After braving a fierce lightning storm to start the race, the Solomons race fleet was becalmed just north of Windmill Point early Friday night. With predictions of light winds through the night, the fleet conferred by VHF, then a spokesman informed the event chair by cell phone that as of 2047 they were starting engines and withdrawing from the race. We wish them all good luck at the Screwpile Lighthouse Regatta and hope for better conditions next year.
Strong breezes and small waves made for an exciting West River Junior
Regatta Tuesday, July 16th. We took Mark Buchanan, Kathryn Clinard, Annie
MacKinnon, Quentin Jenkins, Strother Scott, Ashton Hudgins, Eliza
Strickland, Franny Kupersmith and Miles Kimborugh to the regatta.
Highlights included Mark Buchanan placing third in the over twenty boat
green fleet. Way to go Mark! Franny Kupersmith placed third while Eliza
Strickland placed fourth in the competitive 10 boat byte fleet. Kathryn
Clinard and Annie MacKinnon had an absolute blast. Quentin Jenkins got a
taste of what being in the front of the pack is about when he rounded the
weather mark 11th out of the fourty boat Opti red, white and blue fleet.
Finally, Miles experienced why …
The Sailing Instructions for the race to Solomons Island, July 19-20, 2002, are attached as a PDF to this article. Important times include:
Friday, July 19
1700 Race entries due on board FBYC race committee boat, Mr. Roberts, located on the FBYC middle dock on Jackson Creek.
1700 Skippers meeting at FBYC on the lawn under the flag pole adjacent to Jackson Creek
1900 Warning gun for first class
For further info contact Stuart Burnett, Solomons Race Event Chair at or (804) 240-8368.The attached PDF contains the Sailing Instructions for the FBYC 2002 Solomons Island Race.
The 43rd National Championship for the Mobjacks will be held on August 16-18 at the Lewes Yacht Club in Lewes, Delaware. Lewes is located on the South shore of the Delaware Bay at the mouth - opposite Cape May, NJ and just north of Rehoboth Beach. For more information check out the Mobjack Web Site and the
Notice of Race which has been posted.
In big wind that made them forget the heat, Quentin Jenkins, Annie MacKinnon, Lina and Strother Scott sailed in the Virginia State Optimist Championships, Eliza Strickland, Andrew Wilton and Meg Roberts raced Bytes and Robbie Walker and Justin Wilton raced full rig Lasers. Eric Bokinsky organized the trip and coached while Alex MacKinnon, Ruthanna and Ron Jenkins, Strother Scott, Dick Cole and Tom Roberts spectated and helped out. There was big wind that kept racers from feeling the heat. They are shown relaxing on the lawn after racing. Great group of sailors!
Yesterday Blake and Eric led our Junior Team to the Sandy MacVickar Junior Regatta at Severn Sailing Association in Annapolis, Maryland. Strother and Lina Scott sailed their Optis in windy cool conditions with a large fleet. They are shown getting a little advice from Blake and Eric between races.
Eliza Strickland and Frannie Kupersmith participated in the Byte Class. At the request of some members who felt the picture of last year's coaches on every Junior Racing Article of the web site was a little dated - I have replaced it with an image of Frannie and Eliza in their Bytes at SSA. As with any subject image, you can click on the picture to find all articles on the …
The Jury has reinstated Emily East and Hartley Meric (Fairhope YC) into race 5. East and Meric were recorded OCS by the Race Committee, but filed for redress claiming the the OCS was not warranted. The Jury agreed and has given the team their 2nd place finish for the race. This moves East and Meric into first place, just one point ahead of Derby Anderson and Lucy Kupersmith (Annapolis, MD). With one race to go today, only the top two teams of East/Meric (19pts) and Anderson/Kupersmith (20pts) have a mathmatical chance to take home the Ida Lewis Trophy.
While the top two teams battle it out today, another race of significance will …
According to The Newport Harbor Yacht Club Website FBYC Junior member Lucy Kupersmith and her partner lead the U.S. Sailing Junior Womens Double-Handed Championship For the Ida Lewis Trophy being held July 5-10th, 2002 at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Balboa, California.
The Race Committee has held the competitors on the water for a 4th race. The wind continues to be steady at 15 knots with an occasional lull to 13 knots. The south south easterly breeze direction continued, however the velocity slowly dropped during the race from 15 knots down to 8-10 by the finish. That didn't seem to bother Derby Anderson and Lucy Kupersmith (Annapolis, MD) who sailed …
We had a great day today.
