Quentin Jenkins excels at AYC Junior Regatta

Strother Scott on

Junior Activities
0628051235a.jpg Yesterday the FBYC junior race team sent 4 420s, 3 Optis, and One Laser Radial (along with 2 coaches, 3 motorboats, and about 10 parents) to the Annapolis Yacht Club Junior Regatta. In the photo Quentin Jenkins displays a big smile and two thumbs up, indicating his pleasure at his first place finish in the previous race. On the day he ended up with a 3rd in class after about seven races.

In the 420s, Alex O'Toole and Sophie Massie sailed the best of the FBYC boats, yet the competition was very numerous and tough. They finished about the middle of the 18 boat fleet. The rest of the FBYC sailors, Kathryn Clinard and Lina Scott, Annie MacKinnon and …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
IMPORTANT REMINDER:  Don't let the 7th ANNUAL SOUTHERN CHESAPEAKE BAY LEUKEMIA CUP REGATTA slip by you.  All set to go for Saturday, July 9th, this event includes a skippers' breakfast, CBYRA sanctioned racing, and a Grand Gala & Awards Ceremony after the day's racing.  Entry deadline is Wednesday, July 6th.  This is an event that is certainly for a worthy cause.  It is also perfectly positioned on the racing calendar, so that racers traveling from the "far southern" part of Bay can use it as a weekend stop before jumping off to Screwpile in Solomons the following weekend. For info contact event chairman Judy Buis at  (804) 358-9475 or (804) 725-0218  Hosted by Fishing …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Fishing Bay Yacht Club and Hampton Yacht Club are the first southern Bay clubs to qualify to challenge for the BATTLE OF THE CHESAPEAKE TROPHY at Screwpile 2005.  In order to be eligible to wrest the coveted trophy from last year's winner, Annapolis YC, a club must have at least 5 boats entered in the Screwpile Light House Challenge.  In addition to HYC (7 entries) and FBYC (6 entries), there are four more southern Bay clubs with completed entries; they are: CCV (1); DYC (2); OBSA (1); BBSA (1).  The more boats racing, the better your club's chances of bringing back the BOC Trophy.  Get you buddies together. Round 'em up and head 'em …

A perspective on the Americas Cup

David Hazlehurst on

Offshore Racing
This item was part of the June 15 Scuttlebutt and is an interesting perspective on this extravaganza. In particular note the comment on other ways to spend $300MM.

* From Stephen Wells: While I have totally lost interest in the cup it was interesting to read the AP (story in the New York Times (Little Things Mean a Lot). One really wonders how someone who could amass the necessary $300 million could spend it so foolishly. We are really lucky on the other hand that they didn't decide to spend it on running for president. The weight issue is really stupid. With over 50,000 pounds on the starting line and they are willing to risk a breakdown for a …

Arts on Fishing Bay - a Masterpiece

Lud Kimbrough on

Leukemia Cup
What a great Friday evening the Arts on Fishing Bay turned out to be! The 4th Annual Arts on Fishing Bay event in support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society was held June 10 in spectacular weather, with over 350 attendees throughout the evening. Thanks to Bob Kates, Judy Buis, and Carolyn Schmalenberger for organizing this beautiful event enjoyed by members of FBYC and the surrounding communities.

Each of the artists donated works to be auctioned at the upcoming Leukemia Cup fundraising auction to be held at the Deltaville Fire Department July 8, and we are very grateful to these artists for their generosity. Numerous attendees also made cash contributions to the Leukemia Society.

Artists in attendance included Kathleen Noffsinger …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Here comes 2005 SCREWPILE LIGHTHOUSE CHALLENGE!  July 17 - 19  in Solomons, Maryland.  Hosted by the Southern Maryland Sailing Association.  THE racing showdown on the Chesapeake Bay.  Get your boat, get your skipper, get your crew, get your ressies, get your lucky racing duds and your party sandals, and get entered!  This is the regatta you have just gotta do!   Check the web site at www.screwpile.com    To save the late entry fee, submit your SCREWPILE CHALLENGE 2005 entry form  now - it must be received by June 29.  For additional info, please call (301) 862-3100.
Annapolis-Newport Update:   This morning, shortly after 5 AM, southern Bay homie Mike Nestor and his crew …

Junior Sailing Quiz

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
Who brought more Glassware home from Hampton over the past weekend, The five FBYC off-shore racers sailing in the Black Seal Cup, or the five FBYC Opti racers sailing in the Hampton Junior Regatta?

For the answer....The FBYC juniors represented this past Sunday at the HYC junior regatta with William Wirt taking second overall and second in the blue fleet, and Austin Powers winning third overall and first in the white fleet. Ben Buhl took third in the white fleet and Natalie Wirt was fourth. Newcomer Nick Howe was fith in the white fleet.

After the regatta the juniors took turns in the dunk tank with the Hampton sailors and ate much post-race pizza. The parents were seen under …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK  2005 BOAT of the WEEK  -  Sledd Shelhorse's MERIDIAN takes bullets for all five races.  Racing in the 11 boat PHRF A class at SBRW, Meridian trounced her fleet in extremely light air, huge currents, fog, and eventually, on the third day of the event, perfect sailing breezes.   All the fleets battled fluky to non-existent wind the first day, a slight improvement in  conditions the second day, and after a tenuous first race on Sunday, great easterly sea breezes that built to 10-12 knots and stayed.  OVERALL RESULTS:  Boat of the Week:  Meridian, Sledd Shelhorse, Taylor 40,  as well as winner of PHRF A:  2.Sea Star, David Eberwine, J/36; 3 …

Individual Race Results on Home Page

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
At Rosegill, Rob Whittet noted to the FBYC webmaster who was serving beer on the 930-10pm shift that he could not make the links work on our Spring Series Results to the effect that he couldn't find the results for individual races in the Offshore Spring Series. I tried to explain the difficulty we have in posting results for multiple races without success at the hour. The basic problem is that the Homepage only displays files that are equal to type "Results" - and we are only allowed one "Results" file per event. The individual race results are added as type "Custom" files and do show up on the Offshore Page .

Today I was able to modify the Home Page …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
6 great races - 3 great parties
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK IS HERE!  Racing is this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!   The early birds have registered - check out the website to see who is in which fleet. It you have not yet entered, get on it NOW!  Contact event chairman, Leigh Morgan at (757) 726-9640  The website address is  www.hamptonyc.com  - click on the SBRW logo at the center of the page. 
SBRW Important Reminders:    (1)  Go to the website and check your entry information (fleet, rating, etc.);  (2)  Opening Night registration and Skippers Meeting is Thursday evening at Regatta Headquarters, HYC, Victoria Boulevard, Hampton, VA  (6pm - 9pm).  Skippers …

Stingray Harbour Yacht Club Yard Sale

catesby jones on

Club News
On Saturday, June 11th, the Stingray Harbour Yacht Club will hold its Annual Yard Sale which will be followed by an afternoon cookout. We all have those extra boat items we don’t use and have been carrying around in out boats or stored in our garages for years. Well, your troubles are over because you can take the opportunity to place all your excess nautical items in the SHYC Yard Sale. Now is the time to clean out the boat and put all those items aside until June 11th. Remember, one boat’s upgrade could be another’s “good deal.”

Thanks - Bill Simpson Commodore SHYC

Sailing Quiz

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
Sailing Quiz --- What do you think the following image represents. stad

For the painful answer, click on ...For a hint - please review and compare this image.


Both images were taken from The Fleet Tracking web site for the Rolex Transatlantic Race. and both images represent the tracks of the various competitors in the transatlantic race.

The first image is the track of the Sailing Vessel Stad Amsterdam chartered by the Storm Trisail Club. Detailed inspection of the second image reveals that the Stad Amsterdam is the westernmost boat in the race, and apparantly sailing Southwest, while the rest of the fleet seems to be headed southeast - in search of the gulf stream to help carry them to the finish line, which …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
US National Match Racing Championship Area ABC (South) Quarterfinals (for the Prince of Wales Cup):  International match racer Marie Klok Crump came from 4th place after Saturday's double round robin stage, to win the event.  She won 6 straight matches (the last two of the second round robin), 2 in the best of 3  in both the Knock-out Series and in the Finals on Sunday.   Both Crump and second place finisher Daniel Wittig (Annapolis) earned berths in the semi-finals to be sailed in Annapolis later this summer.  The National Finals will be sailed in Newport Beach, California, in September.  Team Crump is a family affair - sailing with Marie is her husband, Will Crump, a noted racer …

Marie Klok Crump wins Prince of Wales Quarterfinals - advances

Strother Scott on

One Design Racing
Early reports from the water indicate that Marie Klok Crump and her crew did very well today and ended up the winner in the U. S. Match Racing Championships Quarter finals at Hampton Yacht Club against 4 other 3-person teams in the Prince of Wales Cup event. The result is that she advances to the semi-finals in Annapolis in July.

The goal is to advance all the way to the Prince of Wales Cup races which will be held in Long Beach CA in September.

Dymer Creek Cruise, and Upcoming Events

Tony Sakowski on

Cruising News

Dymer Creek Cruise, 2005 (almost anyway) and other events

Joe and Carolyn Schott were the Cruise leaders for the first FBYC adventure of the year on May 14-15 to Dymer Creek. The sailing was so good that the group decided to sail past Dymer and anchor in Mill Creek. Cocktails and dinner aboard were enjoyed by Sam and Nancy Stoakley on their ‘new’ Island Packet, “Reflections”, Gordon and Sheila Nelson, and the Schotts. The sail back was nice, especially when they all arrived before the rain began! Total mileage was 46.88 miles for the Stoakleys and Schotts, and 67.78 miles for the Nelsons. Many of us missed a neat sail and cruise. Additionally, we are all that much …

Southern Bay Race Week - deadline near, volunteers needed

catesby jones on

Offshore Racing

Volunteers Needed!!  We are still seeking folks to sign up and help out with various tasks, to include selling tickets, beer and rum drinks.  Just go to http://www.hamptonyc.com/sbrw/Volunteer%20Sign%20Ups.htm, find a time, and click on the link to send an email to Leigh Morgan.  The party is free and open to all clubs’ members.  They can make a day of it with the Blackbeard Festival happening in Downtown Hampton the same weekend.

Early Entry Discount ends May 27 – This one is self-explanatory.  Get those Entry Forms to Leigh Morgan by midnight May 27, or you’ll have to pay an extra $35 just to race.

Dunkees Needed!! – …

Juniors Getting Ready for Season

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
Several FBYC Juniors were seen at the club this past weekend getting ready for the season. After racing off-shore on Saturday, Austin Powers and William Wirt were joined by Ben Buhl and Turner Moody on Sunday afternoon for some Opti sailing and race practice on Fishing Bay.

The juniors plan to practice again this Sunday and are hoping others will come out and join them. After a morning of sword fighting and dirt clod throwing, the sailors generally rig-up and hit the water around 11:00am.

The first away Regatta for the juniors this year is Sunday, June the 5th at Hampton Yacht Club see http://www.cbyra.org/redbook/HYCjrSpg.htm. This is a very informal regatta and a …

Progressive Dinner Cruise, June 4-5,2005

Victor G. DeNunzio on

Cruising News

Cruise up the Piankatank to an anchorage near 37o32.385’N Latitude and 76o 24.02W Latitude (in cove in front of the DeNunzio home). Come early and enjoy a dip in the pool.

There will be dinghy service from 1700 to 1730 for those needing a ride in from anchorage. Or call 804-512-0110 Vic’s Cell) if you don’t see anyone at the DeNunzio dock. Dinghy rides back to anchorage will be available upon request.

Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres will be included and provided at 1730. Dinner with wine and other drinks will be served at 1900.

On Sunday morning you will sail 10 …

Urbanna Race Kicks Off the Long Distance Series

Eric Powers on

Offshore Racing
Just a reminder that the Urbanna Race to be held May 28th counts as the first of a series of five long distance events that will be scored for a series trophy to be awarded at this year's annual dinner. One of the goals of this series is to attract racers and cruisers alike and we hope to continue this year's strong showing on the non-spinnaker courses. For those that can't make all the races, the series will be scored with one throwout so everyone gets a chance to redeem themselves for attending those summer weddings. The other races in the series include the Moonlight Regatta (July 23rd), Point to Point Race (July 30-31), Smith Point Race …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
If you are interested in seeing some of the best match racers in the nation ply their trade, check out the US Match Racing Championship Area ABC South Quarterfinals this weekend (May 21-22) on Hampton Flats.  This US SAILING Championship event is hosted by Hampton Yacht Club.  Racing will be done in J/24's.  For info contact: John McCarthy, (757) 850-4225.  The event is a round robin format - lots of very short races (quarter  mile legs - umpteen starts) - umpires on the water - pre-start "dance", like in the America's Cup!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17, the schooner Virginia's masts are scheduled to be stepped.  Call (757) 627-7400 or check the web site at …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters