It's hard to believe but FBYC's two season-capping events are just around the corner.
Mark your calendars for our Closing Day Regatta & Oyster Roast on November 2, 2019. This event is always fun-filled, whether you're pursuit racing 'round the marks or just coming to slurp, shuck or dress up local oysters to your liking.
Then, get ready to rock on November 16, 2019 for the Annual Meeting and Commodore's Ball. We're "mixing up the race course" with a new location at the Hippodrome Theater. Located in Richmond's Jackson Ward, the Hippodrome promises excitement and history, not to mention great food and music.
Register now on-line for both events. The season's never really over now is it!
Did you know that FBYC maintains a Flickr account containing more than 20,000 photos reaching back more than a decade? To find your boat racing or your crew enjoying the music and dinner, visit:
FBYC would like to welcome Laser Masters back to Deltaville for the 38th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship on October 12-13. Registration is now open.
Why do Laser sailors come back to FBYC year after year?
Alain Vincey's famously fantastic regatta dinner
Plenty of room to rig and launch
An open racing area with little power boat traffic
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Sep 14: One Design Fall Series 2 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 21-Sun, Sep 22: Women Skippers Cruising Weekend (Cruising) Sat, Sep 21: Fall Series 1 (Offshore) Fri, Sep 27: September Movie Night (YAM) Fri, Sep 27-Sun, Sep 29: Captains Choice Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 28: Indian Summer Regatta: Fall Series 3 (One-Design) Sat, Oct 5: Laser Fall Regatta (One-Design) Sat, Oct 5: One Design Fall Series 4 (One-Design) Sun, Oct 6: Annapolis Sail Boat Show Cruise (Cruising) Sun, Oct 6: Fall Series 2 (Offshore) Sat, Oct 12:-Sun, Sep 13: Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship (One-Design) Sat, Oct 19: Fall Series 3 (Offshore) Fri, Oct 25: October Movie Night (YAM) Sat, Oct 26: Closing Cruisers Dinner …
Our 2019 Cornhole Tournament was a great success under gorgeous skies on the main clubhouse lawn! A record setting 14 teams came out to battle for the coveted ultimate prize of Mount Gay Black Label. After a couple hours of high intensity competition our club champions were crowned.
Congratulations to this year's championship team, "The Sticky Bandits,"Miles Kimbrough and Malcolm Cobb. Our runner up was team "One Trick Pony," who on the sidelines amassed the largest spectator section of fellow sailors cheering on their teammates. Finally, in third place on the podium was the Whorley Family.
Thanks to everyone who came out and participated in the fun; and special thanks to our event leads Mary Catherine & …
Register before September 20 to attend the Captains Choice Cruise to Mill Creek September 27 through 29. Attractions include wine tasting and catered dinner.
Hurricane Dorian has come and gone with a few gusts, clouds, and pockets of rain left. No damage found on the campus, buildings, or fleet to report. Please note:
Fishing Bay Road is currently coverd with 6-12 inches of rain and sea water
All Docks' power and water has been turned off and will be resoted tomorrow morning after the surge threat is over
Safety Boats (Wildcat and Whaler) have been hauled and are unavailable
Pool will be closed until it can be cleaned out
Club Scots are unavailable for reservation until Sunday
Event Chairs can provide status updates for this weekend's Cruise, Junior, Offshore, and One-Design events
Hurricane Dorian Is not projected to hit Deltaville. But we are anticipating tides 3 feet above normal, 8 inches of rain, and wind gusts in excess of 40 mph. Please note:
Fishing Bay Road is currently dry and clear
All Docks' power and water has been turned off
Safety Boats (Wildcat and Whaler) have been hauled and are unavailable
East Floating Dock has no vacancies
Pool Is closed
Club Scots are unavailable for reservation
Event Chairs can provide status updates for this weekend's Cruise, Junior, Offshore, and One-Design events
Outdoor furnishings have been brought inside
I will continue to provide updates throughout the storm here and on the FBYC Facebook page.
It's rewarding to have so many FBYC boats and crews along with boats from around the Bay proving their prowess during this past weekend's Stingray Point Regatta. The camp ground was full of visiting crews, the food was delicious, the music was rocking and the sailing was challenging--as light air always brings out the best sailing skills.
Thanks to Becca Doncaster and her volunteers for arranging a great event; to Mike Karn and race committee for getting off four races flawlessly; and Massey Whorley for a wonderful party. Full results are available on the website
The Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta on August 24 showcased the skills of our seasoned skippers over 60 years old and honored former commadore Jere Dennison. Congratulations to all who raced and kudos to the winners of the "Vintage Skippers Awards:" Phil Webb in Flying Scots; Chuck Carmichael in Typhoons and Wes Jones in Portsmouths.
We are proud to call you mentors, members and friends.
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Thu, Sep 5-Sun, Sep 8: Cape Charles/Mobjack Bay Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 7: Distance Series 5: Wolftrap (Offshore) Sun, Sep 8: One Design Fall Series 1 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 14: One Design Fall Series 2 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 21-Sun, Sep 22: Women Skippers Cruising Weekend (Cruising) Sat, Sep 21: Fall Series 1 (Offshore) Fri, Sep 27: September Movie Night (YAM) Fri, Sep 27-Sun, Sep 29: Captains Choice Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 28: Indian Summer Regatta: Fall Series 3 (One-Design) Sat, Oct 5: Laser Fall Regatta (One-Design) Sat, Oct 5: One Design Fall Series 4 (One-Design) Sun, Oct 6: Annapolis Sail Boat Show Cruise (Cruising) Sun, Oct 6: Fall Series 2 (Offshore) Sat, Oct 12:-Sun …
Don't forget to come on out for our annual Corn hole Tournament Sunday, September 1st immediately following the Stingray regatta awards ceremony. The corn hole boards will be located on the fishing bay side of the club, snacks and drinks will be provided so come on by for some fun!
RSVP to Mary Catherine at Indicate your team name and participants.
Strong August winds (that's right) shattered the belief that late summer sailing on the Chesapeake is boring. Not so! The Wee Dram racers sped to Cape Charles in near record time on Saturday to choose the winning bottle of Scotch Whiskey--no "e."
Back in Fishing Bay, the Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta proved that tiller prowess only improves with age. Taking line honors were Jon Wake, Phil Webb and Tracy Schwarzchild in Flying Scots; Mike Miller and Tom Roberts in the Typhoon fleet and Mike Chesser, Wes Jones and Jim Black sailing Portsmouth. Congratulations to them all.
Then on Sunday, our Laser II Summer Regatta showcased the skills of Jon Deutsch, Mike Toms and Joshua Almany who took the top …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Fri, Aug 30-Sun, Sep 1: Stingray Point Regatta and J/70 Chesapeake Championships (Offshore) Sun, Sep 1: Cornhole Tournament (YAM) Mon, Sep 2: Labor Day Mon, Sep 2: Semi-Annual Membership Meeting Thu, Sep 5-Sun, Sep 8: Cape Charles/Mobjack Bay Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 7: Distance Series 5: Wolftrap (Offshore) Sun, Sep 8: One Design Fall Series 1 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 14: One Design Fall Series 2 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 21-Sun, Sep 22: Women Skippers Cruising Weekend (Cruising) Sat, Sep 21: Fall Series 1 (Offshore) Fri, Sep 27: September Movie Night (Cruising) Fri, Sep 27-Sun, Sep 29: Captains Choice Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 28: Indian Summer Regatta: Fall Series 3 (One-Design) Sat, Oct 5: Laser Fall …
Cape Charles line honors and overall winner is claimed by Doug Anderson assisted by Brad Miller. In what is becoming a very popular annual event, this year’s version had twelve yachts and some fifty people enjoying the sail down to Cape Charles in near perfect conditions. The group was diverse; racers and cruisers, regular crew and families, racing boats and sturdy circumnavigators. The festival on the dock lasted several hours and after much deliberation, a trophy was selected and awarded…albeit somewhat depleted. The return Sunday to the club was uphill but, for an August day, simply fantastic. Look for the 7th edition on the club schedule next year, you will not be disappointed in your participation. It …
This event honors Jere Dennison who served in FBYC leadership roles for over 40 years. While his achievements with the Club are too numerous to mention, he was the Club's youngest Commodore, created the Club's comprehensive Austin Memorial Library, and was Club Historian for over 15 years. Jere was an avid one-design sailor who completely understood that sailing is a lifelong adventure - an ancient legacy to be passed on from generation to generation!
This is a free event (no entry fee), key points:
1--Skipper must be 60 (crew can be any age--so grab a family member, junior recommended)
2--Vintage skipper division (70 +) (you could win two trophies)
3--Open to all One design and vintage boats of 25 ft length or …
You won't want to miss the YAM's [Adult Swim] Special Edition movie night! Since the pool closes after Labor Day we want to take full advantage during this movie night...our outdoor theater will be setup poolside under Ric's place so you can spectate from a lounge chair, adirondack, or from the pool aboard your favorite float! Our movie will be "Stepbrothers" starting at 7:45pm, starring Will Farrell and John C. Reilly in a classic adult comedy favorite. The YAM committee will be providing some beers, soft drinks and popcorn...feel free to being something to share as well if you feel up to it!
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Fri, Aug 23: August Movie Night (YAM) Fri, Aug 23: J/70 Friday Night Series (Offshore) Sat, Aug 24-Sun, Aug 25: 6th Wee Dram Race/Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Aug 24: Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta (One-Design) Fri, Aug 30-Sun, Sep 1: Stingray Point Regatta and J/70 Chesapeake Championships (Offshore) Sun, Sep 1: Cornhole Tournament (YAM) Mon, Sep 2: Labor Day Mon, Sep 2: Semi-Annual Membership Meeting Thu, Sep 5-Sun, Sep 8: Cape Charles/Mobjack Bay Cruise (Cruising) Sat, Sep 7: Distance Series 5: Wolftrap (Offshore) Sun, Sep 8: One Design Fall Series 1 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 14: One Design Fall Series 2 (One-Design) Sat, Sep 21-Sun, Sep 22: Women Skippers Cruising Weekend (Cruising) Sat, Sep 21 …