Get ready for another awesome summer of sailing - FBYC's Junior Programs, including Opti-Kids, Junior Week, Development Team and Race Teams are now open for registration!
We plan a server update this weekend for and it is possible there might be an hour or 2 on Friday night or Saturday morning when the site is down.
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Feb 23 - One Day Club Race Management Seminar (Training) Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - Please check out and register for one of the off-season events. These include the One Day Race Management seminar, an Evening with Charlie Enright, and the Bermuda High Party. You can see these events on the Club Event Page by clicking here. - The Clubhouse will be closed for floor and furniture refinishing beginning February 11. We plan on locking the second floor out for up to thirty days to ensure the finished has …
Come join us as Charlie Enright shares his amazing journey--from "movie star" in Disney's Morning Light to skipper in the Volvo Ocean Race - the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world. This program has something for everyone, including racers, juniors, cruisers, parents, grandparents, and fans of sailing.
As a part of a special effort to attract new members, you can invite prospective members for free! We have allocated ten tickets that you can offer to friends you would like to join the club. Simply email Karen Soule ( with the names and email addresses of the people you'd like to invite.
Any member can invite up to two people. The first FBYC members to email …
$60 Registration Fee includes breakfast, lunch, course materials, and access to on line testing for certification for 4 weeks after seminar
This is a race management seminar for Prospective Club* Level Race Officers and other Race Committee (RC) team members looking to contribute to club racing at a higher level.
The Race Officer Certification program strives to:
Make racing more enjoyable by improving the quality of race management
Standardize race management practice to benefit competitors and RC members
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Feb 9 - Commodore's Cocktail Party (Board) Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Mar 30 - Bermuda High Party (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - Winter weather comes and goes these days. Please be careful and watch for ice when driving to the Club, walking the grounds, or strolling the docks. We'll always clear and treat the pathways and porches. But we cannot effectively treat the docks or the roads and they can remain icy for days. - Register NOW for the Winter speaker program (Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright) and for the Winter social (Mar 30 - Bermuda High). You can …
Milford Haven Coast Guard station is 3.4 nm from Fishing Bay. The 22 Coasties there, and throughout the country, are critical to every sailor and mariner who ventures out on the water.
To support these fine men and women during the government shutdown, FBYC and Mathews Yacht Club have joined together to give them a “family night out” at The Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad Chili Cook-Off. This fund raising event will be held on Saturday, February 2 at the Piankatank Ruritan Club from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. Both our clubs are buying tickets to send these station members and their families to the event.
If you’re local, why not attend as well to support multiple great …
Come join us as Charlie Enright shares his amazing journey--from "movie star" in Disney's Morning Light to skipper in the Volvo Ocean Race - the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world. This program has something for everyone, including racers, juniors, cruisers, parents, grandparents, and fans of sailing.
As a part of a special effort to attract new members, you can invite prospective members for free! We have allocated ten tickets that you can offer to friends you would like to join the club. Simply email Karen Soule ( with the names and email addresses of the people you'd like to invite.
Any member can invite up to two people. The first FBYC members to email …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Feb 9 - Commodore's Cocktail Party (Board) Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - The winter storm came and went without any issues around the Club. We salt the pathways and porches. But please be mindful of slippery surfaces when you visit during the winter - particularly the docks. - We will be refinishing the floors of the Clubhouse's second floor in early February. We plan on locking the second floor out for thirty days to ensure the finished has cured completely. - Please volunteer for one of the many races or social events in 2019. The schedule is …
Come join us as Charlie Enright shares his amazing journey--from "movie star" in Disney's Morning Light to skipper in the Volvo Ocean Race - the longest and toughest professional sporting event in the world. This program has something for everyone, including racers, juniors, cruisers, parents, grandparents, and fans of sailing.
As a part of a special effort to attract new members, you can invite prospective members for free! We have allocated ten tickets that you can offer to friends you would like to join the club. Simply email Karen Soule ( with the names and email addresses of the people you'd like to invite.
Any member can invite up to two people. The first FBYC members to email …
We now have self-administered online Classified at and Members are invited to use the webtool to post listings in any of the following categories
Boats for Sale,
Boats Wanted,
Boat Equipment,
Accommodations near Deltaville,
Recommended Services or
Miscellaneous categories.
Postings can include up to 5 photographs and automatically expire in 30, 60 or 180 days. Today we fixed a small defect re expiration, and I have reset the expiration date of 4-5 expired postings to Feb 15. The following: Laser for Sale, - Alex MacKinnon, Ultra Anchor swivel for sale- Chris Lindbloom, 1.5" Hose and 55 pound Delta Anchor - Garland Gray are asked to edit their previously expired postings to extend the date or delete …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Wed, Feb 27 - Presenting Charlie Enright, Volvo Ocean Racer (Social) Sat, Apr 6 - Offshore Training Day (Offshore) Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - The weather has been a mixed bag. But we're finding plenty to do. improvements continue as all worn ceiling fans have been replaced under the porches. Repair, improvement, and upgrade projects have been scheduled around the Club. Please be mindful of work areas when you visit. - Registration for our winter program is open. Sign up now to see Charlie Enright on Wednesday, February 27. See more by clicking here. - I will be onsite daily during the week during the Off-Season. You can find my contact information on the …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Wed, Feb 27 - New Year's Day Sat, Apr 13 - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and wish all a happy 2019. - Just announced - FBYC presents Volvo Ocean Racer Charlie Enright on Wednesday, February 27 at the Richmond Omni. The program opens at 6:30 PM and tickets are $25. See more by clicking here. - Please be advised, all Club boats (Committee boats, Coach boats, Flying Scots, 420's, Lasers, and Optis) are unavailable for use during the off season for safety, security, and maintenance purposes. - I will be onsite daily during the week during the Off-Season. You can find my contact information on the website …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Tue, Jan 1 - New Year's Day Thu, Feb 14 - GM Returns from vacation Sat, Apr 13 (2019) - Opening Day
This Week’s Update: - I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season! Be sure to visit the Sint Maarten Yacht Club and see our burgee if you're there (or their website here). The islands are nice this time of year. But I'm happy to be home & back at Fishing Bay. My thanks go to Eric for being on-site daily and keeping the Club together. - There isn't much on the calendar for now. Stay posted for Winter program announcements, new events, and Club improvements. - In the meantime, the offseason can be used to brush up on …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club held its Annual Meeting and Awards Party on Saturday, November 17th at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond. The following is a list of all of the trophies and recipients that were awarded at the Commonwealth Club.
This year the awards were started off with a special award for Achievement in International Junior Competition. This award is to recognize an FBYC Junior who not only qualified for Team USA, but finished 5th overall in the 2018 Optimist World Championship in Cypress. This sailor is the first junior from our club to reach this top level of competition and we are glad to recognize Tommy Sitzman with this award.
If you donated to the East Dock Fund, you are hereby requested to verify that your name appears on the Donor List. If you donated but your name does not appear, or if there is a spelling or other error, please immediately notify David Lennarz via email at