Lin Mccarthy on Monday January 15, 2007 02:14PM

REGION 4 CBYRA HIGH POINT AWARDS SOIREE:  Saturday, February 3 - Fishing Bay Yacht Club - refreshments at 5:00pm and dinner at 6:00pm - presentation of awards at 6:45pm.  All inclusive cost - $20 per person, $15 for juniors.  To make reservations, contact Tom Roberts at (804) 843-2682.  Deadline for ressies is January 26.

February 17 - US SAILING BASIC RACE MANAGEMENT COURSE - Hosted by Fishing Bay Yacht Club (Deltaville, VA) - this is the official USSA course required for certification as USSA Club Race Officer.  The certification test will be give to those participants wishing to take it.  Registration fee ($40 for USSA members, $50 for non-members) includes morning refreshments, lunch, and materials. Register on line at US Sailing site  www.ussailing.org/racemgt/Race_Officer_Prog/seminars.asp   or contact Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225  or mcbear@earthlink.net  
MERIDIAN  WINS BOLERO TROPHY AND PHRF A FLEET IN LAUDERDALE TO KEY WEST!   Sledd Shelhorse and crew were the first PHRF boat to finish the rip-snortin'  160 mile race last week.  For the record, that puts our guys in the company of the likes of Chessie Racing, Carrera, Sjambok, and other notables on the Bolero winners list.  The Meridian Team sailed the first 155 miles downwind in 20 to 30 knots, had  a 5 mile fetch to the finish, and  gibed 17 times.  To make an already "interesting" night, even more so, Meridian had to sail through the dark without a full set of instruments, since they could not light what they had.  Tactician/navigator  Mark Wheeler has a new level of regard for his pen light and handheld GPS.  Congratulations to the southern Bay racers who won their fleet  (PHRF A, 8 boats),  finished fourth overall in the PHRF Division (24 boats), and were the first PHRF boat to finish in the IRC-PHRF-multihull race.   (Meridian  skipper and crew:   Sledd Shelhorse, Ron McLean, Mark Wheeler, Beau Warren, Graham Garrenton, Jimmy Miller, Dave Flynn, and Brandon Drinkwater)
SBRNYCU, ARBITER OF TIME (AOT) Report:  Jimmie Mock, AOT for southern Bay racers, sends the following message in capital letters:  90 DAYS 'TIL THE FIRST SANCTIONED RACE ON THE SOUTHERN BAY - April 14, J24 Fleet 71 Spring Regatta.   CCV Spring Series opens April 22, and week night racing begins at most clubs before that:  HYC-April 4;  BBSA/Little Creek-April 11;  BBSA/Willoughby-April 12;  OPCYC (Saturdays)-April 14;  PBC Barnacle-April 20.
KEY WEST RACE WEEK - Today thru Friday.  The Lucky Ones are there.  On Saturday, they got their bow numbers.  Yesterday  the PHRF-ers tried one last appeal of their ratings and the One Design-ers stepped up to the scales.  And TODAY THEY RACE!  Southern Bay and North Carolina boats that are in the fray:  Cash Flow (Lloyd Griffin);  EZ (Paul Lockwood);  Wairere (Pete Hunter);  Bone Machine (Joe Corriher);  Tempest (John Haracivet);  Rum at Six (Worth Harris);  Savannah (Walter Kennedy);  Bone Chillin' (Alan Simonini);  Outrageous (Michael Jones);  Sweet Baby J (Robin Team).  Cross fingers and toes for them all!
VELUX  5 OCEANS RACE:  After being held over in Fremantle for an additional week because of weather, the Velux 5 Oceans racers are on their way to Norfolk.   There are 5 racers single-handing the 14,000 mile journey that includes rounding Cape Horn.  The oldest of the competitors, Robin Knox Johnson (67), is the first person to have sailed around the world non-stop.  He accomplished the feat  in a 32 foot wooden boat when he was 30 years old. 
John Haracivet's Tempest  (Beneteau 38) finished 16th overall in the 24 boat PHRF Fleet and 4th in PHRF B the Lauderdale to Key West Race  .  Tempest  hails from Gloucester, Virginia.  The Navy midshipman who skippered the overall winner of the PHRF Fleet, Tim Burchett on Dreadnaught, sailed with the Meridian crew during last year's Lloyd Phoenix Trophy (US Sailing Offshore Championship) - small world. 
Yesterday was a perfectly beautiful day to sail and a lot of southern Bay racers did.   Among them was one well know J/29 skipper, who rumbled down the dock with a shoulder full of sailbag, while Shady Lady, Rob and Susan Stephens'  Tartan 33, stretched her legs.  And, not to miss the moment, Tyler Moore and Henry Amthor made the small boat scene. 
Boat Show-ers: Strictly Sail Philadelphia - January 18 - 21.   If you are going, or if you are deciding whether or not to go, you must check-out the January issue of SpinSheet Magazine, pages 37 thru  43.  Everything you need to know to really, really enjoy the Show and Philadelphia.
Don't wait!  Get Your PHRF Rating Certificate Now:    By now you should have your PHRF rating certificate renewal in the works.  If you have not received a renewal form, contact PHRF of the Chesapeake at (410) 414-3270.  If you'll be getting a first time rating for your boat in 2007, contact PHRF about that and get started now.
MURPHY'S LAW:    Hot Diggity Dawg - racing  dawg!  We are inside 100 days 'til it all starts.    Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
SailTime Virginia Beach is pleased to offer the ASA-Certified course "Coastal Navigation", beginning January 21, then running Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30, thru February 22.  Class location is Willoughby Harbor Marina.  Cost is $350 per person, with a 15% discount for multiple registrations.  Please call SailTime office @ Bay Point Marina @ 757-362-3002. [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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