The 2003 Junior Program Has A Strong Start
Sunday February 2, 2003 09:34PM
Ruthanna Jenkins and the Junior Program Staff put on an entertaining and informative program Sunday, February 2 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the Scott home on St. Andrews Lane for a strong turnout. Juniors and their parents met this year's Club Volunteer StaffMelanie Crittenden-Race Chairperson, Kelly O'Toole-Social Chairperson, and Noel Clinard- Information Officer.
Ruthanna also introduced this year's two outstanding coachesMelanie Clore, Head Coach in charge of the 2003 program and Dan Herlihy, 420 Race Coach.
Melanie, who graduates this year with a Masters in English from UR has taught sailing at the Southern Yacht Club in New Orleans, in Marblehead, MA, Mission Bay Yacht Club in San Diego, and at Sail Caribbean in Tortola and St. Martins.
Dan, recently from Boston, is a two-time All American sailor from Dartmouth College where he teamed up with former FBYC junior Alice Nelson. He has extensive experience sailing in Buzzards Bay and surrounding New England waters.
Highlights of the program included a lesson in rigging a new 420 and Optimist. Will Crump presented an outstanding video of 420 technique "Competitive 420 Sailing" by Harken, which included scenes of former FBYC Junior Lucy Kupersmith. Check out Harken's web site for a good demo at HARKEN . An exciting addition to the program is the new Race Team option which, in addition to Junior Week, will include 5 additional days of instruction around two Junior Regattas "for juniors who want to take their sailing to a higher level."
Further information will be published in future Logs and posted on the website. Parents and juniors interested in participating or helping should contact Ruthanna Jenkins at