Regatta Network Training for SCORING

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

FBYC Regatta Network Tutorial with Scoring Concentration 


FBYC is providing a tutorial as well as Q&A on Regatta Network with a concentration on SCORING.  This session will be held Tuesday April 2nd at 7PM and hosted by Andrew Spencer.  


This session is open to ALL Offshore, One Design, Cruising and very important for all serving on RC.  We need to ensure we have plenty of resources for scoring---so sign up and join in!


Please send an email to Andrew if you wish to attend so he can send you the link.


Andrew Spencer


One Design Winter Sailing Round Up

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

As we approach the start of our season in the spring - a number of FBYC One Design sailors have been traveling and keeping their skills sharp through the winter. Here are a few highlights:


Flying Scot: John Wake with Mike Chesser and Sharon Wake and Tracy Schwarzschild along with Katie Finn have participated in the Greater Richmond Sailing Association Frostbite. John finished atop of the standing in the 4 day series. [RESULTS]


Our Melges 15 sailors have been prowling the winter circuit in Florida:

  • Winter Series #1 - January 8th [RESULTS]: Mason Chapman Jr. & Walker Angus; Joe Roos & Conrad Roos
  • Winter Series #2 - Feb 24th [RESULTS]: Joe Roos & Conrad Roos
  • M15 Midwinters - March 23rd [RESULTS]: Madeleine Garrett & …

Richmond Model Yacht Club Demonstration-POSTPONED due to Weather - Keep an eye out for a new date.

Aaron Sutten on

Club News


March 23rd, 1:00pm-4:00pm

Members of the Richmond Model Yacht Club will bring their Dragonflite 95 boats to FBYC for a demonstration on Saturday March 23rd from 1-4pm.  Right after our spring clean up day, and before the Evolution Sails Sock Burning, RMYC members will be on campus to demonstrate their boats and answer any questions.  Several of our members have been involved in model yacht building and racing, and they will tell you, the competition can be fierce!  

Come out and enjoy.  No registration required.  

Any questions, please contact Mary Almany, 804-405-2379.

Mar. 16- FBYC Wine Tasting & Charcuterie event in Richmond

Caroline Patrick on

Social Events

Looking for something to do this Saturday? Only a few spots remain for this inaugural event! All members are welcome to join us for a fun evening in Richmond with fellow FBYC members. (Only 13 spots available as of posting this message.)

Wine Tasting & Charcuterie Event 

Member-only event

Led by a sommelier from Barrel Thief Wine & Provisions in Richmond 

Sat. March 16


Caroline & Ian Patrick's house - 7110 Club Vista Lane, Henrico VA

$20 per person

RSVP and pay via this link

21 and older


Questions? Email Caroline Patrick

cgpatrick17 at

FBYC Membership Engagement Chair



Celebrate Spring at the Deltaville Sock Burn and Oyster Roast

Karen Soule on

Club News

sock burn.jpg


FBYC, Evolution Sailmakers and Local Businesses

Invite You to Celebrate Spring

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Mark your calendar and register NOW for the yearly sock burn party and oyster roast Saturday, March 23, 2024 at Evolution Sailmakers new loft at 16273 General Puller Hwy, Deltaville, VA. Their new facility is between the Table Restaurant and Tops China. Multiple marine businesses in Deltaville come together to bring you free oysters, music, & beer. Catch up with old friends and make new ones. It's the next best thing to actually sailing.

Bring a pair of socks (cotton!) to burn to please Poseidon.

Click on the link below for more details and to register.

Click here for all the details


Save the Date & Sign Up--Stingray Regatta 30th Anniversary - Best Offshore Racing and Party on the Bay!

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

Calling all Offshore and Cruising sailors!

Don’t miss the 30th Annual Stingray Point Regatta and the 2024 Southern Bay PHRF Championship, Friday, August 30 – Sunday, September 1, 2024, at Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville, Virginia.


The regatta consists of three days of sailing for both offshore and cruising boats. Friday will be a distance race (medium distance) for all boats, with awards for PHRF-A, PHRF-B, PHRF-C, and Cruising. Saturday and Sunday will feature two days of windward-leeward racing for PHRF classes, and a triangle course for the Cruising class.


Off the water, there will be plenty of entertainment, too, with Another Level providing the music for the Saturday night social. Complimentary continental breakfast will be provided at the …

Join the Adult Sailing Crew at the Spring Cleanup Day, March 23

Holly Sears on

Club News

Help to get our club Flying Scot boats ready to go for the 2024 season at our Spring Cleanup Day, Saturday from 9am-1pm, March 23.


Do you have expertise in working on trailers, rigging ‘scots or just want to learn the basics and tricks of boat maintenance? Sign up to help at and in the comments section mention that you would like to help with the club flying scots. And yes! there will be lunch….


After lunch, follow your friends to the Deltaville Sock Burn and Oyster Roast in the afternoon from 3:30-7:00pm at Evolution Sails in downtown Deltaville.


Questions? Contact us at

Would you like to be included …

Don't Miss FBYC Amazing Winter Program---Your Friends Miss You! Large Group Already Signed Up!

Elizabeth Staas on

Social Events

FBYC Presents a Winter Program

Peter Gibbons-Neff of PGN Ocean Racing 
March 6th, 6:30pm-8:30pm – Presentation starts at 7PM

Join us as Peter Gibbons-Neff from Annapolis recounts his 4050-nautical-mile race solo handed in a 21 foot Classe Mini 6.50. Peter was the only American racer to finish the La Boulangere Mini Transat Race on November 15th.

Hardywood Park Brewing Company --- Barrel Room
2410 Ownby Lane
Richmond, VA 23220

$20 per person
Light hors d'oeuvres and cash bar

Register Here----



Last Chance-Time to Register-Crew Training 2024--Sessions start next week!

