Lin Mccarthy on Monday February 6, 2012 09:04AM

REMEMBER -  Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - Ullman Sails:  Unlocking the Racecourse - OPEN TO ALL - hosted by FISHING BAY YACHT CLUB at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel at the Richmond Airport  (Richmond)   Cocktails at 5:30pm, program at 6:30pm.  Cost includes light hors d'ouvres, coffee, tea, soft drinks (there will be a cash bar) - $30 adults,  $20 juniors.  Panelist are Dave Ullman, Greg Koski, Erik Shampain, and Chuck Skewes - wonderful racers all.  The Ullman team will cover every stage of a typical race day, key strategies, racing positions, etc. all applicable to "big" boats, dinghies, PHRF and one-design.  Register on-line at www.fbyc.net.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club has been invited again to compete in New York Yacht Club's  2012 U.S. Qualifying Series (“USQS”) for the 2013 Invitational Cup (“IC”).  In 2010, the FBYC team of Travis Weisleder, Rob Whittemore, Lud Kimbrough and Ben Buhl finished in the top ten finalist round of the USQS.   In the USQS series U.S. teams compete to be one of only three U.S. yacht clubs to compete in Swan 42s against 20-some clubs from 14 nations in the 2013 IC.  In the 2010 USQS racers competed in Sonars and J22s.  This time around, the racing will be in Sonars and the brand new design J/70s.
Eager crewbies and seasoned skippers filled every seat and more at Saturday's MORNING WITH MURPHY Racing Rules Seminar. The 60 in attendance spent the morning examining race course scenarios and asking "what if" questions of seminar leader John McCarthy.  The proceeds from the seminar went to support the Cape Charles Cup (Aug 18-19), a favorite late summer weekend event on the southern Chesapeake, sponsored by Broad Bay Sailing Association.
To Fiddler's Green.  David Raffetto, former Commodore of Rappahannock River Yacht Club and avid Typhoon racer passed from us Saturday afternoon.  Dave and his wife Kate were popular  participants among the cruising fleet too and often took their Sabre 34, Success,  on club cruises.  Sailing folks certainly will miss Dave and those in the Rappahannock River area will take his passing especially hard.
Southern Bay Collegiate Tid-Bits:  At the Annual MAISA meetings, held in Annapolis a week ago, College of William and Mary sailing team member Derrill Hagood, Class of 2013, was elected to the MAISA executive board as the South undergraduate representative.  MAISA - Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Association.

It's Monday morning - take a minute to kick back with your first cup of coffee.  Think about the first day of  Spring Series racing - the open water, the friendly seas. . . . then watch this!  SBRNYCU friend Buk Lawrence shares this link.  Buk says to watch on your full screen and with the sound on LOUD!  http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=T4FIS1FnOQg

There will be at least one familiar face at the upcoming two-day  Ocean Cruising Seminar (March 24-25) in Annapolis, organized by the World Cruising Club.   Southern Bay racers will no doubt recognize  Peter Burch, whose bones include a number of bluewater races and racing rallies from here to Bermuda, the Caribbean and beyond.  Pete currently and in most recent years has been a key player on  Heron (J160) out of Massachusetts.  Southern Bay PHRF A racers remember him as the pitman on Sugar Bear, J33 (John McCarthy).  Pete is a member of the instructional staff for the Ocean Cruising Seminar.

SATURDAY SEADOG SPEAKERS SERIES - February 11th, at Seaford Yacht Club (Yorktown) - Captain Eric Speth, Maritime Program Manager, Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, will discuss the "Research, Design and Construction of the Re-Created 17th Century Ship Godspeed". Complimentary coffee and donuts at 9:30am.  Presentation and discussion 10:00 - 11:30am.  Admission is FREE and open to the public, but space is limited. so please email almarlene@verizon.net or call (757) 259-0739 to make reservations.    Go to www.seafordyachtclub.com for details and directions.

Sooner of later you have to get your  Virginia Boaters Card:  There are qualifying courses (and tests) hosted by a number of southern Bay sailing and boating clubs and associations, e.g. Hampton Yacht Club held a course on this past Saturday, Portsmouth Boat Club has several scheduled,  and Fishing Bay YC has one set for March 10.  There are courses scheduled all over the State at high schools, YMCAs, DMV offices, even Bass Pro stores, and others places.  For specific info and course availability go to  www.dgif.virginia.gov/boating/education/boating-safety-education-requirement.asp   The State requirement for boating safety education is phased-in over several years and applies to all Personal Watercraft (PWC) operators and operators of boats with motors of 10hp and greater according to the following schedule:

  • PWC operators between the ages of 16 and 20 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2009, operators ages 14 or 15 may operate a PWC if they have successfully completed an approved boating education safety course;
  • PWC operators 35 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2010;
  • PWC operators 50 years of age or younger and motorboat operators 20 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2011;
  • All PWC operators, regardless of age, and motorboat operators 30 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2012;
  • Motorboat operators 40 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2013;
  • Motorboat operators 45 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2014;
  • Motorboat operators 50 years of age or younger shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2015;
  • All motorboat operators, regardless of age, shall meet the requirements by July 1, 2016.

Entry information and/or event details  HOT LINKS:
    63rd DOWN THE BAY RACE for the VIRGINIA CRUISING CUP  http://www.yachtscoring.com/emenu.cfm?eID=240
    2012 SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the BLACK SEAL CUP  www.blacksealcup.com
    US Sailing One Day Race Management Seminar at RRYC, Irvington-http://raceadmin.ussailing.org/Race_Officers/CertificationTraining/Race_Officer_Seminars/Seminar_Calendar.htm scroll to the March 10, 2012, One Day Race Mgt Seminar at Rappahannock River YC and click on register.
MURPHY'S LAW:  From Yrs Truly, the Racing Beagle's viewpoint there is no better Valentine's Day gift than a box of chocolate covered squirrels - Yum-Yum!    /S/  Murphy the Racing Beagle, the sailing spirit in us all.
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Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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