On-Site Ice Available

Register early for the FBYC Junior Regatta! This regatta is our biggest annual junior event to finish off Junior Week and showcase your mad sailing skills. Spots will be limited. There will be good competition for you “old” salts, and a friendly environment for beginners - something for everyone.
Register at https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/22109
Volunteers needed to put on the best regatta, at the most beautiful club, with the most fun people on the Bay.
Contact Craig Ciszewski to volunteer at craig.ciszewski@yahoo.com
The YAMs are hosting a Virtual Game Night on Thursday, April 15th.
Bring your best trivia game face! The overall winner will be awarded a $25.00 gift card to West Marine!
We will start off the night at 7:50 pm with a Zoom call to gather into teams. At 8:00 pm we will log into the Let’s Roam link to play 5 rounds of fun games and trivia! Video chat and live scoring is embedded in the game so that we can interact with other players and view the scoreboard.
If you are interested in attending please reach out to Mary Catherine McAllister at: Mceb4989@me.com before the event!
Spring is here and with that comes our Opening Day Regatta and the honored Blessing of the Fleet.
Please join us this Saturday, April 17 following the Offshore Race to join (socially distanced) your fellow FBYC Club Members, Friends and Family. We will gather on the Jackson Creek side of our campus near Fannies House—waterside for the Blessing. We hope to see YOU there! If you have not registered for the race, please do so @ fbyc.net.
0900: Flag Raising & Skippers Meeting
1100: Warning for the first start
1600: Blessing of the Fleet--Fannies House backyard
Post Blessing: Immediately following--Main Clubhouse Grounds (Outside Only for Social Distancing) We will have individual snack boxes which include sweet and salty …
Weather: Get a Shiver in your bones just thinking about it?
We can help with that. Join us this Thursday April 15th at 7:30 pm for a webinar with Steve Zubrick and Brandon Fling from the National Weather Service.
BTW, this one is FREE AND OPEN to the entire CBYRA community, members and non-members alike.
The 15 April presentation will focus on what it means to be part of a Weather-Ready Nation. What this means is that Society is prepared for and responds to weather, water, and climate-dependent events. Read more about what this means to you at Your National Weather Service: Evolving to Build a Weather-Ready Nation.
You will learn more about using the NWS radio based, online …
Join Sailmaker Jerry Latell TONIGHT at 7 PM for our last Spring webinar, "How Do Sails Make Boats Go?" Register here:
FBYC member Jerry will entertain and enlighten us with his discussion of the physics of sailing as well as the beauty of a well-set sail. This is also a great opportunity for you to invite a friend to join us online and share your love for FBYC and sailing.
See you online....and on the water soon!
The YAMs are hosting a Virtual Game Night on Thursday, April 215th.
Bring your best trivia game face! The overall winner will be awarded a $25.00 gift card to West Marine!
We will start off the night at 750 pm with a Zoom call to gather into teams. At 8:00 pm we will log into the Let’s Roam link to play 5 rounds of fun games and trivia! Video chat and live scoring is embedded in the game so that we can interact with other players and view the scoreboard.
If you are interested in attending please reach out to Mary Catherine McAllister at: Mceb4989@me.com before the event!
Tonight's the night to introduce your family and friends to our "Welcome to Fishing Bay Yacht Club" webinar.
It's also the last time you, yourself, can participate to really learn about all the programs our club has to offer. Did you know about our Adult Sailing School? How about the Women's Sailing Clinic?
Until we're all together, in person, let's gather together online and prepare for a great sailing season in 2021!
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bJHW_vwsRwSEENf66SY_BA
Who's In Your Network?
They're your friends and family and work colleagues. They're the people you know from a sports team, your neighbors or the friends of friends you've met once or twice. And among the thousands of those collective people, we bet there are a few who would love to learn more about FBYC.
So here's your opportunity as an FBYC member to invite them to our online, 3-part webinar series, "Welcome to Fishing Bay Yacht Club" beginning next week, Wednesday, March 24 at 7 PM. Here's what they'll learn:
Wednesday, March 24: Commodore Elizabeth Staas will offer a tour of the club followed by a panel of club leaders, each describing their program. (This would be a great …
SPRING CLEAN UP; April 3rd with the 10th as a rain date. Help FBYC open up for spring with some Grounds projects. 9 am-1 pm. Lunch boxes will be provided for those who sign up at with Club website. Questions to Steve Montgomery 757-561-7289
Join FBYC members Carol Vaughn and Dave Tabor Wednesday, February 24 from 7-8 PM, online, as they describe how they sailed to exotic lands and foreign waters on other people's boats. Two years ago, they joined the Oyster World Rally as crew aboard a 54-foot luxury sailboat. In their presentation, they'll describe how they found crew positions, where they traveled and what the duties and expectations of crew (and the owners!) were during the rally.
When they're not sailing overseas, Carol and Dave race their Canadian Sailcraft Merlin, Dianthus, in club, bay and offshore races and plan to race in this year's Bermuda 1-2.
This is a great opportunity to invite a friend who might be interested in FBYC to …
The boat we have all sailed and loved has changed little in the past nearly 50 years. The racing has remained the same yet the sails have gotten more durable, the lines and rigging easier to adjust, and now the name we’ve all been used to is changing as well. The boat is going to start being referred to as the ILCA Dinghy as part of the ILCA Class. Any boat that was sold as a Laser before 2020 can race as an ILCA Dinghy and new ILCA Dinghies are now becoming available from multiple builders. There will still be standard, radial, and 4.7 rigs.
What does that mean for us? Very little in terms of the racing …
"I vividly remember my first Down The Bay race, delivering the boat to Annapolis," says Katie Yudkin our Membership Engagement Chair. "It was a grueling 14 hours. The rain was coming down sideways, the boat was crashing through four-foot seas and it was COLD. But I came to realize a few things after that long night: Boy do I love to sail."
Tasked with helping FBYC members to "get involved," Katie is actively working to increase participation across YAMS, Offshore and One-Design racers, Juniors and Cruisers. "There's something special about sailing and some of the kindest people I've ever met have been on the Fishing Bay dock."
Katie learned to sail on a Tartan 10, spent …
Registration is LIVE now for the 2021 Summer Junior Programs. REGISTER HERE FOR JUNIOR PROGRAMS
Don't delay. Space is limited in many of our programs and people are ready to get on the water. We are thrilled with the programs we are planning including Opti Kids, Junior Week, Sailing School and our Development and Race Teams. Registration has been significantly improved through CampDocs which will make registration, and health form collection much easier.
Join FBYC members Carol Vaughn and Dave Tabor Wednesday, February 24 from 7-8 PM, online, as they describe how they sailed to exotic lands and foreign waters on other people's boats.
In 2018, Dave (right) and his wife, Carol (left), joined the Oyster World Rally as crew aboard a 54-foot Oyster sailboat. Although Dave has decades of offshore cruising and racing experience, Carol was a "relative" newbie. She became tremendously skilled at helming in 40 knot winds and ten foot seas and also became an expert at filleting fish. (She even helped with a 60-pound tuna!)
In their webinar, you'll learn:
This pandemic has brought much tragedy, disruption and pain. But it has offered some opportunities that many of us would have never considered--such as attending multiple boat shows, simultaneously, online. So while we hope and plan for a beautiful sailing season, check out either of these two shows to lift your spirits and enhance your sailing skills:
The Toronto Show is going on now through this Sunday and is free. There are many sessions ranging from sail choice to cruising locations to electrical improvements to VHF communications. Your can see are the seminars at: https://virtual.torontoboatshow.com/seminars/
Another option is the Seattle Boat Show beginning Thursday, January 28-31. This show also has multiple sessions including Navionics usage, anchoring …
Have an article for the Log? Please send to Joanna Wensell by January 21 to be included in the Feb/Mar issue.
FBYC's future is very much determined by retaining and attracting new young adult members (YAMs) and there is no one better to lead that effort than Mary Catherine Buhl McAllister. (Or "Cappy" as she will always be known to many.)
Mary Catherine's sailing career began during 1998 during Junior Week when she was seven years old. "That year, the Junior Week shirts were yellow and my oversized shirt fit me like a dress," she says. "I've grown a bit since then, but that yellow shirt has survived the years and I still proudly wear it.
"After growing up in the Junior Program, in Optis and Lasers, I transitioned to college racing at Christopher Newport University. My CNU sailing days …
Jim is currently FBYC's Long Range Planning Committee Chair. He's as colorful off the water as his boat is on. Here's his story:
"It all began in 1983 when a group of us at Virginia Tech decided to charter a sailboat for spring break. One of us had some experience so our band of misfits sailed a Morgan 44 OI to Bimini in the Bahamas. (Can anyone ID Jim in this photo?) It was my first sailing experience of any kind. It's amazing how much beer fit under the settees in that boat, Some years later, I bought my first boat in 1990, a 27' Jeanneau Fantasia with the intent of family sailing and didn't think about racing until Brooks …