Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

THANKSGIVING is this coming Thursday, November 22nd!

Heap high the board of plenteous cheer, and gather to the feast,

And toast the sturdy Pilgrim band whose courage never ceased.

From The First Thanksgiving Day, by Alice Brotherton

Winter Warnings:  Sure, every racer knows that sailing in cold weather on cold water requires special gear and extra care.  There is one other thing to check – your insurance policies. No joke – some companies require special riders for coverage of winter sailing and/or racing.  Check yours before you go.

FROSTBITE SUNDAY #4.  It was cold, but there was wind (gusts in the 20s), and 10 boats made it around the course in Hampton Roads.  …

2012 Perpetual Trophy Recipients

Mary Spencer on


Fishing Bay Yacht Club held its Annual Meeting and Awards Party on November 10, 2012 at the Westhampton location of the Country Club of Virginia in Richmond, VA. The following is a list of all of the 2012 recipients of the club's perpetual trophies.

HENRY E. HUTCHESON, JR. MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the Optimist skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas and intra-club races. Hannah Steadman

COMMODORES' BOWL – awarded on an alternating year basis to the outstanding Offshore or One Design skipper in FBYC sponsored sailing events for the year based on performance and participation. (2012-One Design) John B. Wake, Jr.

BLANTON BOWL – awarded to the Laser skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

This coming Sunday, November 11th, is VETERANS DAY - time to remember and honor all of ours!

At the FBYC Laser Frostbite Regatta yesterday 9 brave Laser racers struck out in the cold and damp.  They got in 5 races before they came to their senses.  Jon Deutsch, from host club FBYC, won the day with a string of  2-5-1-1-1, followed by  Hampton Roads sailors Neil Ford (HYC) ( 1-3-3-3-2), and Robert Suhay (4-2-2-2-3), who were  2nd and 3rd overall respectively.  Principal Race Officer Lud Kimbrough and his committee tussled with shifty, fluky North and West winds to make it happen.

At the J/70 Fall Brawl hosted this past weekend at Eastport Yacht Club (Annapolis …

2012 Laser Frostbite Regatta Results

Jon Deutsch on

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Fishing Bay Yacht Club finished up their sailing season with Laser Fleet hosting the frostbite regatta.  9 hardy sailors came out for 5 races in light winds that shifted between west and north. With short, double lap, modified windward leeward courses there were plenty of opportunities to pass. The key to the day was really looking up the course and getting in the best position to get the best new wind.


1st for the day was Jon Deutsch (FBYC) finishing the day with 3 bullets.  But it wasn't a walk in the park for Jon, Neil Ford came back in the last race to get within a foot of Jon at the finish in an attempt to …

Final Reminder - Annual Meeting and Awards Party

Mary Spencer on


Annual Meeting and Awards Party

Saturday, November 10, 2012
The Country Club of Virginia
Westhampton Club House
6031 St. Andrews Lane

Richmond, VA

A slide show of all 2012 sailing events will be shown continuously on the Club’s big screen. After dinner, dance the night away to the smooth sounds of Rosetta Stone. Music provided by Bruce Sullivan and Rosetta Stone.

6:00-6:30 Annual Meeting
6:30-7:00 Social gathering and cocktails
7:00-8:00 Dinner with one complementary glass of wine
8:00-9:00 Awards and dessert

Adults $50.00
Children 12 and under $15.00 (Children’s Menu)
****Cash Bar Only****
****Reservations required by November 5, 2012****

Dinner Menu:
Baby greens with sliced saga bleu, toasted walnuts, roasted …

FBYC gets top billing in the new Scots N' Water

John Beery on

Flying Scots
Dave Batchelor, an old friend from NC, raced in our AOD this past summer, and having been caught in our storm, he wrote a wonderfully descriptive recap of his experiences titled "An Adventure At Fishing Bay Yacht Club Invitational". Of particular interest, is the praise he heaped on all of the recovery efforts by the club's race management. There also is a beautiful wide-angle picture of the Scots with the menacing storm in the background. As I don't have permission to reprint the article, I encourage all club members who don't receive the magazine to borrow a copy of this issue (Volume 56 Number 4 2012).


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Hurricane Sandy is, at this moment, off the Virginia Capes.  Wind, rain, and flooding are serious concerns all around the southern Bay area.  Stay safe.  Hopefully, we can all resume our passion NEXT weekend.  Right now, Hurricane Sandy continues to be a challenge for all.


Ghost and goblins come out this week – HALLOWEEN is Wednesday.

ALL PHRF RACERS – IMPORTANT DATE, November 17, 2012, Annual PHRF of the Chesapeake Meeting in Fredericksburg, VA, at the Hilton Garden Inn. There are proposals on the table: 1. Fleet Splits (includes changes to Region 4 (Southern Bay) NORTH Division A and B fleet splits); 2.Revision …

Race OFF / Oyster Roast ON

Mary Spencer on

Club News

Race OFF / Oyster Roast ON

The Offshore Pursuit/ Distance race scheduled for Saturday, October 27, has been canceled. This will allow Dixon and those of us with boats on the property to prepare for "Frankenstorm."

The oyster roast will be held at the clubhouse at 1:00 pm. Please bring a side dish.

An awards presentation will be made at this event for the Fall Series and Distance Series races.

Alex Alvis, Commodore

Hurricane Sandy Expected to Adversely Affect FBYC

George Burke on

Club News

Although the track of hurricane Sandy remains uncertain at this time, the possibility that this storm will deliver a major blow to the Chesapeake Bay is increasingly likely. All FBYC members are advised to begin their storm preparations as soon as possible. Members are also reminded that they, not FBYC, are responsible for securing their boats and personal property on club premises. For information and advice on how to effect proper storm preparation, please see FBYC Fleet Captain and Safety Officer Matt Braun's article on storm preparation recommendations recently posted at the website.


Offshore racers are advised that they will receive an update on Saturday race plans &/or cancellation at the website no later than friday evening …

Closing Day Regatta and Oyster Roast

Mike Chesser on

Club News

Our Closing Day Regatta, on Saturday, Oct 27th, will end another great year of Offshore racing and give us an opportunity to celebrate with our annual Oyster Roast after the racing, so please plan to come out and join us.  The club will provide the oysters and beer, which we'll begin preparing as soon as we  get the boats back to the docks.  We will have a few dogs and burgers for those that don't eat oysters, but as is the tradition, we ask everyone to please bring a favorite dish to share.  (You can drop those at the Clubhouse in the morning if you would like.)  Don't forget your gloves and oyster knives!

In addition …

Only One Dog in this Picture

Jere Dennison on

Club News
Miss USA at Holly Point 2012.jpg FBYC members Bob & Arlene Kates report that Miss USA, Whitney Miller from Corpus Christi, Texas, recently visited her parents currently living aboard a boat in Deltaville. On a tour of the Deltavile Maritime Museum & Holly Point Nature Park, Miss Miller graciously agreed to pose for a picture with the Kates' dog "Buddy." (Happily the 'No Dogs Allowed' rule on Club premises does not apply to our website!) Note the FBYC emblem on the car in the background.

Swan Song Cruise of the 2012 Season

Gordon Cutler on

Cruising News

Cutler -Sunset at Cape Charles_13OCT2012.JPG Andy Soyars’s superb planning for the 2012 Cruising Season appears to have perfectly satisfied our need to be on the water during the season, with 4 boats and 2 boats, respectively, for the final 2 Captain’s Choice cruises on September 28-30 and October 14-16 (traditionally the date of our final dinner).  

After consultation between the 2 boats -- Tender Mercies and Pharaos (Ted Bennett/Roger Gaby) -- revealed a desire for one last trip to Onancock, Tender Mercies set off a day early on Friday so that Jane could get in some Saturday shopping at the gourmet kitchen store.  

The forecast NW winds were actually almost due N at 0-10º M, which produced a rollicking ride at about a 50-60º …

Pump Out Station Closed

Mary Spencer on

Club News

The pump out station at FBYC has a maintenance issue and will be closed until the parts have arrived for repair. Estimated time 7-10 days.

Brad Miller, Docks Chair

Fall Clean-Up Day - November 17th

Mary Spencer on

Club News

FBYC Fall Clean-Up Day
Saturday, November 17th

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, November 17, at 9:00 am, we will have our annual FALL CLEAN-UP of the Club Grounds. We will gather in the Main Clubhouse around 8:30 am for coffee and task assignments. Usual tasks include leaf raking, mulching and pruning. Bring your favorite yard tool or use ours. All ages welcome! Complimentary lunch will be served around Noon. To sign up, email me direct at odellken@aol.com, call my cell 804-241-6080 or register online at http://www.fbyc.net. See you on the 17th.
Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman

31st Chesapeake Masters Championship Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

With 45 Lasers, good wind and great help on the race committee and in the kitchen, we couldn't have asked for a better weekend at the 31st Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship.  John MacCausland from Cooper River Yacht Club came away the overall winner of the 7 race series.  John bested masters sailors in various age groups, all over the age of 35, hailing from MI, MA, NY, NJ, OH, PA, VA, NC, MD, and Washington DC.

Racing got off to a slow start on Saturday when the competitors drifted to the race course in a light northerly.  3 hours and a couple blown off starts later the wind finally settled in from the east at 6-8 knots allowing us …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Jon Deutsch won the Laser District 12 Championships in Columbia, SC, this past week.  And, from there he went on the handle event chairman duties at the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championships, hosted at Fishing Bay Yacht Club on Saturday and Sunday.   Forty-five (45) sailed in the two day, 7 races event.  Apprentices (35-44), Masters (45-54), Grand Masters (55-64), and Great Grand Masters(65+)  came from far and near.  Laser racers arrived from Michigan, Massachusetts, New York , New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maryland, Washington DC, and of course, Virginia.  TOP TEN OVERALL: 1. John MacCausland-CRYC (M); 2.Gavin O’Hare-Eastport YC (A); 3.Mike Schmidt-Magothy River YC (M); 4.Henry Amthor …

43 Laser Masters Sailing at FBYC This Weekend

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

Over 43 Laser Masters sailors are set to take part in the 31st Laser Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this weekend.  That should be an attendance record for a non-ACC event at FBYC going back to the early 90’s.  This year we have boats hailing from MI, MA, NY, NJ, OH, PA, VA, NC, MD, and Washington DC.

This afternoon the sailors arrived and some went for practice while 20 sailors met for a pot-luck dinner at the club.

Tomorrow’s forecast calls for 8-12 knots with sunny skies and temperatures in the upper 50’s to lower 60’s.  It should be beautiful weather for racing.

Saturday's schedule will have registration & check-in …

2012 FS Wife Husband Championships

John Beery on

Flying Scots

Sharon and John Wake just returned from Alabama and a very nice performance (5th) in this years Wife/Husband Championships. 


This is a great event and John's recap (see below) brought back memories of some 25 years ago when my wife Yvonne and I ventured out to Lake Cowan to sail in the inaugural event (which was held in conjunction with the 30th Anniversary Regatta).  I remember we were shocked to sail in 20-25 kt conditions on Day 1 and 16 kts for Day 2.  You just don't ever expect that on a small inland lake in the Summer.   On Friday, we had the honor of corralling Sandy Douglas into having lunch with us and in the course …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters