Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Wake up, sleepyheads!  DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME began yesterday!!

PHRF WEBSITE UP AND READY – Register to apply/renew rating, check out the NEW Safety Equipment Requirements (adopted by PHRF of the Chesapeake) and more.  Go to the PHRF home page, www.phrfchesbay.org  and click on the appropriate topic.  You can apply for your rating, get info on the “Equipment Compliance Certificate” (you self-certify as in the past, but the category titles are different and so are the requirements), and you can pay at the site. The new Safety Equipment Requirements have been developed by US Sailing and come as a result of recent tragic accidents that occurred within the past year or two. PHRF of …

Boater Card Course: LAST CALL!

Jane Cutler on

Club News

LAST CALL FOR VA Boater Card Course on March 22


Virginia Boater Course

Event: Virginia Boater Card Course
Location: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Main Clubhouse, Second Floor
Time: 8:30 am until completion of examination
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2014 
Registration: www.fbyc.net or click here.

This year’s course will again be held at the clubhouse and will be conducted by Flotilla 66 of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.  As of  July 31st of 2014, the Commonwealth of Virginia will mandate that in order to operate a vessel powered by a motor of 10 HP or greater, all operators 45 years of age and younger will be required to have taken and …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Leukemia Cup to Host Gary Jobson in Richmond on March 16.  The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society kicks off its 2014 Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta season in March with a Richmond appearance by world-class sailor and ESPN commentator, Gary Jobson.Jobson will present his candid behind-the-scenes commentary on the spectacular America’s Cup comeback by Team Oracle over Team New Zealand in the Cup races held last September on San FranciscoBay. As National Chairman of the Leukemia Cup Regattas and himself a Leukemia survivor, Jobson will also offer some valuable fundraising tips for area sailors planning to participate in the upcoming 16th Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta in Deltaville in July. The program is free and open to …

Website Picture Changes

Strother Scott on

Club News

We have some new image features on the website.  

  • When you use the image upload feature with new News Postings (like this entry)- it automatically rescales images to a "web-friendly" sized image.  The 2.6MB picture of Mr Roberts was huge - 3504x2336px  - once it is uploaded it is reduced 600px max. Therefore there is no need for the person posting to fiddle with the image size - unless they wish to use the handles to drag the picture even smaller.
  • If you go to the Visitor Info link on our website - http://www.fbyc.net/Visitor/Photos  there are new links under Photos on the left sidebar to our Flickr Sets http://www.fbyc.net/Visitor/Photos/FlickrSets …

Register now for our summer Junior Programs

Doug Bendura on

Junior Activities

All Families with Junior Sailors:

 Our highly popular summer Junior Programs are filling up fast!  If you have a junior interested in one of our programs now is the time to sign up!

 Beginning March 1st we begin accepting non- members and cannot guarantee space for members!

All the information needed to register can be found here.

FBYC to Host Gary Jobson in Richmond-March 16

Keith B Hennessey on

Leukemia Cup

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society kicks off its 2014 Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta season in March with a Richmond appearance by world-class sailor and ESPN commentator, Gary Jobson. The program is free
and open to the public. It will be held at St. Catherine's School, 6001 Grove Avenue, Richmond, on Sunday afternoon, March 16, 3-5 pm. Voluntary donations of any amount will be appreciated to help the LLS defray expenses of the event.

Space is limited and reservations are strongly advised by emailing Debbie Bridwell, LLS Senior Campaign Manager, at Debbie.Bridwell@lls.org or telephone 804-673-5690.  Please don't delay making your reservations if you plan on attending this  event as demand is very likely to …

US Sailing One Design Leadership Award

Mike Toms on

ILCA Logo - Small

Last week Jon Deutsch was in San Diego at the US Sailing One Design Leadership Forum.  At the awards ceremony he received US Sailing's 2013 One Design Leadership award for his excelence in Laser Fleet building and regatta organizing.

From US Sailing:

2/6 my acceptance speechSAN DIEGO, Calif. (February 12, 2014) – Last Thursday night at the Sailing Leadership Forum Awards Dinner, sponsored by Old Pulteney and hosted by the San Diego Sports Hall of Fame, US Sailing, along with Leadership Forum attendees recognized the outstanding individual and organizational achievements in training, community and one-design sailing, including the presentation of the Old Pulteney Maritime Heroes Award.

Leadership Award - Jon Deutsch (Richmond, Va.)
For the past nine years, Deutsch has been the …

SAVE THE DATE!! May 24, 2014

Matt Braun on

Club News

Memorial Day 2014 - Open House Regatta

During our 75th anniversary year, it is only fitting to open our club to the entire sailing community for a fun, all-hands-on-deck party. This year we are planning a new event which invites all members and guests to come experience our warm hospitality. This event will feature a fun, handicap race around government marks near the Fishing Bay clubhouse, followed by a a raft up and catered picnic-style social with live entertainment. Offshore, cruising, juniors and one-design sailors are encouraged to participate, and introduce someone new to our club and the wonderful access to the the water we provide.

Save the date: May 24, 2014
All boats and members are invited to race (see …

FBYC Member on Epic Voyage

Jere Dennison on

Cruising News

Briana and David aboard Tusitala.JPG

Perhaps many members are unaware that one of our members has been on an ambitious adventure that includes sailing from San Francisco down the coast of California and Mexico into Central America. Currently Briana Moseley and boyfriend David are in Costa Rica preparing to embark on a voyage to the Galapagos and eventually to Australia aboard Tusitala, a 47-foot wooden sloop designed and built by Briana’s grandfather during the 1950s. Tusitala, as some will remember, was formerly a fixture at FBYC when owned by Briana’s Dad, Jack Moseley.

Now it is possible for anyone to live vicariously through this adventuresome couple by virtue of their internet blog entitled Tusitala Sailing located at tusitalasailing.com. The blog is filled …

FBYC Junior Program Registration Opens February 1

Doug Bendura on

Junior Activities

 Summer Program Registration Opens February 1!

 All Families with Junior Sailors:

 Registration for Opti Kids, Junior Week and our race teams opens this Saturday February 1! Member Preference ends March 1and registration closes May 15th.

 Parents are encouraged to seek guidance from the Junior Division staff in selecting the class that is best suited to their child. FBYC has taken care to develop a program that fills the needs of a wide range of ages and skill levels.  It is important that parents work with staff to properly place their children in the most appropriate class to avoid frustration on the part of the child and disruption to the class.  If you are …


Matt Braun on

Club News

Embark on a Lifetime of Sailing Enjoyment...

This year Fishing Bay Yacht Club will offer superior sailing instruction that will allow participants get started on the right course. Whether you're traveling abroad, or just down to the club, this program help get someone you know started.  All of us know someone who has said "I would love to learn to sail" now they can at FBYC.  We are proud to offer a US Sailing Keelboat Certification class through Premier Sailing and US Sailing.  As the national governing association for sailing US Sailing only accredit only the top schools in the country. US Sailing has been serving sailors since 1897, and has certified more than 44,000 members. The mission …

Key West 3rd Place: Nanuq

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

Congrats to Nanuq on their 3rd place finish at Quantum Key West Race Week in PHRF-2.


Bermuda High Party

Jon Deutsch on

Social Events

The end of winter is just around the corner...

Time to don your Bermuda shorts and sundresses and come party!

Saturday March 22, 6:00 p.m.

Julie Ann and Paul Wash's home
4106 Park Avenue
Richmond, Va 23221

$15 members, $20 non-members

Registration Here.

Adding Images in New posts

Strother Scott on

Club News

When you post a new News Entry, you will notice that the thee rows of Icons above the window where you type have morphed into one row of menus with down arrows and two rows of icons.  This layout is thought to be more advanced, modern, and cleaner. In the bottom row of icons there is a new Image Upload Icon (the green arrow) for adding an image to your posting without dealing with either Flickr or some other image URL. If you click that icon, you will be asked to Browse your hard drive to select the image to post. 

Once you put the image in the window, it will likely be huge, and I have noticed …


Keith B Hennessey on

SBR News You Can Use

There are three special seminars coming to the southern Bay area  this coming Spring.

These seminars will be of interest to your members who are involved in, or want to become involved in, race committee duties, protest hearings and rules interpretations, and/or who sail the Bay in a cruising fashion (Near Shore Safety at Sea).

 ***Sunday, February 16, 2014   US SAILING ONE-DAY RACE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR – at Hampton Yacht Club, Hampton Virginia.  This is for US Sailing Race Officer certification, re-certification, brushing up on race committee skills, and/or developing race committee knowledge.  The course will be led by John McCarthy, US Sailing National Judge, Regional Race Officer, and certified course instructor.  Cost …


Keith B Hennessey on

SBR News You Can Use


You may go ON LINE to enter and/or pay your entry fee and you can get additional regatta info at www.yachtscoring.comAlso, the preliminary NOR is posted already for racers’ convenience. If you prefer to use a PAPER ENTRY FORM  for SBRW 2014, go to  www.yachtscoring.com, click on Additional Event Documents, print the form, fill it in, and mail it to the address shown.  If you have any difficulties entering, please DO CONTACT Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225 or email mcbear@earthlink.net   At SBRW the  racers are the top priority.

2013 Southern Bay Race Week Photo #1

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters