New Pool Steps woodwork finished

Strother Scott on

Club News
New Pool Steps at FBYC 11-28-07 006.jpg And this is what they look like now that the Contractor has completed the construction work.

New Pool Steps at FBYC 11-28-07 005.jpg The railings will be the next stop.


FBYC Pool Steps and bulkhead

Dixon Cole on

New Building
Picture 044.jpg Here's a quick look at the new steps and bulkhead work. Taken Friday Nov. 23 2007.

File also attached under more if you want to look at it bigger.

Starting a New One-Design Class at American YC

David Hazlehurst on

One Design Racing
I thought this article on Scuttlebutt was interesting. Excerpts below:

After extensive on-the-water testing, in late 2006 American Yacht Club (Rye, NY) selected the RS K6 as a new one-design class for the Club. Over prior years American had witnessed a decline in one-design keelboat racing at the Club and elsewhere in Western Long Island Sound. While the reasons for this are many, the Club believed that a modern design together with a time efficient racing program could reverse the trend, and a committee was formed to develop criteria and evaluate different boats. These criteria included good performance and sailing attributes, reasonable purchase and ownership costs, and the ability to be raced with a wide variety of crews without requiring …

US SAILING's One-Design Sailing Symposium

Noel Clinard on

Flying Scots

2007ODAward-Regatta3.jpg U. S. Sailing's National One-Design Awards Press Release states in part:

National One-Design Awards Presented

In addition to seminars and workshops, US SAILING presented several awards to one-design sailors and organizations:

Fishing Bay Yacht Club (FBYC) in Deltaville, Va., received the national award for organizing the best One-Design Regatta, the Flying Scot 50th North American Championship. A record number of Flying Scots competed in three national competitions (the Women’s National Championship, the Junior National Championship and the North American Championship), making it a multi-fleet event. FBYC's careful planning led to an overwhelmingly successful regatta, which brought over 300 competitors. In preparation, the club built a concrete launch ramp, upgraded the club’s signal boat equipment, designed a …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Renaissance Racer -   Tom Roberts, CBYRA vice-president for Region 4 (the southern Bay), has seen and experienced racing from all the angles - both small boat and big boat.  Now Tom has teamed up with Blackwell Nottingham on a Hunter 37 cutter.  They delivered their new baby from Solomons Saturday a week ago in the teeth of a mini-gale and were delighted with her performance.  "We had everything up and she went just great," Tom said.  Tom and Blackwell expect to spend a lot of time on Adventure with families and friends.  They say the boat is going to be their "summer cottage".  But, don't be surprised …

A Daysail on the Godspeed

George Burke on

Cruising News
IMG_0897a.jpg The FBYC Cruising Division adopted "Jamestown 400" as its sailing theme for 2007. Beginning with a sail to Onancock's John Smith Shallop exhibit, cruising to Jamestown itself, cheering on the Fishing bay Shallop regatta, and visiting the historic sights of Philadelphia and Baltimore formed the core of this program. As a finale to this theme, four division members were unexpectedly treated to a daysail aboard the Godspeed during Urbanna's 50th Oyster festival. For pictures of this, see our photos - on website for the Wilton Creek Cruise and PartyIMG_0887.jpg

FBYC Wins US Sailing One-Design Regatta Award For 2007

Noel Clinard on

Flying Scots
Regatta Award.jpg FBYC has been awarded the US Sailing One-Design Regatta Award for 2007 for hosting the 2007 Flying Scot North American Championship (“NAC”) during the 50th Anniversary of that sailboat class. This award, one of five prestigious awards given yearly by the US Sailing One Design Council, recognizes “excellence in development, promotion, and management by organizers and sponsors of the year’s outstanding regional regatta.” The award was presented on November 18 at the Council’s annual One-Design Sailing Symposium in Columbus, Ohio.

FBYC’s Vice and Rear Commodores Ric Bauer and Noel Clinard traveled to Columbus to receive the award. Noel was the event chair for the NAC and Ric was the on-shore/launch coordinator for that regatta. The President …

FBYC and NACs Win National Award!!!

Noel Clinard on

Flying Scots
NAC FBYC PROOF.jpg I am thrilled to report that Bill Ross just called me on behalf of the US Sailing One Design Committee to announce that FBYC has been awarded the U S Sailing National One Design Regatta Award for the year. This award will be presented on Saturday November 17, 2007, in Columbus, Ohio, at the One Design Symposium.

Ric Bauer and I are discussing the FBYC delegation to travel to Columbus to receive the award. Bill Ross, immediate past Commodore and Barbara Griffin, President, of FSSA, will be there.

Needless to say, we could not have done without you and without Barbara Griffin, as President of FSSA. Her unstinting support and meticulous nomination write-up carried the day!

This award is one …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
lipscomb.jpgCaribbean 1500 hangs a right at Cape Henry.    At noon yesterday 69 boats headed for points south, specifically Tortola BVI.  The 18th annual Caribbean 1500 rally makes up in Hampton each October and has boats that come from all parts of the country.  Steve Black, head honcho of the Cruising Rally Association which administers the 1500 as well as the Atlantic Cup and the Bermuda Cup, makes his home in Hampton.
Fluky-shifty winds in FROSTBITE #2 caused constant shuffling of positions within the fleets Sunday.  Boats dropped from first …

Four Lanes now open on both West Point Bridges

Strother Scott on

Club News
I made a quick round trip to the river this morning and noticed that all lanes are now open on both bridges in West Point.

Hopefully, the Friday Night logjams as traffic enters West Point will be a thing of the past!!!


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS THIS COMING SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4th,  AT 2AM.  Set your clock for Eastern Standard Time - fall back one hour.  Racing Sleepyheads ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz!
The Caribbean 1500 fleet, currently gathering in Hampton, will head for Tortola, BVI, Sunday, November 4.  The start of the race / cruise is planned for just east of Thimble Shoal Light around mid-morning / noon-ish on Sunday.  Check at for specifics and definite times.  This looks to be a record setting number of boats - each one beautiful.  Most are berthed at Bluewater Yachting Center (Sunset Creek - Hampton River, Hampton) and at other facilities on Hampton River.
Get spooked!   Halloween is this coming Wednesday …

Two FBYC Sailors Qualify for International Teams

Eric Powers on

Junior Activities
The United States Optimist Dinghy Association (USODA)has announced its roster of members for the 2008 South American and Holland Teams and each team includes an FBYC junior Optimist sailor! We're very proud that our optimist team sailors Alex Jacob and Kendall Swenson have qualified for these two teams respectively. They both qualified earlier this month by performing exceptionally well at the USODA Atlantic Coast Championship held at Norfolk Yacht and Country Club October 6th-8th. Six other FBYC Optimist team members also raced in the event and did very well with one other (Austin Powers) missing the qualifier for the Holland team by only 11 places. Next summer, our two qualifiers will attend these very prestigious International Optimist Dinghy …

Staggered Start this weekend

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
This is a heads up to what will be announced at the skipper's meeting at 0930 on Saturday morning. For the Closing Day Regatta we will have a Staggered Start Pursuit type race.

Some of us have learned the hard way, that one of the most important aspects of this race is to have a digital watch that is synchronized with the Race Committee's digital watch. If you refresh, you note the Race Committee time on the top left corner of the Home page. Knowing what time it is will be almost your only indicator as to the proper time to cross the starting line, as there are no sound or visual signals for your …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
WAVELENGTH,  LA MAGA, and  CHECKO Top Fishing Bay YC Fall Series Fleets.  After racing Saturday, the FBYC Fall Series final standings over the 9 race series were tallied and bragging rights on the Rapp River are all set for the Winter.  RESULTS:  PHRF A (6 boats) - 1. Wavelength, Rob Whittet; 2.Blade Runner, Brad Davis; 3.Double Eagle, Sam Mitchner.  PHRF B/C (7 boats) - 1.La Maga, Allan Heyward; 2.Elancer, David Hinckle; 3.Schiehallion, Brad Miller.  PHRF Non-Spin (5 boats) - 1.Checko, Steve Smith; 2.Mr Williams, William Crudts; 3.Last Boat III, Frank Murphy.
OLD SCHOOL  and  SALUTE  Win 2007 Rappahannock Cup.  Jerry Latell, coming off a huge win …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Virgina Beats The Pride!  Schooner VIRGINIA Flies Down the Bay in GCBSR!  The Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race started for Virginia at 1340 on Thursday and Virginia was home in Hampton Roads at 12:58:52, Friday morning!  Along the way, she set a record for fastest time down the Bay (11 hours 18 minutes 53 seconds), took line honors at the Thimble Shoal finish line, and, to the pleasure of southern Bay sailors and citizens, she beat The Pride of Baltimore.   Always a gentleman in this grand competition, Jan Miles, skipper of The Pride, was the first to congratulate Virginia's skipper, Nicholas Alley, and crew, on their win.  Miles radioed  Virginia  from up the …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
"In 1492  Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue."  We celebrate his discovery of our part of the world today, having adjusted the date to suit the Federal holiday calendar.  Take a sail to honor Chris! 
130 BOATS SHOOT THE BIRD!    The 2007 HOSPICE TURKEY SHOOT REGATTA  topped records for number of boats (130) and  amount of funds raised (more than $40,000).  130 boats (11 fleets) raced for two days on the Rappahannock River - drop mark courses on Saturday and a pursuit race on Sunday.  The event began Friday night with the welcoming reception, competitors' briefing and food and drink, including rock fish cooked on the Yankee Point Marina decks.  More than 450 …

Laser Masters Worlds

David Hazlehurst on

ILCA Logo - Small

Jon Deutsch sent the following article to both Club and District 11 Laser sailors. This District covers Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. The Regatta which started on September 29 runs through October 6 and is being held on the Mediterranean coast north of Barcelona, Spain..

Entries for Laser Masters Worlds Regattas are open to any Laser sailor over 35 and attracted over 400 boats, many trailiered in from all over Europe. when the Regatta was held at the Royal Cork YC in July, 2001. This was my final appearance in a Worlds Regatta and followed Cancun in March 2000, Melbourne Australia in January 1999, and Allgorobo, Chile in October 1997. In Chile I excelled myself with two mid-fleet finishes but …

Website Maintenance Update

Strother Scott on

Club News
This may interest some of you. About 2 weeks ago, the day I got back from Canada, the web site broke and would not allow on-line registrations because the hard disk was full. It was fixed promptly, like in a day, but more cleanup has now been done.

The hard disk is 73GB, so I was amazed it could be full. A couple of months ago, BM deleted a Qmail log file which recorded the time stamps and other data of all the email that comes and goes from the web site - which as you may know is about 1% real email using our mailing lists and 99% spam. The log file was 4-5GB recording about 4 years data, none …

Website Maintenance

Strother Scott on

Club News
The website may disappear for a few hours in the next week or so as we are doing some maintenance. Strother


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
IMPORTANT NOTICE:   PHRF RACERS - here is your chance to be heard where it matters.  If you hold a valid PHRF certificate,  list a Region IV club as your "home" club on your PHRF cert, and have anything on your mind that relates to fleet splits or anything else that you think can be done to improve PHRF racing on the Chesapeake, grab your club's Delegate or Handicapper or contact Mike Dale, Region IV Vice President, at and let your thoughts be known. On Thursday, October 18, the PHRF Delegates and Handicappers for Region IV will meet in order to determine fleet splits for 2008 and discuss other items and issues of concern …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters