Annual One Design Regatta Participation History

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

Thought it would be useful to share some perspectives on how participation for various fleets at the Annual One Design Regatta has ebbed and flowed over the last two decades. The most number of boats was 127 in 2011. 2023 was the first return to over 90 boats since 2016.

AOD participation 2023.png

The raw data behind this can be found here.



Donna Mason on

Club News

Plan to sail in the Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta on Saturday August 5, 2023.  We encourage all classes of boats to participate--we especially invite Flying Scots, Typhoons, Windmills, Mobjacks, Lasers, Front Runners, San Juan 21s, Melges -- and any Classic boat.  The older the better.  You sail it, we will score it. Open to members and non-members of FBYC.  This is a one-day event, open to all boats 25 feet or less at the waterline, and targeting skippers 60 years plus.  Crew can be any age. Please review the Event Notice on the FBYC website for details and sign-up in Regatta Network.

Any boat class with three or more participants, including 3 or more Classic Boats, will be scored as a …

84th Annual Regatta This Weekend

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing



They are coming from all over for the 84th Annual One Design Regatta at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this coming weekend. We’ve got 95 boats in 9 classes on 3 courses ready for a great weekend of sailing.  This year will feature not one, but two fleets of multi-hulls with the FBYC debut of fleet racing in the Isotope and Weta classes. Other highlights include 16 boats in the Melges 15 class.  11 Hampton One Designs and a 9-boat Portsmouth fleet.

There is still time to join the fun by either registering a boat or volunteering to help out. We have a number of spots throughout the day we could still use a few extra hands.

If you …

Summer Sea Breeze II and ILCA Summer Regatta Results

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing


Summer Sea Breeze got off to a great start on Saturday with 22 boats in 3 classes racing in 6-16 knots out on the Piankatank. The storms rolled right around us and never really approached. Tom Roberts and his Race Committee team got 4 races in during the afternoon.

In the 10-boat ILCA class Jon Deutsch and Scott Adam were neck and neck trading places to tie points for first. The tie breaker would tip to Jon on account of his finish in the last race. Mike Moore came in 3rd and William Sutten was 4th overall and the top boat in an ILCA 6.

Not to be outdone – the 7-boat Melges 15 fleet was also settled on …

Cabrinha Intro to Wing Surfing Clinic

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

Cabrinha Intro to Wing Surfing Clinic 

Tuesday, July 18th, 11am.  

Wing Surfing Clinic Poster - FBYC.jpg


Wing surfing is the fastest-growing watersport on the planet, exploding in
popularity within all watersports communities.

Cabrinha is excited to offer sailors young and seasoned alike to learn this
sport with professional coaches on utilizing industry-leading equipment.
These clinics are catered to those with any sailing or watersports
experience. Regardless of your background, you’ll be on the water and
more importantly, having fun in your first session!

This clinic will focus on an introduction to the emerging sport of Wing
Surfing and is intended for participants ages 15+. 
​(Younger sailors evaluated on sailing experience.) Wing Surfing is a fairly 
physical sport and participants need to be capable swimmers, be …

84th Annual One Design Keepsakes

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

The 84th Annual One Design Regatta is coming up in just over a week and we've got some great regatta souvenirs.  First up is the regatta t-shirt - supplies are limited so be sure to get your size by registering ASAP.



The other keepsake is a little harder to come by - you'll have to finish atop of your class for one of these!!!!


The EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT runs out after Monday, July 17th so don't delay!


FBYC Adult Sailing School

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

The Adult Sailing Division offers structured sailing classes in the Club's Flying Scots. Our small classes focus on individual sailors’ goals, skills, and low-pressure fun on the water.

When:  Most Weekends in July through mid-August 

What:   Custom Sailing Lessons for 1-3 Students (Includes Boat and Instructor)    Beginner through intermediate racing

Where:  Fishing Bay Yacht Club 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, Va

Who can Participate:    FBYC members and Non-Members

More about FBYC Adult Sailing and Club Boat Program:

Reserve your spot: @ (Signup Genius Link):

Coaches  Jack Cabell and Josh Almany are Alumni of the FBYC Junior Racing Team.
Both Jack and Josh continue to sail on their respective  Collegiate …

July One Design Sailing at FBYC

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

If you are into one design sailing - then now's your time to shine with a full slate of One Design Events planned in the next month for Flying Scot, ILCA, Melges 15 and any other fleets wishing to come join us.

It all kicks off on Sunday, July 2 with the One Design Long Distance Race - don't be fooled by the moniker - this is open to ANY small boat under 24' at the waterline and is sailed around government marks using the Portsmouth Handicap System for scoring.  Do you have a Laser II, Mobjack or Front Runner?  Then this is the event for you!  REGISTER HERE


The Second weekend in July features the Summer Sea Breeze I regatta for double …

FBYC Annual One Design Regatta Registration Open

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing


Registration is now open for the 84th Annual One Design Regatta at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. We’ve got two days of racing and camaraderie planned for a new earlier weekend on July 22-23. Look for fleets of Flying Scot, ILCA 6, ILCA 7, Melges 15, Hampton One Design, San Juan 21, Windmill, Optimist (Red, Blue, White and Green fleets) and Portsmouth Handicap class.

The low fee covers registration while dinner, shirts and commemorative bottomless beer glasses are available for purchase. Be sure to register early to get yours while supplies last.

Complete information including the Notice of Race can be found on the event website.

2023 Opti Kids A Huge Success!

Paul Almany on

Junior Activities

The 2023 Junior program is off to a fantastic start!   Thanks to all the participants, family members, volunteers, and coaches who made Opti Kids a huge success.   Special thanks to coach Jim Clary for leading the charge!

For more pictures check out the Flickr album here.




Club Boat and Adult Sailing Festival

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

Share the Pure Joy of Sailing  with Someone Special


Sailing in circles (AKA: Racing) not your thing?   Need a low-pressure way to give someone (Grandchild, friend, etc) a Fishing Bay/Piankatank experience?

The Adult Sail Training Event is your answer!  Bring your own boat & crew (Melges or any small boat, preferably beachable) will do. A limited number of Club Boats are available to subscribers.    

Register early to book ($25/student) in-boat instructors.   With or without and instructor, you will experience FBYC's awesome sailing resource--beautiful scenery and magnificent wildlife.

Saturday, July 1, 2023: 10 AM - 430PM. Start with an optional on-shore briefing--sail to a secret beach--burn some marshmallows.

Then sail back to the Main Clubhouse for  Great food (Small Plate …

FBYC Flashback

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing

2000 Turkey Shoot/Wayland RennieYou never know what old pics you may find cleaning house. Larry Pardey presenting the 2000 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta 1st Place Overall trophy (120 boats) to Wayland Rennie/Trilogy at Yankee Point Yacht Club. Pardey was inducted into the Cruising World Hall of Fame that year, and was inducted into the US National Sailing Hall of Fame in 2022, two years after passing from Parkinson's. 

Pardey: "We did okay today, but a San Juan beat the hell out of us. How'd you do?"

Wayland: "We beat the hell out of the San Juan that beat the hell out of you!"


At the National Hospice Regatta Championship later that spring in J105's at Fort Lauderdale, where we …

M15 Rodeo

Paul Almany on

Club News

A handful of M15s hit the water yesterday for some free-styling in the "sporty" conditions - needless to say a good time was had by all!   A few more cameos available on the flickr site.... M15 Fun.




Memorial Day Weather Watch

Doug Bendura on


This weekend PRO 's, Social Chairs and club leadership are closely monitoring the coastal storm forecast to hit the area over the weekend. We do plan to hold landside social events as scheduled on Sunday rain or shine!


The PRO's for the Family Regatta on Saturday and the Open House regatta are closely monitoring the weather (with the support of David Lee) and will likely make decisions about each event the day of the event.The safety of RC members and capability of club equipment will drive race decisions.


The raft up may be postponed even if racing does occur on Sunday.


We will do our best to post timely updates on the club website.


One things is guaranteed - we …

Adopting DPN-2 for Portsmouth Handicap Events

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

FBYC has made two changes for this season to our Portsmouth Handicap racing for small boats to improve the racing and make it easier to register for and (score these) events.

First, FBYC is adopting the DPN-2 handicap numbers for Portsmouth racing this season in place of the base DPN numbers we’ve traditionally used. The reason for this is that the base number is calculated for a very low wind range, and it’s very rare that we see that wind for the whole of our race days. Some of our participating boats have very different (higher) performance characteristics in more wind and the base rating wasn’t as fair to the other boats. Using DPN-2 – which is a …

State of the Club Mid-Year Update

Mark Wensell on



Please join us for the 2023 Mid-year Membership Update on Monday, May 29th (Memorial Day) from 10-11 am upstairs in the main Club House.  At this informal meeting we will provide updates on Membership and Club Operation with time reserved for questions. 

The agenda will include:

  • Finance Update
  • Membership Status
  • Club Management/Facilities/Sailing Events
  • Annual Awards Alignment Project
  • Summary and Questions


If you have specific questions you would like addressed, please send to

2023 - One Design Spring Series #3 in the books!

Paul Almany on

One Design Racing

Thanks to Rick Klein's amazing RC team (and his apparent ability to control the weather) and Rick Peterson's culinary expertise, OD Spring 3 was a fantastic day of fun on and off the water -  with 6 Flying Scots, 7 M15s, and a San Juan 21 "showing and going" under ideal temps and winds.   Thanks to ALL who volunteered and participated!


If you are not smiling in the picture below - you should be.  OD - Spring 4 is 6/11 so register early and often!



Offshore Spring Open May 20 & 21

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

unnamed_FzBhsrB.original.jpgSpring offshore racing finale promises Great Sailing,
Food, Fun and Friends!

The Offshore Spring Open Race is two days of back-to-back races open to everyone from A-fleet to Cruising class!
This includes all FBYC club member and non-member boats, interested in racing their sailboat and developing their sailing skills. The races are Saturday and Sunday with awards for each day of racing. Dinner Saturday includes Paul Wash’s traditional smoked pork butts and fixings. Don't miss this chance to test your mettle sailing in a fantastic venue with great food and camaraderie.

Dinner will start at 6:30 PM.


- Pork Butt

- Mac n' Cheese

- Beans

- Cole Slaw

- Pound Cake

- Rum Cake

Register here at Regatta Network

Purchase Dinner Tickets …

Open House Regatta and Party: Sunday May 28th

Aaron Sutten on

Offshore Racing

Open House 2023-01.jpg

Join us for a fun-filled day of racing, raft up, dinner and DJ music.

**EVENT UPDATE: RACE and Sailing Events are canceled due to Weather**
Landside party and activities are still ON!

The winds may blow but the rain looks pretty light. This will still be a great party.

As Scheduled:

  • 1630- Meet and Greet with Sailing Division representatives 
  • 1800- Fried Chicken dinner and DJ

Everyone is encouraged to invite friends as this event will serve as a showcase for all that FBYC has to offer. 

This is a chance to explore new ways to get out on the water or to get out on the water for the first time!
Mix and mingle with Division members from the following …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters