One Design SailorsGet An Early Start at HYC
Wednesday February 26, 2003 12:18AM
Schedule: Saturday, March 22
Registration 9:00amSkippers Meeting 10:00 am
Race # 1 11:00am
3 minute starting sequence, with as many races as we can fit in.
Beer Pitchers, soft drinks, and soup available for purchase in the upstairs lounge after sailing.
Governing Rules: Racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, US Sailing Prescriptions, Class Rules, and the Sailing Instructions (available at Registration).
Awards: Awards will be presented to top 3 finishers of each class, plus top Master and top Junior in the Laser class.
Entry Fee: $10 for US Sailing members, $15 for non-US Sailing members.
Housing: Limited housing is available with sufficient notice. Please contact Leigh Morgan at (757) 726-9640 if you need accommodations for Friday, March 21, and/or Saturday, March 22.
Contact Information: For more details, contact:
Tina Hazard (757)-498-1575
Leigh Morgan at (757) 726-9649