John and Kara Koedel denamed their new yacht last weekend. Several observers, including the Koedel's, Sr., Jeff Branflick, Chris Gaenzle, and various children attended. The denaming ceremony is part of John's elaborate two-part denaming/renaming ceremony for their new-to-them Ericson 38. After the denaming ceremony, John commented that he was disappointed with turnout for this January event, "I really thought all the non-spin guys would come out for this", he said, "maybe we'll get more people in the spring for the renaming ceremony." No word yet on what that name will be, however.
In a separate and unrelated event, a small group of sailors retreated to the new clubhouse on Sat. evening for a round of the …
Key West Bound: As of last week entry numbers
for Key West Race Week hovered around 200. There will undoubtedly
be more. The event runs January 20-24, 2003. So far the southern
Bay contingent includes three J/29s, Paul Andersen's Titillation,
Whittemore's Patriot, and Sam Marshall's Night Music.
Also, sailing from Virginia are Brad Worsham's J/109, Orion,
and Othmar von Blumencron's Dame Blanche , a Beneteau First
JANUARY 18: CBYRA Region 4 High Point Awards will be presented
along with special awards. Region 4 (that's all of us) One Design,
Offshore, and Junior racers will …
The Annual CBYRA Race Management Seminar will be held on Saturday, February
8, 2003 at the Annapolis Yacht Club. Registration begins at 8:30,
with the sessions running between 9:00 - 3:00. Chip Thayer, Race
Committee Chairman for AYC, will be the keynote speaker. He will discuss
race management, including the use of electronic navigation programs. All race
committee members are encouraged to attend.
The full seminar, plus a
continental breakfast, is only $7.00. Lunch will be available for purchase.
Parking is available at the Club Annex. If you have any
comments/suggestions, or if you would like to get involved with the seminar,
feel free to contact me by e-mail or at
# 202.624.7691.
CBYRA Region 4 High Point Awards Presentation/Dinner:
Saturday, January 18th, at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Region
high point award winners will be honored for their season long accomplishments.
And, Joe Hallissy will receive a special award from CBYRA for his
many years of devotion of time and effort to race management on the Bay.
The social hour begins at 5:30pm, dinner follows at 6:30pm, and awards
will be presented around 7:30pm. The social will be BYOB, but beer,
wine, beverages and hor d'ouvres will be provided. The cost of the
dinner is $12 to $15 per person. The event is open to
all. Please let Tom Roberts …
January 18th is the date of the Region 4 CBYRA High
Point Awards presentation/dinner. At this dinner, a special award
from CBYRA will be presented to Joe Hallissy for his excellent race management
work and dedication to all sailors, especially southern Chesapeake Bay
racers. The award was announced by 2002 CBYRA President Joe Krolak
at the annual CBYRA meeting in Galesville, but the actual presentation
will be in Joe's "home region" at the annual Region 4 high point awards
ceremony. So, the 2002 region high point awards recipients and Joe
will be recognized at this event.
WHERE: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Fishing
Bay/Deltaville, Virginia
WHEN: Saturday, JANUARY 18, 2003 -
cocktails …
Phil Briggs (Feather), Ben Cuker (Callinectes), Mike Veraldi
(Quickie). The 25th edition of the
annual Gaboon (rhymes with spittoon) ran in perfect conditions yesterday
- sunny, moderate breeze, and everyone beat the finish deadline.
The grand Spittoon Trophy will be awarded tomorrow evening at HYC. Fleet
TOP boats: PHRF A: 1. Phil Briggs, Feather; 2. Skip Amory, Woof.
PHRF B: 1. Ben Cuker, Callinectes; 2. Rusty Burshell, Cool
Change; 3. Mike Nester. Glory Days.
PHRF C: 1. Mike Veraldi,
2. Dave McConaughy, Ulysses; 3. John Blais, Stardancer.
A total of 27 boats raced.Here's a holiday present idea. For the Tall Ship lover
in your life Schooner Virginia special …
The Sailing Events Committee completed development of the 2003 sailing schedule in their 3 December meeting, and because there was an unexpected delay in printing we were able to include it in the December Log. The proposed schedule will be presented to the Board at their December meeting, scheduled for Tuesday 10 December at which time it is usually approved for publication. Happily this year we are ahead of the game.
The Sailing Events Committee welcomes suggestions for changes or additions. However given the scope of the proposed program requests for additions may be received with a level of enthusiasm usually reserved for protests after a long day on the water. But I promise, the Events Committee will listen to …
CONTACT: MARTIN HOLLAND, (757) 726-2267 OR (757) 726-0289.
9:30 AM at West River Sailing Club, Galesville, MD. Contact: Amy
Chalmers, CBYRA Staff Executive Assistant at (410) 269-1194 or Region 4
vice president Lin McCarthy at (757) 850-4225.2002 GABOON RACE - Sunday, December 8th. This is
the race that everyone wants to do. Staggered start, so everyone finishes
at the exact same time - right! Racing is boat-for-boat after the
start, though, and that is fun - where you finish in the water is where
you finish in the clubhouse. Entries are due …
2002 HYC Frost Bite Series could not have had a
finer day yesterday for the last race. Well, it would have been nicer if
the Force 3 conditions (8 - 12 knots) that greeted the racers had
not diminished to Force 1 (1 - 3 knots) before everyone finished.
When all was said and done, there were no surprises in the top spots.
Congratulations to fleet winners Christian Schaumloffel, Rusty Burshell,
John Blais, Bob Old, and Scott Wolff . FINAL SERIES FLEET
LEADERS: PHRF A: 1. Mirage, C. Schaumloffel; 2.
Lea, Ben Weeks; 3. Feather, Phil Briggs. PHRF B:
1.Cool Change, R. Burshell; 2. PF Flyer, Larry Preddy; 3.
Bill Gibbings. PHRF C: 1 …
Please Join us at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club
on Wednesday, December 18th
at 6 p.m.
for a Holiday Cocktail Buffet
Please bring a festive, holiday hors d'oeuvre
something to compliment ham biscuits and turkey rolls,
which will be provided by Jane and Dixie)
in addition to your libations
Also, bring a Tacky, Wacky Nautical Gift (wrapped) to exchange.
Search your attic or basement-
we know you have some good stuff tucked away
somewhere in your house or on your boat!
RSVP to Jane Hall at
or to Richmond telephone 804-285-2794
or to Stove Point, Deltaville phone 804-776-9648.
Hit read more to see another picture of us at Halloween.
Opportunity knocks for you to join our FBYC group's 21-day trip to New
Zealand in February. Due to illness and other unforseen circumstances,
three couples have had to withdraw from the trip. This is an opportunity
to join a great group, and will include seeing some of the America's Cup
activities on water and land, some sailing ourselves, and visiting some of the
most beautiful scenery on the planet. There will be a stopover at Tahiti
on one leg of the trip. The cost will be around $5500 per
person. Please call either Wayland or Margaret Rennie at 353-7708 or
240-1382 within the next week, if you are
Our homies, Steven Hunt and Michael Miller, won 5 of 7
races sailed this past weekend in Houston. Translation:
Steven and Michael beat 2000 Olympics medal winner Paul Foerster
and teammate Kevin Burnham. Steven and Michael won a berth in the
2003 Athens Regatta - a preview event for the 2004 Athens Olympics.
Also, they enhance their position as they drive toward ranking on the 2003
US Sailing Team.
As the official US SAILING information stated, "Dominating
a fleet of this caliber is no easy task, but that is exactly what Steven
Hunt (Hampton, VA.) [and Poquoson] and …
Region 4 CBYRA Scheduler, Martin Holland, has set the scheduling meeting
for Monday, December 2, 7 PM at Hampton Yacht Club. Be sure
your club, association, or event is represented at this meeting. For
info contact Martin Holland at (757) 726-2267 or (757) 726-0289.
HYC Frost Bite Series continues - final race Sunday,
November 25. Yesterday's conditions provided a special opportunity
for on-the-rail togetherness. It was cold, wet, and clammy. The wind speed
was Force 3 on the Beaufort Scale.Sitting close was one way to stay somewhat
dry and maybe warm. The finish line, set at the entrance to Hampton
River, looked especially inviting to most of the cold-hunched racers. RESULTS …
The first meeting of the Sailing Events Committee is scheduled for 6pm Monday
November 18 in the second floor conference room at Scott and Stringfellow,
909 East Main Street. Pizza, beer and sodas will be provided for the hungry
and thirsty.
The Sailing Events Committe has responsibility for planning, scheduling,
organising and managing all sailing events in 2003. Membership is comprised
of the 12 officers listed on page 104 of the 2002 Yearbook plus a Fleet
Captain appointed by each fleet. While the three Junior Division officers who
were appointed this year are not listed as committee members at this time,
they are welcome to attend the meeting, as are any club members who are
interested in helping schedule …
Change), DAVE McCONAUGHY (Ulysses), and BILL PEACH (Surprise)
- CCV Champions All! CCV High Point Awards
were presented at the annual party Friday night. Award recipients:
PHRF A: Champion - John Hanna, Battlewagon, Pearson 37;
2. Bumps and Dave Eberwine, Sea Star, J/36; 3. Phil Briggs,
J/36. PHRF B: Champion - Rusty Burshell,
Cool Change,
J/30; 2. Bill and Lynn Chandler, Rhumb Line, J/30; 3.
Neal Garrett, Strega, S2 9.1. PHRF C: Champion - Dave
McConaughy, Ulysses, Hunter 28.5; 2. Bob Archer,
Time, Capri 25; 3. Ed Andrews, No Problem, Pearson 26. PHRF
Non-Spin: Champion - Bill Peach, Surprise …
DEADLINE ALERT!!CCV Awards Party - This
Friday, November 8th. For a reservation form look in your
Racing Guide or contact party coordinator and CCV Commodore Dave Bouchard
at (757) 484-8388. Take advantage of a $2.50 per person break by
making your reservations TODAY, November 4th. Get your ressies in,
you dancing shoes out, and your party face on!
Yesterday 53 boats left Hampton Roads for Tortola.
And, they were racing, although they call it the West Marine
Caribbean 1500 Rally. It is for a Cup and they do havea starting line! As cold as it was (in the 40s on the water), it
is a wonder that some of the Frost Bite …
The College of Charleston used a strong finish to win the ICSA North American Sloop Championship held this past weekend at the New York Yacht Club. The Cougars used a second-place finish in the last race to come from behind to take the win away from Hobart.
The four-man team included FBYC Coach Blake Kimbrough.
If you think it's cold and rough in Deltaville, try Newport on Day Two with gusts over 22 knots: Four races were sailed with the last two non-spinnaker due to three ripped spinnakers, two torn mainsails, two broaches including a great death roll by Navy, and full-planing, hold-on for dear life conditions at times downwind.
The recent survey showed that the communications from FBYC are really good.
Thanks to everyone who participated. At the CCV dinner Randy Alley drew Ric Anderson's name from the 120surveys submitted. As a result he won a Free pass for 2003 social events
I conclude that FBYC will best communicate though a combination of a printed monthly Log,
timely e-mail notices and a continuously updated web site.
The results of the survey are now available on-line