Lin Mccarthy on Wednesday July 19, 2006 12:23PM

Posted late!

SCREWPILE BEGINS THIS COMING WEEKEND!  As of last night 138 boats are registered and race ready!  Check-in is Saturday, July 15;  RACING Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - July 16, 17, 18.  At this point the Southern Bay Brigade includes 24 boats; they are:  from Hampton Yacht Club (11) - Midnight Mistress (Jake and Pat Brodersen); Impulse (Tom Peddy); Kahuna (Sanford Richardson); Sea Star (Bumps and Dave Eberwine); Namesake (Craig Olsen); Cyrano (Bob Mosby); Feather (Phil Briggs); Meridian 2 (Sledd Shelhorse; Gremlyn (Greg Cutter); Cool Change (Rusty Burshell); and Valkyrie (Karl Petersen);  from Fishing Bay Yacht Club (6) - Voodoo Chile (Leroi Lissenden and D Krushelnisky; Corryvreckan (David Clark); Schiehallion (Brad Miller); Blade Runner (Brad Davis); Double Eagle (Jim Mitchner); and Chilcoot (Alex Alvis);  from Dahlgren Yacht Club (3) - Radio Flyer (Hannick / Harding / Smith); Pegasus (David and Ben Kelsey); and Night Moose (Josh Colwell);  from CCV (2) - Temptress (Robert DeJong) and Liberty (Pete Morrison); from Portsmouth Boat Club (1) - Jezebel (Bob Old); and from Outer Banks Sailing Association (1) - Cash Flow (Lloyd Griffin).  The northward migration usually begins Thursday and runs through Saturday mid-day or so.  The wise delivery crews will be trying to "ride the [current] bubble".  Good luck to all!
2006 Flying Scot North America Championships are underway in Marblehead this week.  A solid contingent from the Rappahannock River area are expected to compete.  Corinthian YC is the host club.
Check out the LITTLE BAY CHALLENGE, Saturday, July 15, if you just cannot get to SCREWPILE 2006, and you need a racing fix this coming weekend. This is a low key, laid-back, one size fits all, non-sanctioned, single-headsail-only, non-spinnaker regatta held in Norfolk's Willoughby (aka Little) Bay.  If you enter by 1700 hours Friday, July 14, there is no entry fee.  Otherwise, you can pay the $10 "late fee" before the mandatory skippers meeting at 1130 hours, Saturday, July 15, on the front steps of Willoughby Harbor Marina.  This event has been around for a long time, and is a great way to spend a day racing.  There certainly is a post-race party with awards presentations.  For info and to enter contact:  Scott Almond at (757) 471-2663.   This event is co-sponsored by Broad Bay Sailing Association and Portsmouth Boat Club and is OPEN TO ALL.
Nettle Net Boat Pool:  We are getting to the  stinking-hot time of the year, when, after the racing, a dip in the Bay sounds particularly inviting.  But...  those darned stinging nettles can be a problem.  Last winter, at the request of a faithful reader, SBYRNYCU tried to track down an old solution - the nettle net floating ring - then, the search was fruitless.  But now, courtesy the July issue of BoatU.S. Magazine  (pages 28-29), comes info on the Nettle Net Boat Pool - same old idea, updated and upgraded.  The article says to go to  www.nettle-net.com  for details on the product and how to purchase. 
Roundabout Sweeps J24 Fleet 71 Summer Regatta:  The Roundabout crew and skipper Alan Bomar, won all 4 of the Summer Regatta races sailed Saturday in Hampton Roads.  Congrats!
8th Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta was run Saturday and Sunday at the mouth of the Piankatank River.  As of publication time this morning, the final results were not available for dissemination.  Watch for them in next Monday's SBRNYCU or Google the regatta web site.  FBYC and YRYC hosted the event.
Maury High School Sailing Team (Club) Looking for a Coach:   Butch Patterson (skipper/owner of Small Potato) says the MHS team coach of the past two years, ODU sailing team All American Liz Biondi, is moving on, and the team needs a new coach PRONTO!  They want to begin practicing by late August.  (Butch says the MHS team is not sponsored by Maury High School or the school district in any way, rather by parents who support the club, including hiring the coach.)  The team practices 3 days a week (3:30pm to 6:00pm) and competes on Saturdays.  The Fall season is fleet racing and the Spring season is team racing.  For additional information contact Butch at (757) 404-4901.  This is a good gig for someone interested in coaching good young sailors, the future of our sport!
NOT Smith Point Race, Sunday, July 30:  Don't let this CCV race slip up on you.  This is a mid-summer favorite for southern Bay racers.  The intent is to stage a middle distance race around southern Bay race marks.  It is part of the CCV High Point race program and counts in the CBYRA high point tally too. For info contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225. OPEN TO ALL. Starts for all PHRF classes. First warning set for 0900.  Must have a valid PHRF rating certificate, including 4P Equipment and Accommodations category. 
In case you missed the Cock Island Race results, here are the winners of the various fleets:  PHRF A (4 boats): Cyrano, Bob Mosby; PHRF B (6 boats): Wham Bam, Bill Bounds; PHRF C (9 boats): Dream On, Steve Bowen; PHRF NS-1 (7 boats): Midnight Mistress, Jake Brodersen; PHRF NS-2 (14 boats): Wiki Wiki, Rodney Paice; Cruising (11 boats): Mistress; Cruising 2 (9 boats): Celerity; Cruising 3 (3 boats): Confidante;  Cruising 4 (4 boats): Rhiannon. 
Why is is called the NOT Smith Point Race?  When it was called the Smith Point Race, back in the day, the main turning mark was at Smith Point.  The boats don't go there anymore, so...   do the geography.
MURPHY'S LAW:   Riding the bubble to Screwpile is a time-honored tradition for southern Bay racers / delivery crews.  You leave home at the appropriate time to pick up the flooding current changes as you go up the Bay.  Riding the post-regatta, beer-foam bubble back is Yrs Truly, the Murphster's specialty.   Look out, Ya'll, the southern Bay armada is on the way!  /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
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                                              SOUTHERN BAY RACING NEWS YOU CAN USE,  Lin McCarthy, Editor
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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