! We are partnering with Christchurch School this summer to create a 420 Race Team that will run parallel with our Opti and Laser Race Teams. Similar to our other race teams, 420 Race Team sailors will need to provide their own boat. If interested, email our Junior Division Commander, Doug Bendura. We will again offer a beginner 420 class during Junior Week (club boats provided), which is separate from the 420 Race Team. Speaking of Junior Week, please email Ann Lisa Braun if you have any interest in volunteering as a coach, or your child over 13 is interested in being a counselor-in-training that week.
Follow the link below to our registration site and reserve your spot now! Go to: https://www.fbyc.net/Events/2017/show?showjunior=true, find your event, and then click the “Sign Up” link to the right. Or you can see a summary of all the times, dates and links at https://www.fbyc.net/Juniors/Admin/Registration.
If you need help registering, email Ann Lisa Braun or contact Strother Scott at his cell 804-405-5999. (Reminder: Race Team participants do NOT need to register for Junior Week (JW is included in the registration for ORT/LRT), but Development Team participants DO need to also register for JW if they plan to attend.)
Visit our Junior website pages for more information: https://www.fbyc.net/Juniors/Overview and the various pages on the left sidebar of that webpage.
I look forward to seeing you this summer!
A.L. Braun
Junior Division Lt. Commander
Tags: junior, juniorweek, juniorraceteam, optikids