Year Book Omitted Power Boats

Strother Scott on

Club News

My sincere apologies to all Power Boat Owners.  In the work last year to transfer the member database to an online format, and the subsequent programming for the Yearbook documents, we made a little boo-boo, which caused all the Power Yachts to be omitted from the Yearbook.  Simply because we had the code "start=query_start" in a place where  it should not have been.  Beats me!!

But we have now fixed it -- You can see the Power Boat Register at, the entire Yacht Register, including Power Boats, at and in fact, the entire Membership Roster and Yacht Register at …

Offshore Spring Series #2 Results

Paul Wash on

Offshore Racing

Spring Series 2 was this past Sunday and it proved to be a great day of racing, sunshine, and wind for a total of 3 races. What started out as a potentially blustery morning with winds out of the NE in the high teens and chop to boot, followed the predictions and laid down and warmed up right at 11 AM. With winds in the 8-12 knot range, racing was on.IMG_2784

The Race Committee did a great job organizing fleets to maximize the number of races. 10 PHRF A/B started together. The new J70 fleet appeared for their second debut attracting 5 boats. PHRF C/NS started together for a total of 7 boats. The theme of the day …

18 New storage lockers to be ready by June 1

Ted Bennett on

Club News

Our old lockers on the side of the East Bathhouse go back to the 1960’s and are WELL past retirement age.

As a Club proj

ect 15 members donated from 1 to 3 days in constructing 18 new 4ft X 4ft lockers over a 4 day period last week. The lockers will have a $ 60 rental for the remainder of this year and an annual rental of $120. These lockers are designed to be as water tight as possible and keep out the larger critters such as mice. If you would like to help with finishing the doors, painting & shingles just let me know 804-516-1144. ( do need an airless paint sprayer)

Check out the construction and let Ted Bennett …

Offshore Spring Series #1 Results

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

3/13 FBYC Offshore Spring Series 1

Sunday's featured another perfect day of sailing with sunny skies, warm temperatures and steady winds out of the south at 10-18 knots.  3 races were sailed.


PHRF-A (5 boats)

  1. Double Eagle - Sam Mitchener
  2. Corryvreckan - David Clark
  3. Wavelength - Rob Whittet & Steve Utley

PHRF-B (5 boats)

  1. GOIN' - Dennis Hannick
  2. Mad Hatter - Bob Fleck
  3. Nereid - Eric Powers

PHRF-C (4 boats)

  1. Schiehallion - Brad Miller
  2. Cheeky Monkey - Paul Wash
  3. Play It Again - Sam Marshall

J/70 (3 boats)

  1. Inconceivable - Mike Karn
  2. Shazam - Walter Bundy
  3. Airspeed - David Hinkle


Attention All Families with Junior Sailors!

Mark Hayes on

Junior Activities

Don’t Miss the Boat!

On-line registration for Junior Division events will close on May 15!

There are only a few remaining spaces available for Opti Kids (June 7,8,14 & 15) and Junior Week (June 16-20); and these programs are expected to fill prior to May 15, so register today!

We also have four slots remaining on the Opti Development Team.

Registration will remain open for Fun Sail, Private Lessons, Commonwealth of Virginia (including Green Fleet Clinic) and Annual One-Design. Come out and join in the fun!

Click on for a detailed description of all Junior Programs, including the registration process.

Opening Day Results

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

We had a beautiful Opening Day with nice weather, good racing and a fun time had by all.  The racing was either a 12nm course or a 8nm course out to the entrance of the Rappahannock River and back.



PHRF-A (5 boats)

  1. Wavelength - Rob Whittet & Steve Utley
  2. Double Eagle - Sam Mitchener
  3. Chilcoot - Alex Alvis

PHRF-B (5 boats)

  1. GOIN' - Dennis Hannick
  2. Mad Hatter - Bob Fleck
  3. Bad Dog - Brad Davis

PHRF-C (5 boats)

  1. Schiehallion - Brad Miller
  2. Morningtide - Russ Collins
  3. Ardent - Denton Roberts

PHRF-Non-Spinnaker (3 boats)

  1. Red Sky - Doug Anderson
  2. Juggernaut - Mike Dale
  3. Onward - Jim Raper

J/70 (3 boats)

  1. Airspeed - David Hinckle
  2. Inconceivable - Mike Karn
  3. Cat's Pajamas - Drake Johnstone

Following the racing was the blessing of the …

Offshore Amendments Posted

Paul Wash on

Offshore Racing

Offshore Fleet:

Please be advised there are multiple amendments posted to both Opening Day and the Spring Series. You will find these amendments on the left side navigation of the specific event page under "Event Documents."

Jon Deutsch is US Sailing Hobie Polorized Sailor of the Month

Strother Scott on

Club News

US Sailing has selected FBYC member Jon Deutsch as their Hobie Polorized Sailor of the Month for April 2014.  Here's what they had to say:

The influence of social media as a common mainstream promotional tool for sports is at an all-time high. Sailors around the world are using social media to capture special moments on the water, from stunning visuals to regatta results. Perhaps, nobody knows the power of social media in the sport of sailing like Jon Deutsch (Richmond, Va.). Jon received the One-Design Award for Leadership at the Sailing Leadership Forum Awards Dinner, sponsored by Old Pulteney and hosted by the San Diego Sports Hall of Fame in February.

For the past nine years, Deutsch …

Offshore Sailing Events Links (Please Read)

Paul Wash on

Offshore Racing
Offshore Fleet:
Due to the distribution delay regarding the Sailing Events books, we are providing links to the 2014 NORs and Sailing Instructions. We will also provide printed copies as needed Saturday and Sunday. We will post a courtesy announcement to this effect on the official notice board below Fannie's porch. Please spread the word especially to racers who do not originate at club slips and require this information.
Appendices (Marks & Courses):

Publication Delays: Sailing Events, Year Book & Log

Keith B Hennessey on

Club News
The 2014 Sailing Events Book and Year Book, along with the April issue of THE LOG, have been delayed.  Expect to see THE LOG in your mail this Wednesday or Thursday. The Sailing Events book and the Year Book (mailed in a wrapper as one) will go in the mail by Friday, and you should receive them by early next week.
We sincerely regret this delay and any inconvenience it may have caused you. 
Meg Rock
Nica Waters
Doug Anderson
Ted Bennett

Bermuda High Party Photos

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

Photos from the Bermuda High Party.  Thanks again to Paul and Julie Ann Wash for hosting!





More Bermuda High Party Photos

FBYC J70's Campaigning in Winter Series

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

This weekend is the final weekend of the J/70 Winter Series at Davis Island Yacht Club.  FBYC boats Loonatictu (Noel Clinard) and Nostalgia (Blake/Lud Kimbrough) have been competitng there this winter.   Loonatictu is currently in 4th in the Corinthian fleet going into this weekend.

From the J/Newsletter:

Quantum J/70 Winter Series- Act III Preview
(Tampa, FL)- This coming weekend, the third and final act of the popular 2014 Quantum J/70 Winter Series takes place on Tampa Bay, hosted by the “sailingest yacht club in the south”- Davis Island YC.  From March 28th to 30th, the grand finale for forty-one J/70s determines not only the regatta winner, but the winner of the …

CHANGE OF DATE: Spring Clean-Up Day - April 5th!

Keith B Hennessey on

Clubhouse News
Change of Date for Spring Clean-Up Day
New Date:  Saturday, April 5, 2014
Due to the weather forecast for this Saturday, Spring Clean-Up Day has been moved to April 5th.  All other times and locations remain the same!
We will gather in the main Clubhouse for coffee and refreshments at 8:30 a.m. and lunch will be provided after clean-up around noon.
On the agenda will be mulching, pruning, planting and raking.  We will also be working on the new storage lockers. Registration can be made by clicking here or you can contact Ken Odell by email at or cell 804-241-6080 if you plan to volunteer.
Thank you!

Schooner Virginia visits Deltaville

Jim Rogers on


Come visit Virginia at Fishing Bay Harbor Marina and tour this historic recreation of the last all-sail vessel used by the Virginia Pilot Association.

Free Public Deck Tours

  • Saturday, April 26, 10am - 4pm
  • Sunday April 27, 10am - 2pm

Evening Sunset Sail April 26, 6pm - 8pm

Afternoon Sail April 27, 3pm - 5pm

Sail Tickets: $50 per person

Virginia Port Visit Schedule at 

Welcome Cruisers Party: April 6

Ted Bennett on

Cruising News

Welcome all cruisers AND all “Wannabe” cruisers to our opening social event!

There is a cocktail party with heavy hors d’oeuvres on Sunday April 6, from 6 to 9 PM, at the home of Ted & Myra Bennett – 1787 South Dover Pointe Rd. , Richmond VA 23238. All food with wine, beer and soft drinks provided – All you need to do is register by Tue April 2.

We will be covering the up coming cruising season and enjoying the company of new and established cruising sailors. Call Ted Bennett (804) 516-1144 if you have any questions.

Welcome to the 2014 Offshore Season

Paul Wash on

Offshore Racing

Welcome to the 2014 FBYC Offshore Season! With the Spring Equinox (March 20th) just around the corner and Opening Day in a month, it’s high time we sent out information highlighting important items of note. First, I wanted to introduce your 2014 Offshore Leaders and their respective responsibilities.

Bob Fleck (Offshore Div. Lt. Cmdr.): Bob is responsible specifying how scores should be collected, checking accuracy of scores, and uploading those scores for all to view on the FBYC website.

Bonnie Black (Offshore Div. Race Chair): Responsible for staffing PROs and Race Committees for our offshore club events.

Gregory Watt (Spinnaker Fleet Captain): Acts as a representative and advocate of the spinnaker fleet. Acts as spinnaker fleet safety officer. Generates …

Opening Day Celebration, is just 5 weeks away!

Jon Deutsch on

Social Events
FBYC 75th
April 12th, Opening Day Celebration, is just 5 weeks away!
This is our 75th Anniversary!  Help us start the year with style, great fun, true fellowship, and camaraderie.
Please, mark your calendars for Saturday, April 12, beginning at 5 PM with the Blessing of the Fleet. We will have food, refreshment, music and some fun historical elements to harken back to earlier times, in celebration of our 75th anniversary.  
If you have recently joined the Club, this is a great time to meet fellow sailors.  Come with your most impressive yachting blazers and bling, or as you are.  Every club member and their guests are not just welcome, but strongly encouraged to come …

FBYC Spring Race Team Opens Season!

Mark Hayes on

Junior Activities

Nine intrepid juniors braved the icy-37 degree-water to open the 2014 sailing season at Fishing Bay on March 8th and 9th.  The team is coached by professional coach David Tunnicliffe, who drilled the team on starts, mark roundings, boat speed and other racing skills.  The team will practice or race through May on most week ends.  For more information, contact the Parent Coordinator, Bo Bragg, at

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters