
4TH OF JULY – INDEPENDENCE DAY – Celebrate yours – go sailing!
As southern Bay racers we sometimes suffer tornados, hurricanes, storm surges, nor’easters, thunder boomers, hot spells, windless days, and gales. All of which are cancelled out by one day as glorious as this past Wednesday, when close to 40 boats raced in Hampton Roads and more raced in other groups including those off Little Creek, in the York River, and elsewhere. All were accompanied by race committees and spectator fleets. Mid-week casual racing at its most enjoyable. Get it while you can!
SCREWPILE LIGHTHOUSE CHALLENGE entries hit 109 and still climbing! SPLC continues to accept entries until noon, Wednesday, July 11th …
Ever wonder what a waxing gibbous is? Well here's your chance to find out…and no it’s not rubbing compound...
This Saturday is the Moonlight Regatta and it all starts with a $5 (payable at the event) per head dinner at 5 pm in the main clubhouse. The first starting signal is at 7:30 pm.
The dinner includes an Italian feast of spaghetti and meat sauce, garlic bread, and salad. After the race we will continue the tradition of ice cream and Goslings Black Seal rum topping to help beat the heat.
If you haven’t done so, please let us know how many people will attend dinner by replying directly to me (paul.wash@webnext.net or 804.399 …
The 14th Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta is more than having a great time on the water. It's about winning the race to cures for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. If you have not already done so, register and start fundraising now for the July 6-8 Leukemia Cup Regatta. Free or reduced rate slips will be available at Stingray Point Marina. Our weekend will include a Meet And Greet with sailing legend Gary Jobson ( VIP opportunities available) and a barbecue dinner and auction for sailors and non-sailors alike. Learn more.
MIHILLS win TYPHOON NATIONALS. Ron Mihills (Irvington, VA) and his sons, Rick Mihills (Annapolis, MD) and Brent Mihills (Morattico, VA) won the last three races of the two-day …
For the second race in a row, Carina has been scored First in Class 3 and First in Fleet in the 2012 Newport-Bermuda Race. This video analyses the race.
This article on the Bermuda Race web site describes the race.
Two Jibes, Two Tacks: Carina Leads Another Thrash
It may seem a little boring: one long, 635-mile port-tack reach in a 15-25 knot northeasterly, sailing mostly under jib and main. But only the big boats saw those conditions all the way through the 2012 Newport Bermuda Race as they systematically disassembled the old elapsed time records. The fact is that the smaller boats had a lot more complicated challenge, and they’re the ones that did well …
Thanks to those who notified me that on-line registration for the Moonlight Race was producing errors. It did not offer you a chance to enter your Boat info, then complained that you had failed to supply the required data. Our programmer is tweaking things in our process to make it easier for the admins to configure registrations, and this error surfaced. I found the culprit this morning, and now it seems to be fixed.
AFTERTHOUGHT, GOIN’, SCHIEHALLION, and LAST BOAT III take firsts in fleets for Cut Channel Race. It was a wild and wooly 28 mile long race Saturday. Boats reported winds mostly at 20 knots and seas at 3-4 feet. The Cut Channel is the first race of the Fishing Bay Yacht Club Long Distance Series. Fifteen (15) hearty skippers and crew ventured out, Results: PHRF A (4 boats): 1.Craig Wright, Afterthought; 2.Catherine Clark, Corryvreckan. PHRF B (6 boats): 1.Dennis Hannick, Goin’; 2.Bob Fleck, Mad Hatter; 3.Miles Booth, Shenanigan. PHRF C (3 boats): 1.Brad Miller, Schiehallion; 2.Russ Collins, Morningtide. PHRF Non-Spinnaker (2 boats): 1 …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club's 2012 Annual Junior Regatta hosts the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP REGATTA at the end of Junior Week on SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 2012 – SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2012. There have been some difficulties with on line registration but they have now been resolved. Date of birth is required of registrants and we've had some difficulty collecting this online. So we've removed it and it'll be collected at check in. Anyone who has had problems registering the past week or two is asked to try registering again and it should go through without any problems.
If you have not signed up for the Cut Channel long distance race this Saturday, you should! Currently, there are 15 boats signed up and the weather as of 1000 Wednesday is calling for winds out of the NE, sunny skies, and temperatures in the 70s. Cut Channel is a medium distance race of 28.4 nm. The first warning is at 1100. For course information, please visit the NOR on the FBYC web site.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: There has been a change to the social event...Due to the Opti Kids Saturday night events in the main clubhouse, dinner will not be served after the Cut Channel race. However, we will have a post race social event at Fannie …
We will sail north around Windmill Point and settle into anchorage in Little Bay at the mouth of Antipoison Creek. This is a 3 hour trip or less. Once there, we will dinghy to the north face where there is a beach like you would find in the Caribbean. A shack has been built there out of lumber washed up on the shore. It has now been standing for 2 years. We plan to find more materials and add on. We call it the "Tiki Bra" due to its decorations. This beach is also known for its sharks’ teeth. At the end of the day we will assemble for a bonfire and roasted …
Some news out of the International Laser Class Association – North American Region: There were openings left by NA board members who moved up to positions at the International Laser Class Association. Jon Deutsch has been appointed as interim Secretary with the ILCA-NA. You can read all about it here: http://laser.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=982:north-american-class-leadership-transition&catid=21:official&Itemid=250
Ya, its a big deal.