Elizabeth Staas on

Offshore Racing

Recall all of those friends who think what we do at FBYC is pretty amazing?  Now is your chance! 

Send them to sign up for Crew Training 2024!


FBYC is again offering our popular annual crew training sailing course for anyone interested in a team sport that will challenge the most competitive and give a lifetime of enjoyment to anyone who loves outdoor sports and good fun.  Sailing is a lifelong sport and racing only makes it even more enjoyable!

Sign Up Here

The course consists of three classroom sessions and two on-the-water practice sessions in Deltaville (about 70 minutes east of Richmond) aboard racing sailboats. Classroom instruction is provided by FBYC racing …

A few more spaces available - Winter Program - Peter Gibbons-Neff and his 4,050 mile solo race

Elizabeth Staas on

Social Events

Peter Solo

Join us as Peter Gibbons-Neff from Annapolis recounts his 4050-nautical-mile race solo handed in a 21 foot Class Mini 6.50. Peter was the only American racer to finish the La Boulangere Mini Transat Race on November 15th.

Sign up to attend on

March 6th, 6:30pm-8:30pm – Presentation starts at 7PM

Hardywood Park Brewing Company --- Barrel Room

2410 Ownby Lane

Richmond, VA 23220

$20 per person

Light hors d'oeuvres and cash bar


For more details please contact the event chair.




Registration is open for Junior Sailing----make plans for 2024

Elizabeth Staas on

Junior Activities

Junior Sailing 2024 is OPEN

Registration has just opened for Junior Sailing 2024

Make sure to get your Junior sailors signed up for Junior Week, Development, Race Teams and more!

FBYC Member priority: members get priority for access to all classes before March 1 if the class were to fill.  


Member discount: use coupon code FBYC when it asks during the registration process.  This saves members from $50 up to $850 (The $850 is for summer race teams).  


Register Now




2024 Spring Clean Up

Aaron Sutten on

Club News



Saturday March 23rd, 9am - 1pm

We will be sprucing up the Club! 

Bring work gloves, any yard tools (such as wheelbarrows, pitchforks, rakes, shovels, cordless drills and trimmers, etc and please label well), comfortable shoes, and come hang out with friends and make the Club gorgeous and ready for a new year! Yes, you can operate your own items and keep track of them. Please sign up on this Sign Up Genius page

We will meet at the main clubhouse at 9:00 am for direction and tasks.
Lunch and drinks will be provided this year!
When we break for lunch, we can look back and see the beautiful progress made from the morning's work.

After lunch, follow your friends …

FBYC Members Sailing From South Africa

Karen Soule on

Club News

FBYC members Jon Moody and Brad Miller, along with former member Eric Powers and their professional captain, are en route from Cape Town, South Africa aboard the Moodys' newly-built Balance Catamaran, Hokule'a.  They plan a provisioning stop at the island of St. Helena then on to Brazil with their last stop in Grenada.  Jon reports conditions have been favorable so far.  They hope to reach Grenada by March and invite FBYC members to follow their track on Predict Wind and read their log entries at:  

Fair winds Jon and crew!

jon moody.jpg


2024 Junior Program Save the Dates

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

c420 fbyc.jpg2024 Junior Program Save the Dates:

June 8-9 and June 15-16


June 17 - 21

Registration goes live in February.

2023 Commodore’s Ball, Annual Meeting, Awards and Photos

Aaron Sutten on

Club News

2023 Commodore’s Ball Annual Awards and Photos 

Country Club of Virginia (CCV) St. Andrews - Saturday, November 11, 2023

Full event photo gallery HERE



Junior Division



L. WOOD BEDELL TROPHY - for Opti - Levi Dalsaso (not present); Laser - Finn McKinster


ROBERTS BOWL - Opti: Sebastian Angus; Laser: William Sutten; 420:  Justinus Petkauskas (not present) & Madeleine Garrett


REID A. DUNN TROPHY- Laser: Noah Wensell, C420: Justinus Petkauskas (not present) & Madeleine Garrett


JUNIOR COMPETITION TROPHY - Opti: Clark Garrett, Laser: Noah Wensell, C420: Bo Angus

CAROLINE COLLINS TROPHY - C420: Madeleine Garrett

YOUNG SALT TROPHY - Wyatt Call (not present)

UP AND COMING TROPHY - Parker Edwards (not present)



Commodore's Ball 2023

Aaron Sutten on

Club News


Band Ball 2023.jpg

Commodore's Ball 2023 Event Recap

What a great time everyone had at the 2023 Commodore’s
Ball! We commenced the evening with our FBYC Annual
Meeting to provide a year in review of the successes
of 2023 and plans for 2024. Then, the very important
and honorable exchange of Flag Officer Patches and
presentation of our 2023 American and FBYC Flags
(which flew over our beloved campus during 2023) to
our outgoing Commodore Mark Wensell. The meeting
was extremely well attended by over 75---demonstrating
positive interests in FBYC Leadership and ongoing

We took a different course this year by returning back to
the beautiful Country Club of Virginia. We tried something
new by switching to Action …

Old Club Video Footage – 2000 US Laser Masters

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small


View on YouTube

Some footage of the 2000 US Laser Masters has been re-digitized and is available for viewing on YouTube. This was one of the last major events in the old club house before it was torn down to make way for the new one.  Check out the footage to see some of what things looked like and some of the people who helped put on this 92-boat event or sailed in it.  The video is not short, so use the text in the description to jump around and find the parts you want to see.

Screenshot 2023-11-07 at 7.35.00 AM (2).png


Also if you have any video footage of the club or club events that is 20+ years old, let me know and I …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters