Bay Open Championships and Junior Olympic FestivalWHAT: FBYC is honored to continue its tradition of hosting major bay junior regattas in 2005. The Bay Open Championships and Junior Olympic Festival is a big two-day regatta co-sponsored by US Sailing and CBYRA. Courses will be provided for Optimist, Laser, Laser Radial and 420s. This year, the Bay Open Championships Junior Olympic Festival will be held in conjunction with the 7th Annual Leukemia Cup Regatta - Southern Chesapeake Sailing Series, a major philanthropic event, providing Juniors and their families with the opportunity to participate in a worthy cause. See the information on Voluntary Fund Raising below. WHEN: July 9-10, 2005. The final regatta schedule will be in the Notice of Race which is not yet final. Generally, the schedule is expected to be: SATURDAY: 0900 - 1100 Check-in of PRIOR registrants and LATE Registration (LATE Registration subject to additional late fee of $75.00) at West Marine on the right on Route 33 as you enter Deltaville; 1130 Coaches' and Parents' meeting; 1145 Skippers' meeting; 1230 First Warning Signal for the Championship Fleets, followed by Harbor Start for Green Fleet. SUNDAY will be comparable, but earlier, as set forth in the final Notice of Race. Due to the club location on two lane peninsula road several miles from West Marine, to avoid congestion on Saturday morning with simultaneous Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Skippers Meeting, competitors are strongly advised to arrive at registration primarily between 0930 and 1030 on Saturday, July 9, for check-in, launching, and orientation. Early bird visitors are welcome to arrive on Friday if they wish to participate in the Leukemia Cup Events Friday night See Leukemia Cup Site but the full junior regatta staff will not be on site and no meals will be offered. If you plan to arrive Friday, please email the Event Chair WHO: Competitors in the Championship and Green Fleets must be members of US Sailing. While Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association (CBYRA) membership is not required for registration, it IS required to accumulate points for CBYRA high point awards. You may already have a family membership in these organizations. If you do not have a family membership, you can join each organization individually online at US Sailing at and contact and/or Download the CBYRA Application ; or you can join one or both of these organizations at Check-In and Registration. However, if you join ahead of time it will be one less thing to do at a Check-In. Be forewarned, Check-In will already be compressed for time. So, please do it ahead of time. (Event registrants who are members of Fishing Bay Yacht Club, the host club, need not be concerned with these membership requirements because your Junior's membership in BOTH organizations will be paid by FBYC prior to Check-In). ![]() WHERE: Fishing Bay is in Deltaville, Virginia, 75 miles east of Richmond, Virginia, at the Piankatank River mouth, just south of the Rappahannock River and Stingray Point. FBYC offers a beautiful setting with modern, new facilities. The racing area(s) will be in the Fishing Bay area and the mouth of the Piankatank River. The racing areas are designated A, B and C . Depending on conditions, the Green Fleet will likely race in A, and the Championship Fleets will likely race in A, B or C.. PRIZES, GREEN FLEET: All competitors will receive a free Junior Olympics 2005 Tee-shirt. Prizes will be awarded to the Top Three Finishers in the Opti Red, Blue, and White Fleets, and Laser, Laser Radial and 420 (and Crew) and to the Top Three Girls in Optis, Lasers, Laser Radials and 420s (and Crew); participation awards will be provided to all competitors in the Green Fleet. As a special extra "prize" for Green Fleet Sailors, the Green Fleet at this event will be run by TOMMY COLEMAN, (son of the well known Tom Coleman), including special clinics, games and on the water instruction. REGISTRATION: TIMELY REGISTRATION: Registration is offered by mail and on-line for an Entry Fee of $75 ($125 for double-handed boats). DELAYED REGISTRATION: An additional Delayed Registration Fee of $50 will be imposed for entries on line after midnight Thursday, June 30, or postmarked after that date by mail, and made or received before midnight Thursday, July 7. LATE REGISTRATION: Late registrations will be allowed on Friday and Saturday, July 8 and 9, subject to a Late Registration Fee of $75. but such registration is discouraged. Check-In and Late Registration will occur SATURDAY, July 9, at 0900-1100 at the West Marine Store on the right on Route 33 as you approach Deltaville, NOT AT FBYC. Watch for the sign as you approach and turn into the parking lot. More details on registration and a Registration Form are available at How to Register.
FUND RAISING FOR LEUKEMIA CUP: On a purely voluntary basis, Juniors will have the opportunity to raise funds for The Leukemia Cup by soliciting sponsors from friends and family for their boats. Details on how to raise funds and forms for maintaining records of contributions are provided at: Leukemia Cup Site , In addition, the Leukemia Society has provided the Junior Fundraising Document. to be used to record and submit funds. All funds and records will be delivered to Leukemia Cup representatives at FBYC on Saturday. Awards for the top Junior Fundraisers in each fleet (420s, Lasers, Laser Radials, Optis (Red Blue and White, and Green Fleet) will be presented at the Junior Leukemia Cup Dinner at 1730 Saturday.
In addition, Charter Headboats will depart from the FBYC dock on the Fishing Bay side to take spectators for a view and observation of the Junior course. A fee of $10 per person will be charged with all proceeds going to the Leukemia Cup. ACCOMMODATIONS: Deltaville, Virginia, is a small village, with limited commercial accommodations. Other accommodations are available in surrounding towns, such as Irvington, Kilmarnock, and Gloucester. Details are available on the accommodations page. However, due to the timing with the Leukemia Cup, we expect commercial accommodations to have limited availability unless reservations are made early. To supplement accommodations and to support the Leukemia Cup, we have asked members and local residents to consider housing juniors and their families or coaches in private homes in return for the guests contribution to The Leukemia Cup. The required contribution is $100 per night for home lodging for a family unit or similar group (e.g parents or coaches traveling with their own sailor and another; but not entire teams). This charge approximates the cost of commercial lodging and raises money for a great cause (it is not rent; you will be a guest). Advance funding of the contribution of $100 per family or house per night is required. We also request you email the Housing Chair, Elizabeth Staas, at to discuss availability and suitability for your group and to arrange specific homes. Any payments made for housing in member's homes which are not successfully arranged will be refunded. If you have already registered, and you decide you wish to make the contribution for housing in private homes, then please contact Elizabeth Staas, the Housing Chair at You may also peruse the accommodation suggestions provided by Deltaville. Limited tent camping (but no campers or RVs) will be allowed on site but arrangements must be made in advance by emailing the the Housing Chair, Elizabeth Staas, at MEALS: Due to the late start on Saturday and the early Juniors Leukemia Cup Dinner (see below), FBYC will not provide lunch to competitors for on the water consumption the first day. Competitors are encouraged to pack and eat an early lunch with their families or coaches. FBYC is rather isolated and Deltaville is fairly small with few restaurants. Competitors and their families are encouraged to drive to the Leukemia Cup site at Stingray Harbor Marina for the Leukemia Cup Fund Raising Junior Awards and a Bar-B-Que dinner promptly at 1730 at a price of $15 for children and $20 for adults (all proceeds of dinner go to the Leukemia Cup). FBYC will provide a continental breakfast and packed lunch for competitors on Sunday. Advance payment for the Leukemia Cup Dinner may be made through On-Line Registration, Mail Registration, the Buy More web page during Check-In, or at the Leukemia Cup Site.
POWER BOATS AND OPTIS, LAUNCHING, MOORING, STORAGE, MANAGEMENT: We have a concrete ramp at FBYC for trailered boats but those desiring to launch are encouraged to arrive early Friday or Saturday to launch (you may wish to do so before Check-In at West Marine) so the ramp will be free for sailboats by 1030 Saturday. All power boat and Laser trailer parking will be off site in a nearby field. Opti team trailer parking will be at FBYC in a designated area and sailboat rigging and storage will be on our property immediately adjacent to FBYC. Car parking will be in our lots and nearby fields. Parking volunteers will direct you. We have built a new grass ramp for hand launching sailboats to the beach to facilitate efficient launching and recovery. Green Fleet Optis will launch from the wooden ramp. You may leave power boats in the water after launching and we are arranging mooring (rafted up). FBYC has a "bay side" and a "creek side" to its campus, which is on a narrow isthmus. The bay side is usually sheltered from prevailing winds, but can get rough in a heavy southerly breeze, so we don't moor there overnight, generally. Most power boats should moor on the Jackson Creek side which never gets rough. That will require going from Jackson Creek around Stove Point and into Fishing Bay in the morning, about a 15 minute run at 20 kts, and reversing at night. We discourage launch and recovery of power boats each day, with the possible exception of small inflatables and others unable to go around Stove Point. See the Chart of Racing Area and aerial photo of the neighborhood for an overview of the area. We need volunteers for Safety Boats. If you can help, please contact the Event Chair at We are fortunate to have little crime in our rural area so trailers will be safe overnight at all the sites. NOR AND SAILING INSTRUCTIONS: The official Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are available now. Click on "Notice of Race" or Sailing Instructions in the left sidebar above. FOR MORE INFORMATION: For more information, contact the Event Chair, Noel Clinard, FBYCs Junior Division Commander, at . |