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK 2012 - Everything was fine . . . until the tornado hit. SBRW 2012, got off to a great start: Thursday night skippers meeting, Friday a day of perfect racing, awards presentation at the regatta headquarters Hampton Yacht Club and then . . . the tornado cut a swath through adjoining neighborhoods, slammed HYC, and spun along the Hampton waterfront. By early Saturday morning it was crystal clear that there was no way to support further regatta activities. Mercifully, no one was killed or reported seriously injured. Literally seconds before the beast hit, racers, volunteers, the band and friends were evacuated by the alert HYC and security staff from the tent into the interior halls of …
Posted from an iPad aboard Loose Cannon as we head North to Fishing Bay towing Prophet, with Lud Kimbrough and Kenny Cobb aboard. We all raced Friday on the inside course as the wind was predicted to be quite strong. But it ended up at 8-15 knots from the South and Southwest. The John McCarthy race committee started the A fleet on time at 10am and sent us on three races, a W6, then another W6, and finally a W4. Everybody was back at the docks by 3 to 4pm, in plenty of time to enjoy the beers at the event tent in the HYC parking area.
Rain began to fall about 5pm, and by 6-7 it was getting squally …
All sailors are reminded that early-bird registration for the 14th Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta to be held in Deltaville over the weekend of July 6 - 8 closes on June 15. After this date, the registration fee increases by $25 and regrettably the names of participating yachts cannot be included on the commemorative Regatta T-shirt. It's easy to register, and it's all online at www.leukemiacup.org/va.
The sensational news this year is that the Southern Bay Leukemia Cup Regatta has been voted Best Regatta on the Bay by the readers of "Chesapeake Bay Magazine." We invite everyone to come and experience two days of racing at the Fishing Bay …
Your Flying Scot District Championship was held this past weekend at the Susquehanna Yacht Club which is located several dozen farm fields northeast of Baltimore on a mile wide strip of the river. The weather was gorgeous and the wind, when it blew, was a tad bit shifty. This made for some challenging races in a 1.5 knot current that presented itself as a permanent ebb flow. Saturday included 1 race with wind from every point on the compass followed by SYC’s celebrated “grill your own chunk of cow” feast complete with generous portions of member prepared side dishes and a keg from America's oldest brewery. On Sunday the wind filled in nicely but the 1:30 pm …
The excellent team of Rob Whittemore and John Wake brought home the silver by outwitting the elements this past weekend up at the Susquehanna Yacht Club in Wrightsville, Pa. Little to no wind and a strong current was the scene for two days. Congratulations Rob for getting your name on Captitol District Trophy. You join a select group.
And FBYC can also be proud that Len and Barbara Guenther took SECOND place.
Who could ask for anything more?
LAST CALL BEFORE ENTRY LATE FEE KICKS IN AFTER THIS WEDNESDAY, MAY 23. SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the BLACK SEAL CUP: Racing for all PHRF, One-Design, and Cruising boats. Skippers meeting and welcome/check-in for all on Thursday evening, May 31; Racing for PHRF and One-Design June 1-2-3; and, for Cruising racing on Saturday and Sunday only, June 2 and 3. PHRF and One-Design = $150; Cruising = $99 Late entry fee of $50) kicks in after May 23. Regatta info, fees and forms are available at www.blacksealcup.com or by calling 757-850-4225. Regatta Headquarters at Hampton Yacht Club, three racing courses in the Bay off Ocean View (Norfolk). Y’ALL COME RACING!
SBRW also: One-Design Classes must …
We finally got in the water.
The one-design fleets have suffered cabin fever long enough. On Saturday, May 12th, the weather gods smiled down on us and we got in five good races on what was simply a gorgeous day. And it was a day that beat the odds because the winds were forecasted by just about every weather service (including Predict-Wind) to die off at noon. This made sense to me as the front that come through with a hard blow on Thursday eventually had to run out of air. The thinking on Friday was that the most we could hope for would be a seabreeze, which was actually going to be a good possibility …
Bring your blankets and lawn chairs and get ready to bring in summer with a bang at Rosegill Farm. Best Picnic set up gets dinner for four free!
FBYC will host an awesome family picnic for all members and guests of the club. We plan to have a great picnic dinner, refreshments, music and lots of fun for juniors. This year we will feature Chris Stanley and Sky Run. This band plays a great mix of music that all should enjoy! So mark your calendars now to come …