Whale sighted in the Chesapeake Bay

Strother Scott on

Club News
"Copyright Rappahannock Record , used with permission." October 22, 2010

w2.jpg Bryan, Terri and Jonathan Flagg of Deltaville and Ashland were on their boat October 10 when they spotted this whale in the Chesapeake Bay near Windmill Point. Jonathan took photos of the whale with his Blackberry. Paul Summers of White Stone and Annapolis, Md., also was fishing in the vicinity with his father and spotted the whale. They rode along beside it for about 30 minutes. “It was a very large whale,” said Summers. “I’ve done a lot of ocean fishing and seen a lot of whales. This was probably a humpback and a mature adult.” The whale was spotted in about 20 feet of water. According to Joan Barns …

Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship Recap

Jon Deutsch on

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DSC_0662.jpg Every recent Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters regatta has been memorable for various reasons and this years edition has been no different. Mother Nature came through again, not with rain, nor high water, but with wind. The 29th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship will be a regatta that the 43 Laser sailors who came to Fishing Bay Yacht Club will not soon forget.

John Bertrand from Annapolis Yacht Club was our overall champion and Masters division winner with just 21 points. Peter Seidenberg (Sail Newport) overcame a few point deficit on Saturday to edge ahead of James Jacob (Fishing Bay Yacht Club) to take 2nd overall and 1st Great Grand Master. James finished 3rd overall and 2nd Master.

David Frazier (Frostbite …

Day 1: Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship

Jon Deutsch on

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DSC_0489.jpgWith more wind than we knew what to do with 43 Laser Masters sailors took to the waters of the Piankatank River for the 29th Annual Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Last years winner John Bertrand (AYC) put up 4 bullets in all 4 races to lead the fleet. James Jacob (FBYC) is 6 points behind and Peter Seidenberg (Sail Newport) is one point behind him in 3rd.

The first race was sailed in the middle of the Piankatank river where a long course was set in strong wind out of the west. Several boats sailed out to the course and immediately returned to the club. Many sailors took advantage of the rig swap provision …

Welcome to the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship

Jon Deutsch on

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For everyone who will be joining us for the Chesapeake Bay Laser Master's Championship this weekend I would like to welcome you to Fishing Bay Yacht Club. We have a great regatta planned and a great group of competitors coming so it should be a lot of fun.

In an almost repeat of last year, except a day early, it appears that this northeasterly will by by us on Friday leaving us with clear skies and 15-20 out of the North West on Saturday.

A few notes for those who are new to FBYC or reminders for those who have been here before.DOCUMENTS
Here is the NOR And the SI's have now been posted to the club …


George Burke on

Cruising News
Wednesday's deadline marks your last chance to register for the Annual Wilton Creek Cruise and Dinner. This popular Cruising Division event attracts cruisers and racers as well because of its attractive setting in the Coves at Wilton Creek Clubhouse and because it is traditionally associated with REALLY GOOD FOOD. Please register now if you intend to attend; we will be making food purchases after registration closing on Wednesday; because the quality of the meal is high, the quantity will be limited to an amount sufficient to feed our registered participants only.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Hospice Turkey Shoot Results are not finalized in time for publication this morning, but soon will be available at the Turkey Shoot website  http://www.turkeyshootregatta.com 
Old Laser Racers, defined as anyone over the age of 35,  get together this coming weekend for the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship to be held at Fishing Bay Yacht Club, October 16-17. This annual regatta, in its 29th year, regularly attracts some of the best masters sailors from around the area and along the east coast.  Go to the host club's website, www.fbyc.net for info and to register on line.
COLUMBUS DAY!  What better reason to slip out of work and GO SAILING to …

Annual Meeting and Awards Party - Note New Date

Mary Spencer on



Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Country Club of Virginia
James River Club House
709 South Gaskins Road, Richmond, VA

You are invited to enjoy this great event with friends and family. Share sailing stories of 2010 and make plans for 2011! A slide show of all 2010 sailing events will be shown continuously on the Club’s big screen.

6:00-6:30 Annual Meeting in the Ladies Card Room
6:30-7:00 Social gathering and cocktails
7:00-8:00 Dinner with one complementary glass of wine
8:00-9:00 Awards and desert

Adults $50.00
Children 12 and under $15.00 (Children’s Menu)
****Cash Bar Only****

****Reservations required by November 2, 2010****
To assure …

New Wifi Internet at FBYC

Jon Deutsch on

Club News
Fishing Bay Yacht Club now has a new wireless internet system for the main club house, Fannie's House and coverage for the slips. This weekend Jeremy Waters and Dixon completed installation of the new system. Gone are the two slow DSL connections and access points that we used to have. Now the system uses a single cable modem connection and commercial-grade wifi access points to broadcast a stronger signal to more of the campus and docks.

This new system will enable race committees to check weather, upload results, and upload pictures even faster. It'll also enable club members to check weather or check in with work without bogging down any of the systems.

On your computer look for …

Follow Guldfaxe (Kloks and Crumps) at J80 World Champs

Strother Scott on

One Design Racing
2010_J80_Worlds_A_539.jpg This week, Tuesday - Friday, Ida Lewis Yacht Club and Sail Newport are hosting the 2010 J 80 World Championship in Newport, RI.

Bow number 35 is "Guldfaxe" - DEN 1312. Guldfaxe is owed by Thomas Klok and has Will and Marie Klok Crump as crew along with Vince Brun from Annapolis. Thomas got a 10th place 3 weeks ago at the North Americans in Marion Mass (Results) and his program is to take the boat to its home port in København, Denmark for the 2011 Worlds.

You can follow the racing on http://www.sailingupdates.com/ .

Sail fast Kloks!!


