FBYC Race Teams Chill in New England!

August 29-31 FBYC will host the 20th Annual Stingray Point Regatta and all FBYC members are invited to participate Stingray Point Regatta night dinner Saturday, August 30. Asocial/dinner only sign up page is now available here. This is great opportunity to meet and mingle at the club, enjoy a wonderful catered meal and party with live music for a very attractive price, so whether you are racing or not please join us Saturday evening at the main club house. Details & signup here.
On the menu Saturday:
Stingray Point Regatta Competitor Registration remains unchanged, so go to www.stingraypointregatta.org and jump over …
Attention offshore fleet…
This Saturday, August 23rd, is the annual Smith Point race. The first warning is at 1400 and the full notice of race can be found here. In addition to a great race, we hope you will join us for a delicious brunch on Sunday morning at 1000. The menu features:
Cost is $7 per person, payable that morning.
This is our 3rd annual induction to the Smith Point Crab Society. Eligibility to this society (shrouded by secrecy) is simple – the skipper who sails Saturday and who has participated in the most Smith Point Races and finished is treated to free breakfast …
ATTENTION! Please note that the One Design Open House regatta scheduled for Saturday, August 23rd has been cancelled. Please contact Matt Braun matt.braun@thalhimer.com if you have any questions.
The Legacy of Sail regatta will continue as planned on Sunday, August 24th. Please sign up today if you plan on competing.
August 9, while various club members were parking cars for Annual One Design, five boats ventured out for the race to Cape Charles. (Ishky Baha, Nanuq, Nereid, Orion, and Trilogy). With winds forecasted to be light, we agreed to start from G3 off Milford Haven. We all anchored with our mains up. At 930 hours, we raised anchors and sailed off to Cape Chuck. We all jockeyed for position trying different sail configurations: wing and wing port side, jibe and try the other. After an hour of top notch sailing, we had moved north about ½ mile. Nye a breath yet there was a current. Things turned around when the iron lungs came out and our minds shifted from sailing to …
The Trophy Committee will receive nominations until October 8th for the following perpetual trophies to be awarded at the Annual Awards Party in November.
PIANKATANK TROPHY – Recognizes the FBYC skipper who most exemplifies the principle that “all is not lost until the boat sinks.”
MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL – Recognizes a member of FBYC for an outstanding contribution to sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.
COMPETITION TROPHY – Recognizes a member of FBYC who is the skipper of an enrolled offshore or one-design boat and who most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. Nominations should consider the character (local, regional, national) of events entered and …
Team Nostalgia and FBYC's Invitational Cup team will be hosting a J70 clinic at Fishing Bay on Sunday, August 24th. We are also pleased to announce that Chris Larson, 1997 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year, will be our head coach.
This will be a tremendous opportunity to gain knowledge, hone your team's skills, and elevate your program for rest of the year...What better way to get tuned up before Stingray Point Regatta, Worlds and/or the J70 Chesapeake Champs!
Tentative Sunday schedule will be as follows:
This is intended to be an open invite event …
The weather wasn't the best for sailing on Saturday, but more than made up for it on Sunday. Thanks to the competitors, volunteers, race officials, parents and every one else for making our 75th Annual Regatta a great weekend!
East Course Photos | Awards Photos
Here are the results and some of the winners.
Read Rob Whittemore's Write Up from the fleet here.
18 Boats - Results
13 Boats - Results
Well if you weren’t there you missed a great (and challenging) regatta.
Unfortunately, the travelers did not turn out the way they have in recent years. Do not worry they will be here for ACC’s! The good news is that we had a ton of club scots out on the water. It was great to see so many club boats out on the water. This was a great turn up for ACC’s in September as we will be racing in the same area.
Day 1:
After a fairly long wait, we got in one tricky light air (I mean light!!!) race. On our boat we tried to focus on finding the pressure, minimizing maneuvers and staying out of traffic. We …
FBYC is 75 years old and we're hosting our 75th Annual Regatta THIS WEEKEND on August 8-10 for the Hampton One Designs and August 9-10 for all other fleets. This is a very special year for us and we really hope you will come join us for what will be a great event.
This year we're expecting to have starts for Flying Scots, Hampton One Designs, Lasers, Laser Radials, Optimists, Front Runners, San Juan 21 and any other fleets with 7 or more boats. If your class doesn't have 7 boats -don't worry we'll still have racing for you in a combined Portsmouth fleet. If you don't see your class friends …
This past week end someone removed an Opti from the Junior Yard that did not belong to them. It is believed they unknowingly removed the wrong Opti. The Opti removed from the Junior Yard has red trim and is named "QE II". Various items of gear were included. The boat was left on the grass near the pool, and was taken sometime between Thursday, July 31 and August 2. We ask that anyone who removed an Opti from the Junior Yard during this time period immediately contact Mark Hayes at mhayeslaw@triad.rr.com.
Photo by Laser Race Team Coach Gabriel Moran, taken today of members of the Laser Race Team training off Marion, Massachusetts, for the 2014 Buzzards Bay Regatta. Racing will take place this Friday through Sunday.
Corps of Engineers just published their latest survey of Jackson Creek from October 2013:
Last weekend 6 Fishing Bay Boats were among the 75 boats competing at the Screwpile Lighthouse Challenge and half of the boats came home with podium finishes. The 3 day regatta feature one light-air race on Friday, a distance race on Saturday ending at the Pier and 2 more buoy races on Sunday.
The Laser Fleet at Fishing Bay welcomes you to come join us this Sunday, July 27th, for our club one-day Summer race. The weather looks perfect for a Summer day of Laser Sailing - 90 and mostly sunny, wind from the SW at 8-10. Water temps are a pleasant 76 degrees and the nettles are few, so it should be an ideal day to be on the water. We will have a mix of skilled and veteran sailors out there, so no matter what your skill level, we look forward to seeing you there. Of course, the pool is open, if you want to bring the family. We also have plenty of other kid-friendly entertainment options. And we can set up …
Check out the FBYC Junior Race Team as they leave today for the Chesapeake Bay Junior Olympics at Corsica River Yacht Club in Centreville, Maryland. And thats not even everyone!
A few pictures and results from the recently completed Leukemia Cup Regatta:
Pictures (Jon Deutsch) | East Course Results | West Course Results
PHRF-A (9 boats)
Leukemia Classic (8 boats)
PHRF-B (5 boats)
Leukemia Cruising 1 (10 boats)
PHRF-C (7 boats)
Leukemia Cruising 2 (10 boats)
PHRF-NS (3 boats)
J/70 (9 … |