Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

The southern Bay has been blessed with a kind winter and, so far, an early Spring.  While you are out there practicing for the coming season remember to  DO A MAN OVERBOARD DRILL or two... or three!  And, do it with the spinnaker up!

THIS COMING SUNDAY IS APRIL FOOLS DAY!   Southern Bay J24 Fleet 71 has their first 2012 regatta on  . . . Sunday, April 1.  Connect the dots!!   Kudos to the J24 racers for gettin' out there early!     [ Event hosted by Hampton YC; info and to enter contact Alan Bomar 757-810-4518 or Lin McCarthy 757-850-4225]

**March 27, 2012 - THIS TUESDAY EVENING!  CCV Annual Racing Guide Distribution  and Racing Clinic - (OPEN TO ALL) - no …

J/70 Being Readied For NYYC USQS!

Noel Clinard on


FBYC's Team will sail half the races, and, hopefully, all of the finals of the NYYC USQS, in the new J/70.  The J/70 (22.75 feet) is J/Boats' first ramp-launchable keelboat - designed to fulfill the growing need for an easy-to-own, high performance one-design that is exciting to sail, stable enough sailboat for the family and built to last.

A J/70 is on order by an FBYC member for delivery this summer for the FBYC Team's use.  In the last week several sailmakers have sea trialed the J/70 in Narragansett Bay. 

To see the photos of the Sailmakers' sea trials of this boat, visit and click on "Gallery":  http://www.jboats …

Family Picnic at Rosegill - Sat May 26, 2011

Jon Moody on

Social Events

IMG_5563.JPGCruisers, racers, power boaters, juniors and pool fanatics,  bring your blankets and lawn chairs and get ready to bring in summer with a bang at Rosegill Farm. FBYC will host an awesome family picnic for all members and guests of the club.  We plan to have a great picnic dinner, refreshments, music and lots of fun for juniors. This year we will feature Chris Stanley and Sky Run.  This band plays a great mix of music that all should enjoy! So mark your calendars now to come out and enjoy this great event with family and friends at Rosegill Farm!

5:00 PM-6:00 PM: Cocktails and Refreshments
6:00 PM-9:00 PM: Music and fun for juniors …

Second Opti Development coach hired

David Lennarz on

Junior Activities

William Summer 2011.jpg

An unprecedented number of young sailors have registered for the Opti Development Team this season.  Maxing out at 16 sailors, we've hired a second coach to help ensure a safe and fun summer packed full of practices at FBYC and participation in local regattas.

William "Will" Bomar, a Williamsburg native, has been hired to co-coach the ODT along with FBYC's Ben Buhl.  Will is finishing his freshman year at  University of Alabama.  Following a successful "career" of junior racing at HYC and Walsingham Academy, Will became a sailing instructor at Hampton Yacht Club.  He obtained his Level 1 Instructor Certification from US Sailing in 2010.  In addition to racing his J-24, Will enjoys surfing …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

Roger Moorman Image.jpeg To Fiddler's Green"Roger Moorman was my grandfather. Growing up I knew he was a cantankerous old coot and difficult to get along with, but also full of interesting experiences and knowledge. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I developed a much closer personal relationship with Grandad, coincidentally learning more about him from others. He was respected by many who passed along amazing stories of his sailing, sailboat racing, boat building, and influences on the sport."  Andrew Kator - Clifton Forge, VA - Grandson   Mar 15, 2012     Roger Moorman, 90, of Gloucester, Williamsburg and recently Richmond, VA, died March 9, 2012. He was a graduate of Christchurch School, Saluda, VA , he served as chief gunnery …

FBYC Spring Clean-Up Day 2012

Jon Deutsch on

Clubhouse News

Spring CleanupOver 25 members, led by Grounds Chair Ken Odell, participated in Spring Clean-Up Day on a beautiful early morning, Saturday, March 17, to spruce up the Club’s grounds in preparation for an active sailing season. Healthy exercise (think fitness training for sail racing) including raking leaves, spreading mulch, repairing picnic tables, trimming shrubs and enjoying fellowship and camaraderie, made for a delightful day. A delicious pizza and beer lunch served as a fun conclusion! The Spring and Fall Clean-up days offer a great opportunity to build and strengthen member relationships and contribute in a meaningful way to the high quality of our club property.

Southern Bay Race Week Registration is Underway

George Burke on

SBR News You Can Use

June 1, 2, & 3,  2012 -  HAMPTON, VIRGINIA

SBRW wants you!  SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK 2012  is well on the way, planning and preparing for the best SBRW ever!   Racing for PHRF (spinnaker and non-spinnaker classes), One-Design classes, and a special 2-day at a special price Cruising Fleet package are all set.   Along with the racing, there will be plenty of party and socializing opportunities, great entertainment, awards and trophies, food and drink, and more. New for 2012 - Breakfast buffet Shark Races in the regatta headquarters HYC dockside lounge.

Info and details at  www.blacksealcup.com  or call 757- 850- 4225.

Y’all come racin’!

SBRW 2012


Club Fund Raising For NYYC USQS

Noel Clinard on


As in 2010, we are conducting a fund raising campaign to defray the expenses beyond the entry fee and those expenses paid by the individual sailors.  Last time, the campaign was supported generously by substantial gifts by FBYC members who were also members of  NYYC, by the individual sailing participants and their families, and by several other members who simply wished to support this prestigious endeavor.  We hope these and many other members will be generous again this year.

Recent issues of the Log have reported on FBYC’s invitation and decision to participate in the 2012 New York Yacht Club Qualifying Series in September.  As Coordinator of the Campaign, I would like to express our gratitude to …

2012 Opening Day and Blassing of the Fleet

S.B. Londrey on

Social Events

Racers, Cruisers, and Jr’s, everyone is invited and encouraged to bless the fleet and enjoy this incredible event. Saturday April 14.

Make Plans to attend!

  • Blessing of the Fleet 5:00 pm
  • Dinner 6:00 pm-8:00 pm by White House Catering
  • Music and Dancing  7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Delicious Cocktail Buffet Served Continuously from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm:

  • Cajun Shrimp and Cheese Grits
  • Beef Brisket
  • Fresh Veggies, Cheese, Fruit and desert
  • Cheddar Scallion Scalloped Potatoes
  • Classic Garden Salad
  • French Fries and Chips
  • Refreshments include: soft drinks, Beer and Wine

Back by popular demand from previous Opening Day parties are Rusty Spiedel and Tom Goodrich of “SGGL.”  Everyone will enjoy this band!


  • Club Members …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

ST. PATRICK'S DAY is this coming SATURDAY, MARCH 17TH.  Do it all - wear green, march in a St Paddy's parade, eat green mashed potatoes, and above all, drink green beer!  

CBYRA president  Karin Masci made the trip down to Hampton to present 2011 CBYRA High Point awards to southern Bay racers yesterday.  A complete listing of High Point standings are available at  www.cbyra.org . 

Twenty-five (25) folks interested in the nitty-gritty of race committee work and how to do it right, spent their Saturday at the US Sailing Race Management Seminar hosted by Rappahannock River Yacht Club in Irvington, Virginia.  RRYC volunteers numbered in the double-digits, too, as they provided outstanding hospitality …


Mary Spencer on

Club News
Saturday, March 17, 2012

It’s that time again. Join us for our annual “Spring Clean-up Day.” We will gather in the main clubhouse for coffee and refreshments from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. A pizza lunch will be provided around noon at the main clubhouse for all participants.

On the agenda will be mulching, pruning, planting and raking. Online registration is encouraged at www.fbyc.net but you can also contact Ken Odell by email at odellken@aol.com or cell 804-241-6080 if you plan to volunteer.

See you on March 17th.
Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

St Petersburg NOODSix southern Bay boats went to St Petersburg to race in the National Offshore One Design Regatta this past weekend.  Two finished in the money.  Noel Clinard (Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Deltaville) was 3rd in the 10 boat Sonar class. Prophet had a two day string of 5-6-3-3.   The was no racing in St Pete on Saturday - no wind.  Mike Evans (Blackbeard Sailing Club, New Bern) placed 2nd in the 12 boat San Juan 21 fleet.  Mike's Second Joyride had a 3rd and a 2nd in the two races his class completed.  Also racing in the San Juan 21 class were: Bill McClure (FBYC) Thistledowne 4th (4-7);   Mike Chesser (FBYC), Scuba Kat, 6th (10-4 …

2012 Cruising Division Welcome Party

Mike Camp on

Cruising News

Join us to launch the cruising season, renew friendships and share sailing stories!  (including a special presentation by Glenn and Paula Richardson about their circumnavigation experiences)

Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres
Hosted by Mike Camp / Sydney Fleischer
6 pm  Saturday, March 24, 2012
200 Overlook Road - (driveway is on Ridge Road; additional parking available on Overlook Road

RSVP on FBYC’s website at WWW.FBYC.NET  by 3/18/2012
(For additional information contact Sydney at 804-514-4163)

Bermuda High Party/Note Burning

Mary Spencer on

Club News

9 days until the Best Party of the Winter!
Winter is almost over.
Come join us and celebrate!

Don your Bermuda shorts and sundresses
and bring your socks to burn along with the club Note.


Come party and Burn the Note
February 25, 2012
7:00 pm

Home of Virginia Barnes
13630 Robious Road
Cost: $15 Members $20 Non-Members

Don’t miss the party! Register Today!

Register at http://www.fbyc.net/Registration/rememberEvent?event_id=1219


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

REMEMBER -  Wednesday, February 15, 2012 - Ullman Sails:  Unlocking the Racecourse - OPEN TO ALL - hosted by FISHING BAY YACHT CLUB at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel at the Richmond Airport  (Richmond)   Cocktails at 5:30pm, program at 6:30pm.  Cost includes light hors d'ouvres, coffee, tea, soft drinks (there will be a cash bar) - $30 adults,  $20 juniors.  Panelist are Dave Ullman, Greg Koski, Erik Shampain, and Chuck Skewes - wonderful racers all.  The Ullman team will cover every stage of a typical race day, key strategies, racing positions, etc. all applicable to "big" boats, dinghies, PHRF and one-design.  Register on-line at www.fbyc.net.

Fishing Bay Yacht Club has been invited again …

Ben Buhl to Coach Opti Development Team

David Lennarz on

Junior Activities

picture.jpg FBYC is pleased to announce that it has hired Ben Buhl to coach the FBYC Opti Development Team in 2012. He will be one of two coaches to instruct this growing team (more about the second coach soon!)

Ben first participated in junior sailing at FBYC in 1997, and was a member of the Opti and Laser Race Teams from 2005 to 2011.

In addition to numerous top finishes in the Chesapeake Bay and  elsewhere in the U.S. and Canada, Ben has also received a number of awards from FBYC.

In 2007 he was was awarded the Hutcheson Jr. Memorial Trophy, an  annual award given to the junior sailor with the highest standing determined by giving equal weight to …

Safety-at-Sea Seminar Registration Closed

Mary Spencer on

Cruising News

Registrations for the Safety-at-Sea Seminar scheduled for March 10, 2012 have reached the limit. If you would like to be put on a waiting list in case of cancellations, contact Andy Soyars at asoyars@verizon.net.

Edgar Diminich to coach Optimist Race Team

David Lennarz on

Junior Activities

edgarcoach.jpg FBYC is pleased to announce that it has hired Edgar Diminich to coach the FBYC Opti Race Team in 2012. Edgar is currently a full-time professional coach at the Upper Keys Sailing Club in Key Largo, Florida. In addition to working as a full time coach, he has also been a guest coach and coached clinics at the Coral Reef Yacht Club, the Lauderdale Yacht Club, and the Annapolis Yacht Club.

Edgar was the South American Opti champion in Chile in 2004; he placed third in the Opti Worlds in Uruguay in 2006; he was the Laser Radial Cressy Champion in Florida in 2008 and the Laser National Champion in Ecuador in 2009; he won the Sunfish Bolivarian Games in …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters