Winter Program - Bob & Joan Handschumacher - Jan 30, 2004
Saturday January 17, 2004 10:08AM
Mary Mumford School 211 Westmoreland Avenue, Richmond
Extended Cruising with Limited Time & Resources
Please join us for an interesting presentation by Bob & Joan Handschumacher, sailing friends of Maggie and Wayland Rennie. The Handschumachers will share some recollections and visual documentation of a trip from Trinidad, up South American jungle rivers and down to the Amazon. Their presentation will also include their cruising in largely unexplored areas of the western Caribbean. They will intersperse some technical details that will be helpful to others who are dreaming of exotic cruises. Bob and Joan have almost 30 years and 40,000 miles of cruising experience including three Atlantic crossings, the Mediterranean, and the Pacific Northwest.
This 90 minute presentation will include an extensive audio-visual program and first hand accounts from these master sailors. Coffee and dessert will be served during a brief intermission. Please do not miss this exciting program and a chance to see your Fishing Bay friends.
Please contact Nancy or Sam Stoakley at (804) 754-1407 or to make your reservations. There will be a small charge of $5.00 per person, payable at the door, to defray costs. We look forward to seeing you there!