FBYC Fall Colors

The club was decked out in fall colors Sunday morning ahead of the One Design Frostbite Regatta.
Photo by Jon Deutsch
The club was decked out in fall colors Sunday morning ahead of the One Design Frostbite Regatta.
Photo by Jon Deutsch
The One Design Division ended the season with the frostbite regatta that wasn’t much of a frostbite. Sailors were treated to temps in the low 70s and winds that reached the double digits.
After waiting about an hour for the sea breeze – it came and gave the 10 ILCA, 3 Flying Scots and 2 Melges 15s 4 nice races.
The Flying Scot fleet saw each boat win a race with Ric and Sharon Bauer winning the tiebreaker race to the dock to win the day.
The ILCA Fleet saw Scott Adam, James Jacob, Mike Moore and Holly Sears mixing it up at the front of the fleet. James Jacob would win the day, followed by Scott Adam, Peter Ill …
We plan to start as soon as the racers get in roughly 2PM but no later than 3PM. You MUST register by Thursday 10/26 - see below.
Fabulous End of Season Event you don’t wish to miss. Reservations and tickets required—last chance to register is this Thursday at midnight 10/26. Remember that if you are sailing in the event you must register for the race in Regatta Network and purchase your tickets through the storefront here:
Racers: Click here to register on Regatta Network
Oyster Eaters: Click here to buy tickets
Bring a Shared Dish to assist in coordination and enter to win Top Billing by Type (feeds 6-8 people) Savories, Chili/Crockpot-type food or Dessert Click …
Country Club of Virginia (CCV) St. Andrews - Saturday, November 11, 2023
Photos by Paul Almany
Full photo gallery HERE
Junior Division
L. WOOD BEDELL TROPHY - for Opti - Levi Dalsaso (not present); Laser - Finn McKinster
ROBERTS BOWL - Opti: Sebastian Angus; Laser: William Sutten; 420: Justinus Petkauskas (not present) & Madeleine Garrett
REID A. DUNN TROPHY- Laser: Noah Wensell, C420: Justinus Petkauskas (not present) & Madeleine Garrett
JUNIOR COMPETITION TROPHY - Opti: Clark Garrett, Laser: Noah Wensell, C420: Bo Angus
CAROLINE COLLINS TROPHY - C420: Madeleine Garrett
YOUNG SALT TROPHY - Wyatt Call (not present)
UP AND COMING TROPHY - Parker Edwards (not …
Registration is now open. Remember that if you are sailing in the event you must register for the race in Regatta Network and purchase your tickets through the storefront here:
Racers: Click here to register on Regatta Network
Oyster Eaters: Click here to buy tickets (DEADLINE TO BUY TICKETS IS THURSDAY OCTOBER 26)
Bring a Shared Dish to assist in coordination and enter to win Top Billing by Type (feeds 6-8 people) Savories, Chili/Crockpot or Dessert CLICK HERE TO ENTER YOUR SIDE DISH
We are adding something new this year: A Members-Only Sailboat Stuff Swap Meet. We have reserved 6 parking places in the Fannies Lot for anyone interested in …
The High Point awards for the Spring Series have been compiled and congratulations to our winners - Len Guenther in the Flying Scot and Justinas Petkauskas in the Melges 15. Both fleets had 6 competitors each that sailed in at least 50% of the races over the 3 race series (a 4th day was canceled due to weather).
Congrats to all who participated!