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Up at Fishing Bay the racers got in three more races in their Fall Series and fleet standings remained pretty much the same.  PHRF A  is topped by Cyane Crump, She Crab Soup, PHRF B by Dennis Hannick, Goin', PHRF C by Brad Miller, Schiehallion, and PHRF Non-Spin by William Curdts, Mr. Williams.  Race Chairman for the series is Lud Kimbrough.
BOAT SHOW, TURKEY SHOOT, and CCV FINALE - all this coming  THREE-DAY  weekend (Columbus Day is Monday, Oct 11th):
    *Annapolis Sail Boat Show opens this coming Thursday (VIP Day - anybody so much as contemplating buying a sailboat probably qualifies as a VIP!), October 7.  www.USBOAT.com   Show closes on Monday, Oct 11th

Interesting Melges crash video from Scuttlebutt 3187

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
It was day two of the Worlds, at the first weather mark of race three on that day. Joe Woods’ Red team rounded the offset mark, and in the process of raising their kite, was fully out of control within 10 seconds. As they rounded up, another 10 seconds passed before Michael Dominguez’s Bronco team literally speared Red with their pole, taking aim at their aft weather quarter.

Luckily, Bronco’s pole retracted on contact. Otherwise both Bronco’s pole and Red’s hull would have been a lot worse off. And what about the protest? Red was found at fault based on Rule 16.1 which says, “When a right-of-way boat changes course, she shall give the other …


Mary Spencer on

Club News


Edward Eubank "Sugar" Ralston, age 86, died peacefully September 16, 2010. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Marjorie K. Ralston. He is survived by his four children and their spouses, Edward E. "Bo" Ralston Jr. and Melissa, Cary A. Ralston and Janet, Susan R. and Dr. Jim Mathers and Rebecca L. Ralston; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Sugar and Marjorie owned the Fishing Bay property just to the west of the clubhouse and were Honorary Members of Fishing Bay Yacht Club. He was generous in allowing the club to use his beach property during Junior Week and the Annual One Design Regatta each year and he even contributed to the …

Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters NOR

Jon Deutsch on

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The Notice of Race is up and Online Registration is now open for the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship to be held October 16-17 at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. This Annual Regatta has been held at Fishing Bay Yacht Club for the past 28 years. The event has become a must-do on the Laser Masters circuit for sailors over the age of 35.

Last year’s regatta featured two of the premier masters sailors in the US - both of whom have won world championship titles in the Laser – John Bertrand of Annapolis and Peter Seidenberg of Newport, RI. Last year the event was sailed in not less than 17-25 knots. It was a sight to see lasers flying around the …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Fishing Bay Yacht Club finished 10th overall out of 24 teams competing in the 2010 NYYC Invitational Cup Qualifying Series in Newport this past week.  The team of  Travis Weisleder, Rob Whittemore, Lud Kimbrough, and Ben Buhl sailed 26 races in 4 days in Sonars and J22s, making it to the championship round of the final 12.   Only the final top three (3) teams received the coveted invitations to the 2011 New York Yacht Club Invitational Cup Regatta; those were Eastern Yacht Club, Annapolis Yacht Club, and Newport Harbor Yacht Club.   

FBYC WOLFTRAP.   Saturday was a beautify racing day on the southern Bay and those sailing in the annual Fishing Bay Yacht Club Wolftrap race took …


Mary Spencer on

One Design Racing

Saturday, October 2, 2010
Online Reservations Requested
by September 30, 2010

The Indian Summer – Sail Against SIDS Regatta is hosted by FBYC. All FBYC Members are encouraged to participate. Proceeds will benefit the research and prevention of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the leading cause of death in infants between the ages of 1 and 12 months. There is currently no known cause or cure.

Starts will be offered for the following classes: 420, Flying Scot, Front Runner, Laser, Laser Radial, Mobjack, and Optimist. Additional classes may be added at the discretion of the Event Chair or the One Design Division Commander. Optimists will be divided into Red, Blue, White and Green …


Mary Spencer on


John A. Hubbard, Trophy Chairman

The Trophy Committee will receive nominations until October 9th for the following perpetual trophies to be awarded at the Annual Awards Party in November.

PIANKATANK TROPHY – Recognizes the FBYC skipper who most exemplifies the principle that “all is not lost until the boat sinks.”
MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL – Recognizes a member of FBYC for an outstanding contribution to sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.
COMPETITION TROPHY – Recognizes a member of FBYC who is the skipper of an enrolled offshore or one-design boat and who most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. Nominations should consider the character (local, regional …

FBYC/NYYC Farewell

Noel Clinard on

Club News
60927_545513714080_9904293_32210526_3468596_n.jpg The FBYC Team, with its supporters, including Commodore Mayo Tabb, bid farewell to NYYC's Harbour Court after six races, for a total of 26 races in 4 days. Preliminary finishes of 9-7-10-9-10-8 placed the team in 10th out of 24 in the final standings. Results were delayed while numerous teams, including ours, were protested for going inside the prohibited area along the shore of the Naval Station, as they tried to skirt the shore upwind to avoid a massive ebb tide in light air. FBYC retired from that race, but it did not affect our standings.

The evening began with cocktails in the tent housing a Sperry Shoe Store and 2 car Jaguar Display, then moved to another tent …

Team Continues Replenishment in Style

Jon Deutsch on

Club News

NYYC Update Saturday 018 Team FBYC completed 6 more races Friday with a 7-11-5-2-12 leaving them tied for 8th in the Championship Fleet of 12, with the three leaders being Annapolis, Eastern and Newport Harbor. After racing, the Team and its supporters feasted on scalding hot steamed lobsters with corn on the cob in the regatta tent on the waterfront at Harbour Court. Today will determine the outcome of the Qualifying Series. The day dawns with continued northwest wind, cloudless skies and zero humidity, in a sailing paradise.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters