Come join the fun this July 4th at FBYC. It will all kick off with the start to the Long-Distance Race. This Portsmouth race is open to boats 24’ or less at the waterline. For those who wish to kick back for an afternoon on the water, there will be a sunflower raft up in Fishing Bay. What a great way to enjoy the water, visit friends, meet new people and view the racers as they finish and return to FBYC. All boats – Offshore, Cruisers. and the racers are invited to join. As the sailing activities wrap-up, enjoy a relaxed family cookout with hamburgers, hot dogs, and bratwurst, along with some delicious sides and desserts. Of course there will …
Next week is Junior Week and even though our focus is getting our juniors on the water, we invite the whole club to join us for our family night on Thursday June 24th from 4pm - 7pm. We will have three food trucks at the club with live music by Johnathan Meadows. This is going to be a great night on the bay
On the Flip Side Food Truck
Serving Specialty & Delicious food like Lumpia, Pancit, Hibachi Rice, Chicken & Pork Teriyaki, Bulgogi and many more.
Shore Bites Food Truck:
A mobile food truck featuring gourmet mac & cheese flavors, hamburgers, etc etc.
FBYC sailors take first place in A2N (Annapolis to Newport) ORC 4. The 475 nautical mile race breaks down into three legs, down the Bay, Ches Light to Block Island, and Block Island to Newport finish. The Bay was finicky as usual with everything from light breeze, to no wind, to 15 knots. The crew battled with competitor Integrity, a Navy 44, and were side by side exiting the Bay. At Ches Light the chutes went up and the run to Block Island was on! Fair winds and following seas to Block Island were enjoyed by all!
Supposedly we kept block to our port, but with all the fog we didn’t see land until we were within 100 yards …
We love working with other sailing organizations on the Chesapeake Bay--especially the Harrington Harbour Sailing Association (HHSA)! This Thursday, June 10 at 7 PM, HHSA is hosting a Zoom presentation with FBYC members Nica (and perhaps Jeremy) Waters where they discuss their major refit, rerig and renovation of their Bristol Channel Cutter, Calypso. They've been living on the hard just down the road from the club while preparing for some far-flung sailing adventures.
Register to hear how they're progressing at: Look under the "Social" tab (we're sure this has been only great and relaxing fun!) to sign-up.
I am completely amazed how rich the "Corinthian spirit" has been at our club and how many members are volunteering for our upcoming two day regatta. After a year of being bound by a computer our kids finally have the opportunity to be on the water again to represent our amazing sailing program and club. We are hosting the Virginia State Championship which is also the season opener for CBYRA. With registration open for about a month we have been successfully amassing an army of volunteers to serve over 100 sailors along with their family and friends. As far as the eye can see will be an armada of kids geared and ready to give it their all June 26-27th …
ILCA ACCs were held in Wrightsville Beach, NC on May 21-23. Finn Ciszewski, Henry Ciszewski, Reed McAllister, Baylor Goldthwaite, Logan Hayes, Jack Cabell, and Joshua Almany all competed. Olympian Sarah Lihan was also present to provide coaching support. Everyone did well in challenging conditions, which ranged from no wind to heavy wind and sea conditions to match. Long postponements, heat, and exhaustion did not deter the sailors, and all of them did a great job. Their next event will be ILCA Nationals in Norfolk, June 17-20, followed directly by Junior Week and FBYC Junior Regatta. Sail fast, FBYC Juniors.
Laser Clinic – This SATURDAY is a Laser Clinic at FBYC put on by Mike Toms. If you want to learn Laser basics or just revisit some of the things you already know – this is a great opportunity to talk shop and learn some things about the boat. The group will meet at 0900. Sign up and more details at:
District 11 Championship – last weekend Norfolk Yacht and Country Club hosted the ILCA District 11 Championship. Fleet members Jon Deutsch and Britt Drake were in attendance. FBYC Junior alum, Alex Jacob, now residing and sailing out of NYCC won the event. This was a great tune up for ILCA Nationals that will be hosted …
EVERYONE is welcome to join in the fun at FBYC's first Family and Adult Sailing Festival this Saturday! It's our Adult Sailing School Grand Opening where we'll welcome our latest addition to the club's Flying Scot fleet--our 4th boat. There will be sailing instruction, activities for kids, tours of the club for guests and food for all. REGISTER NOW AT:
Learn to rig, launch, stow, heave-to for a snack or watch a dolphin, hit a picnic beach—avoid hitting the dock—you get the picture—skills you will need to have a fun and safe day on the water. And maybe show off a bit to your friends/kids/grandkids.
The ILCA fleet kicked off the season with the Spring Regatta on Saturday. PRO Rick Klein patiently waited for an hour ashore for the wind to come and when it did we had a perfect course on the far side of the Piankatank and 8-10 knots of breeze from the ESE.
New Member Holly Sears made her ILCA racing debut at FBYC. Chris Rouzie was back and had some good speed mixing it up with Mike and Britt. Alain had a solid end of the day finishing 2nd in the final race. Britt had a lot of solid starts. Mike had some really good upwind speed. Jon stayed on the best side of the shifts most of the day.
The Cruising Division’s first on-the-water event, a Captain’s Choice cruise, is scheduled for this weekend, May 15-16. It will be preceded by drinks and snacks at Fannie's Friday, May 14th at 6:00 PM. It is a BYOB/BYOS event. Since it is a BYOB/BYOS event, cruisers who are not signed up for the event are invited to stop by.
Cruisers are encouraged to participate in the Sunflower Raft-up on Sunday, May 30th on the Fishing Bay side of the club. Early arrivals begin at 12:30PM and the raft-up's circle is scheduled to complete at 4:00PM.
If it takes a village to raise a child, imagine what it takes to teach over 100 of them to sail. We need your help. If you're interested in volunteering please review our sign up genius of areas where you can help by clicking the following link Junior Week Volunteer List
Make the highlight of your Memorial Weekend this fun-filled day of "low-key" racing, camaraderie, music, and summer-inspired food with your fellow club members. The Open House Regatta, Raft Up and Party is an event for every part of the club. We've got Offshore, One Design, Junior, Cruising, and Social divisions all coming together for an easy race, a raft-up, and dinner with a band. Our members are encouraged to invite all of their friends on their boats and to the club for the festivities. Invite your friends if they have boats that meet the criteria! See the Event Notice for more detail. Note: Don't miss out on the BBQ Dinner - it's Pre-order only and all orders due by May 24 …
We are past Opening Day and as we all look forward to a great sailing season, there are some changes and events on our schedule to note:
Event Added: FBYC will again offer the Southern Start for the St Mary’s Governor Cup on Friday, July 30th.
Schedule Change: The Delta Dash, Offshore Long-Distance Series #2 will now be held on Saturday July 10th and the One Design Summer Sea Breeze Series #1 is now on Sunday July 11th. Please see event notices for more information on these events. Originally, the Delta Dash was set for an afternoon start on June 26th, concurrent with the Junior Regatta. As we moved into Spring, we projected we would …
In a move back to normal, FBYC's Opening Day and Blessing of the Fleet was just what we all needed. With safety first, both on the water and on land, members welcomed spring and a new season this past Saturday. The racing was excellent and all who sailed had huge smiles and great fun. Thanks to our new social chairs, Karen and Gary Akens, and their volunteers for holding a great Opening Day.
Our 2021 Schedule is posted and here are some highlights for ILCA Dinghy/Laser Sailing to put on your calendar for this year.
Club Series - these are 5 single day events spread throughout the year that count towards the season series using the high point system. Anyone who sails in 50% of the races held qualifies for the series. Some of these race days are sailed during one design events with the Flying Scots, and other days will be stand alone days. We'll run a Radial fleet and radial series on the days we have enough boats. There's no entry fee and first warning times vary depending on the day.