FBYC presents: Passage from Africa

Join FBYC club members David and Alison Lennarz as they recount their story of building a Balance 526
catamaran in St. Francis, on the Eastern Cape, South Africa, and sailing it across the South Atlantic last
summer. The journey of over 6,500 nautical miles took them to Cape Town; the British island, St.
Helena; and the Brazilian island, Fernando de Noronha, and ending in the Caribbean at Grenada.
Saturday Feb 25, 2023 from 4:30-7:00PM
Westwood Club 6200 West Club Lane, Richmond, VA
$20 per person both member and non-member
Light appetizers provided with a cash bar.
Registration deadline: Saturday, February 18, 2023
Register Here
Sponsored by: The Lindbloom Group of Janney Montgomery Scott