THANKSGIVING is this Thursday, so... take a
turkey sailing!
Planning for the CBYRA Region 4 AwardsPresentation-Dinner is underway. CBYRA vice-president for
Region 4, Tom Roberts, says the soiree will be held at
Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, on Saturday, February 3,
2007. Region 4 PHRF and One Design and Junior High Point
Awards won by Region 4 sailors will be presented.
J36, Feather, solved the fluky wind shifts and breezed
home in less than an hour and a half over the 7.74 mile
course. This was the 3rd race completed in the 2006 Fall
Series and it was a great day for biting frost. RESULTS: …
fleets. Championship titles were awarded Saturday night at the
annual CCV Awards Presentation Party in Hampton at the downtown Radisson
Hotel. Win, place, and show trophies went to each PHRF Fleet in the 15
race CCV Racing season long program. The points totals were close in
A and C Fleet, while the winners walked away with B and Non-Spin
A: Champion - David Eberwine, Sea Star (18);
2nd - Sledd Shelhorse, Meridian 2 (22); 3rd -
Sanford Richardson, Kahuna (28). PHRF
B: Champion - Rusty Burshell, Cool Change
(16.5); 2nd - Dave McConaughy, White …
and sit very close on the rail!
Pugh was elected president for the 2nd consecutive year and
Mike Dale will serve as vice-president for region
4 (south region). Alan Bomar will continue as Chief
Handicapper for the southern Bay. Fleet splits for the coming
season were voted in for the southern Bay (region 4) as: A - Up to
115; B - 116 to 166; C - 167 and up; Non-Spin -
all. These are the same splits as 2006. Any change must be
approved by the region delegates before February 15, 2007, when the splits
become final. PHRF will soon publish a …
FROSTBITE #1 Gets Blown Off! Gusts of more than 30
knots brought a halt to the attempt to start the first race of the Frostbite
Series. The series runs for 5 consecutive Sundays in Hampton Roads Harbor.
Sponsored by Hampton Yacht Club. For info contact PRO Dick Boykin at
(757) 890-0093.
When and If belonged to
General George S. Patton; he had the 63 foot Alden schooner
built in Wiscasset, Maine, in 1939. He is quoted as having said,
"When the next war is over, and if I live through it, Bea and
I are going to sail her around the world." …
This past Sunday 3 FBYC Flying Scots and 8 FBYC sailors attended the Final 2006 Team Race at LOWSC. Due to the dire weather predictions on Sat., Selby Bay Sailing Center did not show (someone suggested we rename them SELDOM Bay Sailing Center) and one of the three LOWSC members didnt show either. Conditions turned out to be sunny, in the mid 60s with between 5-15 knots with occasional gusts to 20. We made the most of it and turned it into a 5 boat regatta and had a great time. Conditions were ideal for practicing all skills from very light & shifty to planing downwind on main & jib. (spinnakers were not used)
Mike Miller, John Wake, & …
Closing Day 2006 was brought to an end with oysters and bratwurst after an Offshore Fleet staggered start race in the Piankatank River. Strong winds took their toll on the Colors flying over Fishing Bay, and Tom Roberts and Allan Heyward retired the flag at sunset.
This is a heads up to what will be announced at the skipper's meeting at 0930 tomorrow. For the Closing Day Regatta we will have a Staggered Start Pursuit type race.
This year I have eliminated a large segment of time waiting for small boats, which have not entered, to start. As a result, Morningtide, the slowest rated entered boat, starts at the "Start Time" - 5 minutes after the "Warning Signal". Depending on the course length, all the other entered boats start within 15-30 minutes after Morningtide, so if I can get started on time - everybody will have started by about 1130am.
At the Skipper's meeting, I will hand out
this spreadsheet
which defines the starting times for …
After the staggered start race on the 28th of October, the social will consist of a share dish affair in the spirit of Oktober Fest. Please bring something appropriate (brats, schnitzle etc.) for about 50 people to have a bite. We plan to uphold that fine old German tradition of roasted oysters for this occasion as well. Beer and soft drinks will be provided by FBYC. The use of crotch pots set up at Fannie's House prior to the race may be a good idea.
The Wilton Creek Cruise attracted 7 boats to anchorage and 43 participants to the Coves at Wilton Creek clubhouse. A gourmet soup and stew dinner preceded a brief awards ceremony that included gifts for all Cruise Chairs, a special recognition award to Fay and John Koedel for their extraordinary support of the division this year, and the inaugural "Karaoke Award".
Participating boats were Obsession- Joe and Carolyn Schott, Reveille- George and Lyons Burke, American Pie- Vic and Jane DeNunzio, Ithaka- Douglas and Alison Selden, Reflections- Sam and Nancy Stoakley, Dragon Run- Lydia Strickland, Pelican Cay- Willard Strickland.
win fleets in 'Round the Lights: 57 boats started the
2006 RTL and 39 finished. Most chose to round Middle Ground Light first -
they went right - and finished before or very soon after the wind died out
in mid-afternoon. RESULTS: PHRF A (11 boats) -
1.Christian Schaumloffel, Mirage (Hobie 33);
2.PhilBriggs, Feather (J36);
3.Sledd Shelhorse, Meridian 2 (Farr 36). PHRF
B (4 boats) - 1.Andy Armstrong, Virginia H
(Soverel 30); 2.BobArcher / Chris Beahr,
Bad Habit (Pearson 30). PHRF C (6 boats) - 1.Dana
Dillon, Amarylyn (Catalina 30); 2.Justin
Morris …
Due to the scheduling of the Annual Awards Banquet, the Autumn Race set for November 11th is canceled. The November 5th race will be held.
As the season is now drawing to an end, I'd like to take this oppertunity to thank all of you who volunteered to help in delivering the Offshore Program in '06. It takes a lot of folks to run race committees and provide post race socials. Thank you for your efforts. As you can see from race results posted on this site, competition this season was very tight, and racing in close promimity with other boats with finish places being decided by single digit seconds is fun. We all look forward to next season.
We want to reiterate that this weekend's Wilton Creek Cruise welcomes all who prefer to come by car for dinner Saturday evening at the Coves at Wilton Creek clubhouse. Bring your own liquid refreshments. We supply the food.
The Coves clubhouse is reached by taking rte 33 from Deltaville to rte 3, as if you were going to cross the Piankatank bridge, and turning left off rte 3 at the Coves at Wilton Creek sign ( long white fence on left and large green open field). After turning into the Coves, take your first right, then your second left (Mariners Point Ln) to the clubhouse.
Register on-line now for our final get together as a cruising division for this season.
GCBSR pulls into Portsmouth: Somewhat
to most southern Bay racers' chagrin, the Pride of Baltimore, hit the
finish line of the 2006 Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race first and won her
fleet even after the handicap corrections were made. Our beautiful
Virginia finished 17 minutes and 3 seconds (corrected) behind
Pride, for 2nd place in the Class AA. A number of the 34
race participants are docked along the downtown Portsmouth waterfront and are
well worth a look-see. Class Winners: Class AA (6
entries) - Pride of Baltimore, Jan Miles; Class A (5
entries) - Adventurer, Art Birney; Class B (12
entries)- Prom Queen, Roger Worthington; Class C (10
entries) - Adventure, David Holmes …
Not high wind nor high water could keep twenty-six laser sailors from competing in the 2006 Laser District 11 Championship held at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this weekend. Henry Amthor of Hampton Yacht Club took top honors winning one of the 6 races and having top-5 finishes in the rest. Mike Waters from Severn Sailing Association finished 2nd followed by Ted Morgan, also from Severn Sailing Association, in 3rd.
Saturday morning high water from both tides and storms combined to flood Fishing Bay Road. For much of the morning the road remained impassable and competitors were forces to leave their cars and boat on the dry side of the road and walk through the water to get to the club …
The 2006 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta Winner is JOE
WATERS in Buckwheat. Joe Waters finished first in
Sunday's pursuit race at the 2006 Turkey Shoot and thereby earned the right to
represent Turkey Shoot at the 2007 National Hospice Championship Regatta in
Annapolis. 106 boats were entered in the regatta. Saturday's
racing was abandoned due to weather.
Even the intrepid Laser sailors were washed out on
Saturday. Jon Deutsch reports that half of the competitors could not reach
the site of the District 11 Laser Championship Regatta, Fishing
Bay Yacht Club, because of high water. They made up for the lost
time on Sunday, though, and 24 racers got in 6 races …
Dinner Saturday evening will be served at 6pm. The road should be passable from 2-9pm tonight.
The following changes have been made to the Notice of Race.
Sunday, October 8
Breakfast 0800
Registration 0800-1000
Skippers Meeting at 1030
Warning signal for first race 1130
Followed by up to 6 more races
Followed by refreshments and awards
The Notice of Race for the District 11 Championship has been amended as follows:
Saturday, October 7
Registration and Breakfast 1200-1300
Skippers Meeting 1300
Warning signal for first race 1400
Followed by up to four more race
Followed by refreshments
Dinner & District Meeting 2000-2100
Sunday, October 8
Breakfast 0800
Warning signal for first race 1030
Followed by up to two more races
Followed by refreshments and awards
Brooks Zerkel
We will continue to monitor the wind and tide level and re-evaluate throughout the day. We will still be having dinner tonight. Stay tuned to this website for further changes. Event Chairman can be contacted by cell at 804-305-1244 - Jon Deutsch
By Larry Chowning "Copyright Southside Sentinel, used with permission." September 28, 2006
The Deltaville Maritime Museum kicked off its own 2007 Jamestown celebration Saturday with the christening and launching of a replica of John Smiths Explorer at Deltaville Marina on Jackson Creek.
The launching is part of the 400-year celebration of the founding of Jamestown to be held in 2007.
In 1608 Captain Smith began exploring the Chesapeake Bay region in a vessel similar to Explorer. One of John Smiths layover points was on Stingray Isle, which later became Stingray Point and part of Middlesex County.
From the writings of a doctor who went along on the expedition, the story of a stingray nearly killing Smith on Stingray …
The fall Choptank cruise began on a crisp, dry, late summer day with a fresh breeze lifting our cruisers to Crisfield on a single tack, and ended one week later as autumn storm clouds scudded the horizon and a steady swester blew 25 knots into their faces, turning the homeward leg into an all out tacking duel with Mother Nature.
Seven boats (Pharos- Myra & Ted Bennett, American Pie- Jane & Vic DeNunzio, Miss Kate- Kate & Tony Sakowski, Wings- Fay & John Koedel, Sunstorm- Charlie Clough and crew, Silver Cloud- Sarah Carneal and Roger Gabey, and Reveille- George and Lyons Burke, with all but Pharos continuing north thereafter) sailed the initial leg to Somers Cove Marina where they …
Up on The Rivah Sunday, 10 boats sailed in Fishing Bay
Yacht Club Fall Series racing. Winners of the three fleets
were: PHRF A, Voodoo Chile (Lissenden);
PHRF BC, Neried (Eric Powers); and,
PHRF Non Spin, Temptress (Mark
SHOOT REGATTA - October 6-8. Hosted by Yankee Point Marina on the
Rappahannock River. This is a very, very special event, that annually
draws between 90 and 100+ boats. The regatta is open to boats made of
wood and to boats of a design that is 25 years or older - that includes
Catalinas, J-24s, Flying Scots and others. The socializing begins
Friday and includes a happy hour, music and …