Catherine Clinard sailed well in green fleet and came home with a fourth
place trophy, which she was so proud of she cradled it in her hands the
entire drive home! Unfortunately she will need to have some fiberglass
work done on the boat bow - she was on starboard tack and the little kid
who hit her who was on port tack & did not respond to her yelling
"starboard" at him.
Quentin Jenkins got a third place trophy in blue fleet.
Eliza Strickland and Miles Kimbrough sailed an FJ belonging to NYCC
because there weren't any other Bytes - they sailed without the plugs,
which provided the coach boat an opportunity to help …
Update 7/10/2002 - the Boat has been found and returned intact Tuesday night - Thanks to all for your help. On July 4th Jay McArdle's powerboat was stolen out of his yard near West Point. Members of the club are asked to be on the lookout for it. It is a 21 foot DONZI center consol with a red Bimini top. It has a white Johnson 225 horse outboard with a black stabilizer fin.
It is on a white tandem axle trailer. The name on the trailer is Yacht Club. The side of the boat has the name Donzi and the model number F-21 on it. 2 additional photos are under read more.
It also has a yellow quick …
Fourty-three junior sailors hailing from Norfolk to Annapolis enjoyed a perfect day of racing during the FBYC Junior Regatta on June 29th. Under the direction of event chair Lud Kimbrough, Fishing Bay Yacht Club demonstrated it's commitment to junior sailing by providing three seperate race courses, free hamburgers and hotdogs after the racing, handing out 31 trophies, and FBYC Junior Racing "Cruiser Mugs" to all participants. Read on for details and regatta results The Laser, 420, and Byte fleets competing off Stove Point on the big-boat course managed by event Race Committee Chair, Stuart Burnett. All three fleets got in six races with a mix of windward/leeward, modified triangle, and olympic courses. Races lasted about 30 minutes each …
This past Tuesday was a great success in Annapolis. Eric and I took seven sailors for the Annapolis Yacht Club Junior Regatta. Congratulations to Eliza Strickland, Franny Kupersmith, Miles Kimbrough, Betsy Carwile, Mark Buchanan, Quentin Jenkins and Alex O'Toole for making it out their for the first regatta of the season. See AYC results
There is a slew of upcoming events which are as follows:Saturday, June 29th is the Fishing Bay Yacht Club's Junior Regatta. I have already been hearing from other clubs such as RRYC and HYC telling me that they are planning to come over for it. Fleets will include 420, Laser, Laser Radial, Byte, Opti and Opti Green Fleet. Don't forget that we …
Please note that as we approach the busy summer Junior season, the Fun Regatta tomorrow, the Junior Regatta the next day, etc. that our Junior leader Jan Monnier has had to switch her e-mail address to You can reach her there - do not even bother to send mail to her address - it seems she has retired as a college professor to work full time for our Juniors for the summer!!!
Please note that the Summer Seabreeze will be held on Saturday, July 6th and Saturday, July 20th. The sailing events book incorrectly states the first race will be on July 7th.
Anna Cobb completed her successful collegiate sailing season in Hawaii and was recently selected as ICSA/Ronstan All-American Crew. For more information see
Congratulations - Anna
We have now organized a Junior Racing Mailing List to more easily send e-mails to all juniors, their parents, and anyone else interested in Junior Racing. is a moderated
e-mail list - so any e-mail sent to will go first to Noel Clinard,
the Junior Communications officer, for approval before it is sent to everybody.
You may subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to or you may unsubscribe by sending
a blank e-mail to We plan the same capability for our offshore, and various one design fleets.We also have a Junior Hotline - 804-787-8015 - which will be updated every Friday morning this summer as the traveling teams plans develop …
I would like to take the opportunity to openly express my gratitude to the members of FBYC and the Board of Directors on behalf of the International Lightning Class Associations Fishing Bay Fleet 509.
Throughout the weekend, visiting sailors repeatedly commented on outstanding clubhouse, facilities and members.
I would like to thank those members that actively participated in the Dixie District Regatta event. David Lee, Case and Rob Whittemore, John Beery, Mike Karn, Blake Kimbrough, Eric Bokinsky, Kelly OToole and numerous others provided great on-the-water race management.
Many Thanks,
Ron Buchanan
Fleet Captain, ILCA Fleet 509