Lin Mccarthy on Monday January 2, 2012 01:08PM

CBYRA Region 4 (Southern Chesapeake Bay) Scorer, Tom Roberts,  has completed the scoring for the region NORTH and SOUTH Divisions for the High Point Awards.  These are preliminary results and show only the top contenders  in each fleet (CBYRA members).  Eventually, all will be posted at the CBYRA website. Congratulations! 
REG 4 - SOUTH DIVISION (from Hampton Roads/North Carolina to north of the York River) PHRF A:  1.David Eberwine (HYC), Sea Star; 2.Phil Briggs (HYC), Feather;  3.Bob Mosby (HYC), Cyrano: 4.Leroi Lissenden (HYC), Voodoo2    PHRF B:  1.Bob Archer (HYC), Bad Habit; 2.Dennis Hannick (DYC), Goin'; 3.Greg Cutter (HYC), Gremlin PHRF C: 1.Justin Morris (HYC), The Hunter; 2.Alan Bomar (HYC), Roundabout; 3.Bob Fleck (CBYRA), Horizon;  4.Noel Clinard (FBYC), Prophet.  PHRF Non-Spin: 1.Leo Wardrup (BBSA), Black Widow.
REG 4 - NORTH DIVISION (from the Rappahannock River north to the Virginia side of the Potomac) PHRF A: 1.Cyane Crump (FBYC), She Crab Soup; 2. Glenn Doncaster (FBYC), Nanuq.    PHRF B: 1.Miles Booth (FBYC), Shenanigan; 2.Mike Dale,(FBYC) Juggernaut.  PHRF C: 1.Bob Fleck (CBYRA), Horizon; 2.Noel Clinard (FBYC), Prophet; 3.Brad Miller (FBYC), Schiehallion.   Remember, to be scored for this high point, you must be a member of CBYRA.

The year is 2012. . . . Let's get ready to go racing!

Racers are scattered all over the world - This note from an USA  racer on duty  in  Kandahar, Afghanistan, is passed along.  "Occasionally, I entertain myself by looking at the Typhoon Nationals website, and thinking about bringing my Daysailor to Typhoon nationals in 2013, as I will be back state-side by that time.  In the meantime, I am wondering if I could get a tee-shirt from the 2011 event?"   He got the tee-shirt from event organizer (and racer) Ron Mihills, and, he's on the list for a  2012 tee, too!
**January 10, 2012 - Gary Jobson - Sailing: Speed and Passion - OPEN TO ALL - hosted by FISHING BAY YACHT CLUB at the Hilton Garden Inn (Richmond) - Cocktails at 5:30pm, program at 6:30pm.  Cost includes light hors d'ouvres, coffee, tea, soft drinks (there will be a cash bar) - $20 per person, FBYC members $15.  Gary, in his own special, comfortable style,  will cover  the America's Cup, preview the 2012 Olympics, and talk ocean racing.
**February 4, 2012 - 2012 MORNING WITH MURPHY -  OPEN TO ALL - hosted by BROAD BAY SAILING ASSOCIATION  at the Old Dominion University Sailing Center (Norfolk)   (9:00am - noon)  The purpose of the morning is to respond to rules related questions/situations posed by the audience.  So, bring your rule book (If you have one), and your questions and/or war stories,  and come ready for some give and take on what you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask!  The MORNING WITH MURPHY will be led by John McCarthy, USSA Senior Judge and Regional Race Management Official.  John's humorous, engaging style is familiar to Murphy Seminar go-ers.  OPEN TO ALL.  Cost: $15  ($14 if you use on-line registration at the BBSA website).  Coffee and pastries included.  To register, click on http://www.broadbaysailling.org/misc/murphy/index.asp  or call Scott Almond at (757)471-2663   MORNING WITH MURPHY is presented by Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use.
**February 15, 2012 - Ullman Sails:  Unlocking the Racecourse - OPEN TO ALL - hosted by FISHING BAY YACHT CLUB at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel at the Richmond Airport  (Richmond)   Cocktails at 5:30pm, program at 6:30pm.  Cost includes light hors d'ouvres, coffee, tea, soft drinks (there will be a cash bar) - $30 adults,  $20 juniors.  Panelist are Dave Ullman, Greg Koski, Erik Shampain, and Chuck Skewes - wonderful racers all.  The Ullman team will cover every stage of a typical race day, key strategies, racing positions, etc. all applicable to "big" boats, dinghies, PHRF and one-design.  Register on-line at www.fbyc.net.
**March 10, 2012  - USSAILING (Basic) One-Day Race Management Seminar hosted by  US SAILING and RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER YACHT CLUB (Irvington)- OPEN TO ALL; meets seminar requirement for Club Race Officer certification or renewal and will offer test (optional to participants) that is required for CRO certification.  Materials and refreshments throughout the day and lunch are included.  John McCarthy is primary instructor.  Click on US Sailing webpage calendar link http://raceadmin.ussailing.org/Race_Officers/Certification/Race_Officer_Seminars/Seminar_Calendar.htm  for information and to register.  Also, you may  go to www.rryc.org  or contact Debbie Cycotte (RRYC) at (804) 761-3048.
** Saturday  Seadogs  Speakers Series:   January 14 (David Niebur, Historic Roles of Watermen),January 28 (David Rudders, Scallop Fisheries),  February 11 (Captain Eric Speth, The Godspeed),  February 25 (Jacob Polderman, Cruise Ships and Ocean Cruising),   March 10 (Robert Priseler, Virginia Waterways and Ports of Call) -    Saturday Seadogs Speakers Series is hosted by SEAFORD YACHT CLUB (Yorktown) - Complimentary coffee and donuts at 9:30am with talks designed to appeal to boaters and Chesapeake Bay lovers.  And, there is no charge for admission.  OPEN TO ALL, but space is limited, so make reservations by calling (75) 259-0739 or email almarlene@verizon.net.  You can make ressies for the entire Series or for a specific session.   Go to www.seafordyachtclub.com for details and directions.
The 2012 Season has begun!!
Dana Dillon Memorial New Year's Madness Race:  Twenty boats (20) left the start line at HYC on Hampton River and finished at the finish at the OPCYC line on Mill Creek.  A beautiful first day of the year - breezes that built to the mid-teens and pleasant air temps.  Lona, Cary Hardesty, was first to finish the staggered start race, (and first in the C group); therefore,  Lona is winner of the 2012 Amarylyn Trophy.  Next across the finish line was Phil Brigg's Feather,(first in the A group),   followed by Ben Cuker's Callinectes (first in the B group).  The first Cruising boat to finish was Jim Forrester's Anjalei, (7th overall) , and Dixon Wilde's Kingfisher was first in the Non-Spin group (11th overall).  The morning breakfast buffet at HYC and the post-race party at OPCYC were first overall in 2012 social gatherings!
Seaford Yacht Club New Year's Day Race:  Seven (7)  boats races in the SYC New Year’s Day Race on a beautiful clear day with winds ranging from 14 to 17 knots and peak gusts recorded at 21 knots.  All boats sailed non-spinnaker.  First place went to Dan Smoker’s Smoke.  Second place was won by Chuck Eldred’s Gail ForceBill Wilshire’s Willet took third place.
Virginia H  is staying on the southern Bay   Tom and Melanie Newton  are the proud new owners of the well know Soverel 30, Virginia H.  The Newtons plan to rename her (exactly what is being noodled) and to keep her right where she has been while Andy and Virginia Armstrong sailed her, Hampton.  Plans are for the new owners to take the 2012 season to become familiar with their new baby, cruise the Bay and occasionally do some light racing.
Key West Race Week - Coming up January 15-20, 2012.  Two southern Bay boats, Sledd Shelhorse and crew with his new Farr 400, Meridian X, at KWRW and Glenn Doncaster and crew with his Sabre 426, Nanuq, will be in there.

2012 SOUTHERN BAY RACING SCHEDULE.   Contact your club official for a copy or  email SBRNYCU  at  mcbear@earthlink.net , on the subject line  put  "2012 Racing Schedule" and say  "I'm going racing and I need my schedule!"    It will come to you by return email as an attachment, courtesy Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use.  



MURPHY'S LAW:    Yrs Truly, the Racing Beagle,   reminds everyone that 2012 is longer than most years - it's a LEAP YEAR.  Yep, there is a February 29th, and, therefore, the Sadie Hawkins Day [foot ] Race,  is on your calendar.  An extra day to get ready for the racing season.  Happy New Year!  from your leapin' Beagle!   /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.

To SUBSCRIBE directly, send an email to mcbear@earthlink.net , put SBRNYCU on the subject line, give your name, and say, "Sign me up!"  SBRNYCU is free.  If you wish to UNSUBSCRIBE, send an email to  mcbear@earthlink.net  and put UNSUBSCRIBE on the Subject line OR, simply hit "reply" and put UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line. The postal address associated with this email is:  SBRNYCU, 4401 Chesapeake Avenue, Hampton, VA 23669.   You may reprint or forward all or any part of this publication as long as you give credit to: 


Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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