Date Event Name Docs Register by
01/29/10 Winter Program - Mike Aiken-Va Eye at 630pm
02/19/10 Bermuda High - Usrys at 630pm
03/20/10 Spring Clean up day
04/24/10 One Design Opening Day 2441-homepagebackground.gif
2455-One Design Opening Day Results.html
05/02/10 Stew Pot Regatta - SS1 2478-Standings.html
05/09/10 Mother's Day
05/16/10 Salsa Bowl Regatta - SS2 2490-Salsa Bowl Regatta - Results.pdf
05/22/10 Piankatank Regatta - SS3 2492-Results.pdf
05/23/10 Stove Point Regatta - SS4 2493-Results.pdf
2499-Series Standings.html
05/29/10 Rosegill Cruise - pls register under FB to Urbanna
05/31/10 Memorial Day
06/12/10 Opti and Laser Race Team
06/23/10 Parents Laser Race
07/03/10 Summer Seabreeze
07/04/10 Long Distance Race 2503-Flyer.pdf
07/31/10 Summer Seabreeze 2 2528-Final Standings-Revised.html
08/14/10 71st Annual One Design Regatta 2536-Amendment to NOR.doc
2544-SI - Amended (8-11-10).doc
Photos on Flickr - Spin Course Day 1
Photos on Facebook - Day 2
Photos on Flickr - Awards
Photos on Flickr - Non Spin course
08/20/10 76th Hampton One Design National Championships 2530-Notice of Race.doc
08/28/10 Deltaville Regatta - FS1 2570-Results.pdf
09/18/10 Low Country Boil Regatta - FS2 2571-Results.pdf
09/26/10 Chilly Chili Bowl - FS3 2577-Chilly Chili Bowl FS3.html
10/02/10 Indian Summer - Sail Against SIDS 2566-Program.doc
2583-Sail Against SIDS Opti Results.pdf
10/16/10 Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship Photos by Jon Deutsch
2589-Sailing Instructions.doc
2590-Day 1 Results.html
2591-Final Results.html
10/24/10 One Design Closing Day - FS4 2600-Results.pdf
2602-Final Standings.pdf
11/06/10 Annual Meeting at CCV Photos on Flickr
11/13/10 Fall Cleanup
11/20/10 US Sailing Judges Workshop and Test
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters