This past weekend Kevin Clark and I packed up Flying Scot 5566 and headed down to Lake Norman just northwest of Charlotte for an annual stop on the Flying Scot circuit, the Great 48 regatta. Due to work commitments we were not able to get on the road early enough to arrive in time for the clinic hosted on Friday afternoon by Dieball Sailing’s Paul Abdullah. The clinic was a mixture of both on the water and off the water coaching. Paul plans to get the video of the clinic up on the internet for everyone’s benefit. We arrived at the club just in time to see hull numbers 1 and 2 heading out for a photo shoot in a …
Plans are underway with North Point Yacht Sales of Annapolis for a J70 demo at FBYC on May 19 and 20, during OD and Offshore racing. Anyone curious about the new J Boat will be given a ride. The FBYC RIB will be used to shuttle sailors to the J70, before, during, between or after racing. In addition, Team FBYC, preparing to race J70s in the NYYC USQS, will get some “time in the boat.” Lud Kimbrough will be the on-site coordinator for the demo program. Watch this space for details and email Noel Clinard now saying, “I want a ride!” See “Read More” below for more exciting news on the J70 racing circuit in 2013.
On Sunday the Laser Fleet hosted a Laser clinic for a dozen sailors on a cool windless day. Mike Toms and Jon Deutsch took the sailors through the various simple, intermediate and advanced ways to rig a Laser and covered topics on the methods of dress and techniques for the various maneuvers. After a break for lunch, Jon demonstrated various aspects of boat handling while Mike narrated from the dock. After that, the boats rigged and everyone got a chance to try out a boat while drifting Fishing Bay. While it wasn't the best sailing day, it was a great day for sharing and learning knowledge about the Laser.
Calling all Cruisers! We will start our weekend off with a dinner on Friday night at the club, complete with karaoke, so bring your voices and something to drink! The latter helps a lot! The cruise chair will provide the main dish and participants will bring a side dish to share. You will be contacted to bring a salad, veggie, or desert. BYOB.
If you prefer to dock on Saturday rather than drop the hook at Rosegill, Urbanna Town Marina is a good choice. They have 15 transient slips with 30 and 50 amp service. $1.50 per foot. A dinghy dock is available. Call 804 758-5440 to make your own reservation.
Recently on a typical April, fog-laden Saturday morning in Newport I packed my sailing bag and headed up to Bristol, RI. Agenda for the day included a private tour, led by Jeff Johnstone, of the factory and build process for the new J-70 ‘Speedster,’ and later sneaking onto the prototype hull #1 for a test sail. The J-70 is J-Boats’ most recent installment and much hyped design representing their first new small keelboat one-design in 18 years (since the J-80 from the early 90s). She’s a 22.75ft asymmetrical keelboat sporting a trailer-launch able lifting bulb keel with an all carbon, deck-stepped masthead rig with furling jib.
To paraphrase Jeff’s words, the concept of the design is …
Sunday, the rains came, but at least there was no s-n-o-w on the southern Bay. Lasers, big boats, and one-designs, hunkered down to buckets of rain, north winds, and warnings for small crafty people. On Saturday, though, the FBYC Spring Series (Day 2) completed 4 races and 19 boats had a great pre-storm day. Craig Wright, Afterthought (J109) won the day in PHRF A and has the lead in the Series. Close behind Afterthought in PHRF A is another J109, Sam Mitchener's Double Eagle in second and Rob Whittet's and Steve Utley's Wavelength in third. In PHRF B, Miles Booth, Shenanigan, had a 2-1-1-1 day and is atop his fleet, followed by …
I have decided to abandon all One Design Races scheduled for tomorrow for the One Design Opening Day Regatta. A Notice to all One Design competitors that abandons all races tomorrow, will be posted on the One Design Official Bulletin Board shortly.
Abandoning racing before the scheduled race day is difficult, but I am attempting to save all involved time and gas required to drive to Deltaville when there is no reasonable expectation of racing tomorrow. The reasons for this decision at this time are as follows:
NOAA's latest forecast has been trending to more wind and rain. Small Craft advisories are posted for tomorrow afternoon and winds are now forecast to be NE 15-20 tomorrow …
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - The Mariners’ Museum is hosting a Safety at Sea Seminar on Saturday, May 5, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The day-long seminar is designed and conducted by sailors and experts, providing both novice and experienced mariners with information and skills required to sail the Chesapeake Bay or offshore, handle heavy weather, conduct rescue procedures and more. The seminar is open to all cruising and racing skippers, crews and their families, recreational boaters and commercial fishermen.
Seminar topics include damage control; Coast Guard rescue procedures, crew overboard and rescue; First Aid; Chesapeake Bay weather and life raft demonstrations. Program moderator will be renowned sailor and instructor Capt. Henry Marx, owner and president of …
Sunday, April 29 is an empty day at the club so the Laser Fleet will be holding a clinic and practice day. There is no cost and it's open to anyone interested in learning the laser and any current Laser Sailors. Mike Toms and Jon Deutsch will give a talk from 9am until 11am on rigging, tuning and other go-fast Laser tips. We'll break into separate groups to suit the experience and familiarity with the Laser if necessary. At 11 we'll take the boats out for some skills practice and short races.
If you've got a boat, bring it. If you don't have a boat, one isn't necessary, we'll …
The Flying Scot and Front Runner fleets will kick off their 2012 seasons this Sunday on One Design Opening Day. Racing will feature the two fleets sailing buoy courses in Fishing Bay.
Be sure to Register online or check out the list of who has already registered.
Schedule 0900 Registration 1000 Skippers Meeting 1100 First Warning
The Typhoon class will be hosting their National Championship just down the road at Rappahannock River Yacht Club on June 22-24. FBYC's own Gary Hooper finished 2nd there at last years national championship.
The Typhoon National Regatta to be held in Virginia June 22-24, 2012 IRVINGTON, VA, April 11, 2012 –Rappahannock River Yacht Club is hosting the Cape Dory Typhoon National Championship Regatta June 22-24, 2012. For the second straight year the Typhoon Nationals will be held on the Northern Neck of Virginia, home of the world’s largest Typhoon fleet with over 60 Typhoons plying nearby waters. There were over 2,000 of the Carl Alden designed Typhoons built between 1967 and 1986, affectionately …
It is with great regret that the Leukemia Cup Committee has decided to cancel Art on Fishing Bay this year scheduled on Friday, June 8, at the FBYC clubhouse. This decision was a difficult and disappointing one for us to make. The Committee would like to extend its sincerest appreciation to the many loyal exhibitors and patrons of this event in the past. However the reality is that the interest in this event has waned over the past few years, and the Committee felt like it would be more productive to concentrate its efforts instead on activities over Regatta Weekend, July 6 – 8. We hope all of you will join us over this weekend to celebrate the 14th …
The Fishing Bay Yacht Club Spring Series opened yesterday (results not available as of publication ). The FBYC Spring Series continues on Saturday, April 21. Go to for info and to enter.
The deadline to save $10 on your entry fee and receive 10 free regatta drink tickets is ONE WEEK (APRIL 23rd) FROM TODAY! For entry form and details click on Or, call 757-850-4225. Y'all come racing!
HERE WE GO! This coming Sunday, April 22, CCV Spring Series (Races 1 and 2) opens the Hampton Roads area PHRF class racing season. The CCV Spring Series …
The Deltaville Community Association, Inc. would like to thank all the members of the FBYC that so generously donated money to help re-build our facilities after the tornado of April 16, 2011. All but the landscaping has been completed. We are holding an open house on Saturday April 21st from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. A light lunch will be provided and all of the facilities will be open for your inspection. We hope that as many of the FBYC members as can will come to see what you helped accomplish for the Deltaville community. In addition, the Southside Sentinel issue of April 19th will have an insert with a complete listing of everyone that helped us over …
Racers, Cruisers, and Juniors - everyone is invited and encouraged to Bless the Fleet and enjoy this incredible event. Make plans to attend!
Blessing of the Fleet 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm-8:00 pm by White House Catering Music and Dancing 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
Delicious Cocktail Buffet Served Continuously from 6:00 to 8:00 pm: Cajun Shrimp and Cheese Grits Beef Brisket Fresh Veggies, Cheese, Fruit and Dessert Cheddar Scallion Scalloped Potatoes Classic Garden Salad French Fries and Chips Refreshments include: Soft Drinks, Beer and Wine
Back by popular demand from previous Opening Day parties are …
Here is yet another J70 Review and Video. This one by Dave Reed of Sailing World is the most comprehensive to date, reviewing crew weight, position, deck layout, etc. and discussing plans for the roll out of the boats, including the NYYC USQS.
Former junior sailors take on leadership roles: William Bomar and Ben Buhl have been named as coaches of the Opti Development Team at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Will Bomar is just finishing his freshman year at the University of Alabama, is well known among the southern Bay J24 crowd, raced for Walsingham Academy in high school competition, and has a year of instructing juniors already under his belt (at HYC last year). Ben Buhl has been around and an important part of the FBYC Junior Program since he was an "ankle-biter" back in 1997. He has collected numerous awards and given countless hours to the program and now will be one of the two Opti Development Team …
Check out some video of the newly launched J70 that will be used for the NYYC Invitational Cup Qualifying Series that FBYC will be sending a team to. Here is Jeff Johnstone narrating the continuing sea trials of new J70 in New England.