The regatta held at FBYC on July 11-12 is only one of a series of
The Leukemia Cup Regattas held in the Spring to support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
For a full list of the events see the 2003 Calendar of Events.
Yachts may register to enter for Racing Awards only or as a Fundraising Boat. Upon registration as a Fundraising Boat, you will receive a Fundraising Packet to get you stated right away. Time is always short, so begin quickly. The packet will explain how fun and easy fundraising can be!
You will also receive a picture of your "Honorary First Mate" for whom you will be sailing in honor of. We ask each yacht to raise at least $5.00 per foot of the boat length. Such pledges will be sought from, friends, family coworkers and neighbors. All proceeds benefit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. All Fundraising boat Skippers will receive 2 free dinner tickets to the gala, 2 beverage tickets to be used at the gala and an event tee shirt! We encourage you to be a fundraising boat in 2003 and help make a difference!!! Register early and begin your fundraising!!!!
The Powerboat "Poker Run" is limited to 25 boats and is all fundraising. This is a new event in 2003 and promises to be a very exciting affair ending at the Tides Inn.
Christchurch Junior Regatta Challenge Registration Form
JULY 11 & 12, 2003
The VOLVO LEUKEMIA CUP REGATTA is hosted by FBYC and the Stingray Harbor Marina. This regatta will consist of one race to be sailed by the Leukemia (cruising) Class and two races to be sailed by other fleets on two separate courses on Saturday, July 12, 2003. The races and associated activities are to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America in their fight against leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkins disease and myeloma. |
Special Sailing Instructions, Social Program information and Registration package will be available from Leukemia Society: Sherri Coombs Toll-free in VA~(800) 766-0797 And from as plans develop. The FBYC Event Chairman for this regatta is: Judy Buis H~(804) 358-9475 |
The preliminary schedule will include: Friday evening, July 11: Welcome Reception, Pre-Registration, Silent Auction Saturday, July 12: Registration & Skippers Breakfast |
Skippers will receive sailing instructions at registration. If sufficient yachts are registered, the classes may be subdivided and different courses designated for each subdivision as warranted to enhance the quality of racing. |
Each race is sanctioned as a separate event for CBYRA High Point awards. |