FBYC Reopening - August Update

Joe Roos on Sunday August 9, 2020 12:04PM

It is August at FBYC, and Junior Week rolled right into AOD.  Things are somewhat different this year.  Throughout this spring and summer, numerous volunteers and our staff have worked hard reopening the facilities and modifying programs and activities to make them safe for our members, guests, staff and neighbors.  We have changed our habits to support social distancing, wearing masks and extended cleaning.  Now, as we continue to move through our season, we need to remain vigilant and continue to reinforce these new habits.

In this update, we wish to focus on the year end events, the ongoing activities and the need to remain focused on safe practices and using common sense.

Oyster Roast and Commodore’s Ball: We have traditionally wrapped up the year with a couple of very popular events, the Oyster Roast on Closing Day and the Annual Awards/Commodore’s Ball. Things are a little different this year.  We are looking at combining these events and structuring the activities to promote social distancing.  The Annual Meeting and possibly the other events will be on November 17th so mark your calendar and stay tuned, more details to follow.

House and Facilities: In the last several months we have been able to reopen the pool and most of the facilities at FBYC in accordance with the State’s mandates.  The primary challenge in front of all of us is to practice social distancing and wear a mask when social distancing is not possible.  Our staff continues to conduct cleanings of common areas and bath houses several times each day and cleaning of pool equipment between each time slot on weekends.  But we all need to maintain heightened awareness.  This is particularly relevant in Fannies House where all members enjoy use of common kitchen facilities.  This includes the utensils.  It is expected that members using these facilities and utensils will clean before and after use.  To maintain cleanliness of the common area and utensils, the cleaning crew will remove any uncleaned utensils left in the kitchen.

FBYC Activities:  Sailing and other activities are back at FBYC with some modifications this year.   Overcoming Isaias and a microburst, Junior week was in full swing during the first week of August followed immediately by AOD.  Both events are the results of hundreds of hours of work and planning by numerous volunteers.  It is this kind of engagement, members working to bring forward and implement solutions to the challenges posed by the coronavirus, that is enabling us to enjoy FBYC activities this summer.  We have gotten back to a slate of offshore and one design racing, the cruising group is enjoying the beautiful water of Chesapeake Bay and beyond, Opti Kids wrapped up another successful year and Grounds Day brought people together to give the campus a mid-Summer grooming.

In closing, we are seeing a great amount of activity at FBYC, but things actually are a different this year, so please have patience, practice social distancing and wear mask.  We all must continue to follow guidelines and common sense for the safety of our fellow members, guests, staff and community. We look forward to enjoying our time at FBYC, on the water and on land. 


Tracy Schwarzschild, Commodore
Elizabeth Staas, Vice Commodore
Joe Roos, Rear Commodore

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

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