Williamsburg Area Sailors

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing
The James City County Shaping Our Shores planning commission is looking for comments about the redevelopment of 3 sites along the James River. Help get the county to include sailing in these plans by offering your comments.

Parks and Recreation patrons. We need your participation and support! Shaping Our Shores is the theme for the master planning project of three sites located along James City County waterways - the former Jamestown Beach Campground, Jamestown Yacht Basin and Chickahominy Riverfront Park. Share your thoughts on how these three sites should be developed over the next 20 years. Attend the Shaping Our Shores citizen and community group public input session on Wednesday, April 16, from 6:15-9pm. The meeting will be held at …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Signs of Spring:  Five porpoise spotted running along side the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel pilings;  the grinding gears of multi-ton lifts, hauling boats to be splashed; and sails heading toward summer slips.  Lots of sails heading toward slips.  For instance, on the Rappahannock tomorrow, watch for PHRF South Region VP, Mike Dale, to be bringing his J/27,  Juggernaut,  down the rivah from Urbanna.
SBRW Entry Up-date:  The entry list at the event website is updated periodically.  Go to  www.blacksealcup.com  for info.  Remember, too, that there is a  special additional Early Bird Entry incentive - SBRNYCU is sponsoring a set of regatta shirts as the prize for the winner of a special …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
WEATHER, WEATHER, WEATHER -  the bane of every sailor's existence, racer or cruiser.  April 12,  8:30am - 3:30pm, Fishing Bay Yacht Club will host a seminar on the sport's great variable.  Pat Healy, Commanders'   Weather Corporation and well known weather guru, will lead the morning session on analyzing and understanding marine weather.   Ralph Naranjo, who is Practical Sailor's technical editor,  will speak in the afternoon on heavy weather sailing and storm tactics.  Cost is $30 per person ($50 for couples) and includes lunch along with coffee and morning pastries.  For info and to register contact George Burke at (804) 359-1187.  Don't let this one blow by …

New Pool Pavillion Approved by Board

Ric Bauer on

Why does a great sailing club even need a swimming pool let alone worry about making it better?

For me it’s simple; because we have great families that love to be at the club while were sailing.

Pool Site Plan.jpg That’s why, after building the beach bulkhead and steps to the pool and seeing how good that made the pool area look and feel, I asked for a committee to review how we should finish the project. There were 9 committee members comprised of the Flag, frequent pool users, designers, artists and architects. They have designed a beautiful addition to the pool area that will be functional, attractive, durable, fun, exciting, exude that summer atmosphere and, I believe, will be well …

Flying Scot Midwinters

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots

I am sure we will hear more later - but our boats at the Flying Scot Midwinters seemed to have done pretty well - looking at the Results.

Mike Miller & John Wake were 7th and Travis Weisleder & Skip Dieball were 11th in the 34 boat Championship Division. Andrea Latell sailed with Hans Noordanus (5744) finished 17th in the Championship Fleet.

Noel Clinard & Mike Massie were 13th and Ric Bauer & Sharon Bauer were 15th in the 29 boat Challenger Division.

Well done!

P.S. - Pretty Good Pictures available at The Photo Boat website. You can use the sail number to look at the sorted photos for Rick and Sharon Bauer, (5463), Travis Weisleder and Skip Dieball (5341), Mike Miller …

Pending Federal Legislation: S. 2766 Clean Boating Act of 2008

Randy Alley on

Club News
Write your senator now !

There is an extreme risk that all recreational boaters in the U.S. will be required to obtain a permit from the EPA to discharge bilge water or even rain water off their decks. This issue arose from a law intended to keep invasive species like zebra mussels from being discharged by cargo ships and cruise liners. In 2006, a U.S. District Court decision struck down the 34-year permit exemption for recreational boats within the Clean Water Act. This decision will require the EPA to develop and implement a permitting system for all boats in the U.S. by September 30, 2008.

A new bill, S. 2766 Clean Boating Act of 2008, has been introduced …

High Winds at FBYC

Noel Clinard on

Club News
dscn0498.jpg On Saturday, March 8, FBYC experienced high winds gusting over 50 MPH from the Southwest. As the pictures illustrate, it capsized and compacted the club's 420s, blew a catamaran off its trailer onto an adjacent boat, and spun the South row Flying Scots around on their nose wheels. This experience once again illustrates the need for ground tie down systems in the boat yard, including the nose wheels.

All nine pictures are available here. They are under the Spring Cleanup Event - maybe there will be more work than we had hoped!

Charles Lytton - Man of the Year

Strother Scott on

Leukemia Cup
lytton.jpg If you drive by the Lamar Billboard at Laburnum Avenue near the Richmond International Racetrack at the Fairgrounds, you would notice the flashing display with our Charles Lytton as Man of the Year for the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Congratulations, Charles!

I hope they are unable to resell the space in which case they might leave you up there all summer!


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
This past year the southern Bay was graced with some wonderful visiting racers. One of them has been named Rolex Yachtsman of the Year.   Jeff Linton won the Flying Scot North American Championship, hosted by Fishing Bay Yacht Club in  June, and the Classic Moth National Championship at Elizabeth City, NC, this past September.   Rubbing elbows with the very best in the sport is always a good thing. By the way, Jeff is 45 years old and often sails with his wife Amy.  In 2007 he "owned" the Lightning Class, too - won the Lightning Worlds, South American, and Winter Championships.  Yikes!
KEY WEST RACE WEEK OPENS TODAY!  Keep a watch on southern Bay boats Meridian (Sledd Shelhorse), Horizon …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
PHRF SPLITS update:  A week ago (January 7) PHRF delegates from the SOUTH DIVISION of the southern Bay met  to consider two proposals for changes in the 2007 fleet splits for 2008.  The meeting was open to all PHRF members.  No decision was made as of the close of the meeting.  The splits will be determined by the delegates.  Change or not to change and, if to change, to what to change... all have ramifications.  The delegates are working on it, but there is no white smoke from the chimney yet. 
The warning signal for the Lauderdale to Key West Race goes up tomorrow afternoon, Jan 16.  Acura Key West Race Week …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
TONIGHT!!!  PHRF  FLEET SPLITS  MEETING -  JANUARY 7,  6:30 pm.    PHRF members from Region 4 SOUTH are invited to attend this PHRF delegates meeting, the singular objective of which is to determine the fleet splits for use in 2008 in Region 4 SOUTH.  Attendees may offer comment and discussion.  The meeting will be held in Meeting Room B at the Hampton Public Library, 4207 Victoria Boulevard, Hampton.  (That's a couple blocks down from the cannon at  HYC.  The Library is at the corner of Victoria and Kecoughtan).  Get there early to get a good seat!
SBRNYCU  MURPHY GOES RACING - 2008:  "Going Faster - It's All About the People"    February 2 …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
ANNA TUNNICLIFFE - US SAILING SPORTSWOMAN OF THE YEAR!   US SAILING says about our former ODU All-American, "Laser Radial sailor Anna Tunnicliffe has had a year of stellar success, which when factored against all other racers competing in this single-handed dinghy class has made Tunnicliffe the number-one ranked Laser Radial sailor in the world in 2007...Tunnicliffe has been a member of the US Sailing Team since 2005. " Anna will be sailing for the USA in the Olympics in China this summer.  And,  Anna has been nominated for the [yet to be named] US SAILING Rolex Yachtswomen of the Year.

Fall Cruise Aboard the USS George Washington

Gil Miles on

Social Events

Recently, Fishing Bay Yacht Club Members, Gil, Kay and Ashley Miles were aboard the super carrier USS George Washington as guests of her captain and Kyle Reynolds.

Boarding at 0430 on a beautiful Virginia morning, the 1200 foot carrier slipped from her birth and traveled 60 nm to sea where the guests were treated to an awesome show of American Naval firepower. The air show that followed was up close-up and personally very inspiring.

USSGW3.jpg The F-18 Super Hornets were breath taking in their maneuvers. Every form of roll, turn, vertical stall, and inverted flight at super sonic speed was eye-popping. The heroic Iraqi-Veteran Naval Aviators demonstrated numerous touch-and-goes on the flight deck within tossing distance. At several points the Hornets …

Sailing Events Schedule For 2008

Noel Clinard on

Club News
The Sailing Events Committee has drafted the 2008 FBYC Sailing Events Schedule - in Excel - now UPDATED THRU 12-20, which the Board has approved, subject to modification in publishing the Sailing Events Book. The Committee is now laboring to conform the book to the new schedule and recruiting volunteers for Race Committee and Social positions. The book must be finalized for the printer by the end of January.

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the commands of the various club divisions who have responsibility for staffing the events, or give generously of your time when they call you for assistance. The club could not maintain its full schedule of events without your support. The schedule is a complex undertaking …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
2008 CBYRA REGION 4 SCHEDULE IS READY:  The "big boat" racing schedule is ready,  thanks to the diligent work of 30-some southern Bay yacht club, sailing association, and event representatives (and all the people with whom each of them worked).   So, it you want the 2008 schedule, contact your club's racing rep.  Or, if you like, email SBRNYCU  at  mcbear@earthlink.net , on the subject:  line put "I need the 2008 Racing Schedule",  and you'll get the whole schedule by return email. 
PHRF  FLEET SPLITS  MEETING  SET FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 7,  6:30 pm.    PHRF members from Region 4 SOUTH are invited to attend this …

Mason Chapman - FBYC Finance Chair is also a "Super CPA"

Strother Scott on

Club News
Mason ChapmanLittle did I know that when I noticed Bev Crump's picture in Virginia business, that I had skipped over another of FBYC's finest.

Turns out that Mason Chapman, our Finance Chair, and long time treasurer before that, is listed at http://www.virginiabusiness.com/edit/magazine/yr2007/nov07/cpa_man.shtml as one of the Super CPAs 2007: Financial Managers & CFOs - where he is the CFO of C.W. Wright Construction in Chester, VA.

Congratulations Mason - I am sorry for the omission. Please send in your picture.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Good News for J/22 racers  (and others, too):  PHRF of the Chesapeake has made an adjustment to their 2008 Safety Requirements. It appears to allow boats who meet everything but the lifeline requirement for Category 4P to sail in Cat 4P races provided everyone on the boat wears a PFD.  There are, of course, details and explanations.  So, read the info on the PHRF of the Chesapeake Bay website,  www.phrfchesbay.com , click on 2008 Special Regulations For Safety Requirements, and check out paragraph 4.2.  If you have questions and/or concerns contact your club PHRF delegate. 

Commodore Bev Crump is Legal Elite - the best in the state

Strother Scott on

Club News
Commodore Bev Crump was selected in the December 2007 Virginia Business magazine as the Legal Elite - the best in the state for Real Estate and Land Use - - http://www.virginiabusiness.com/edit/magazine/yr2007/dec07/legal_real2.shtml .

His comments in the full page color picture include:

Favorite Vacation Spot: Deltaville

Hobbies: Sailing, fishing, waterfowl hunting

What are the keys to being a successful real estate attorney? “In my case because my practice involves commercial real estate, the transactions are usually complex and present unique challenges. My approach is to focus on the client’s goals in crafting the structure and details of the transactions. Each real estate transaction usually involves interacting with multiple parties with differing interests, and I have …

Noel Clinard's daughter Elizabeth on the stage in Denver

Strother Scott on

Club News
Noel Clinard's daughter Elizabeth is a dancer in "White Christmas" in Denver at the Denver Center or the Performing Arts. This link should open up Windows Movie Player and you can see the promo pictures for the event.
  • In the green and pink number, she both starts and ends up between the two guys;
  • In the train car scene in warm clothes, she is at far right holding some sort of white thing in a shadow;
  • In the tap number with Black dresses, she is second from left,
  • who knows in the white scene.
  • The blonde lead in the purple fan dance is the one she is understudies for.

Or you can access the video by going to …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Caribbean 1500 Update:  Some are back home from Tortola, the destination of the 1500 fleet, and some, aka the smart ones,  are still "down there".  Of the 69 boat fleet, 39 approached the bluewater adventure from the racing angle.  Some of the southern Bay entries faired especially well in the 5 handicap fleets. Phil Gillihan, who resides on Willoughby Spit (Norfolk) and sails out of Smithfield, VA, brought his Corsair 3600 catamaran, Parallax, in first in Class 2.   Wesley Jones, from Gloucester, VA, (FBYC) took second in Class 4 with Valient, a Fast 40.   Gordon and Eta Johnson, of Hampton, VA, (OPYC) sailing out of Southall Landings, finished second in Class 5 in …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters