New Website Tools - Crew Finder and Classified Sections

Strother Scott on

Club News
We finally have a Crew Finder on the website that is done in such a way as a person, even if they are not a member, can register to add their name to our Crew Finder. You can see it at CREW FINDER. In order to keep computer robots from posting spam, we require the poster to pass a very easy math question before the posting is allowed.

And using the same technology, we also have a CLASSIFIED SECTION of the web site. Here you can post into any of three categories - Boats for Sale, Boats Wanted, or Other.

Enjoy - and please use these tools.

Video and NYTimes Article - A Yacht Club for the Common Man

Strother Scott on

Clubhouse News
14summer2.large.jpg Video Library Player:  A Yacht Club for the Common Man
The College Point Yacht Club welcomes blue-collar members, as long as they're willing to work in the boat yard.
Very interesting accompanying article at --- mostly pasted below

AS the commodore at the College Point Yacht Club, Tony Tondo holds a lofty title, suggesting a man in a blazer dining with moneyed members in an oak-paneled room. Instead, Mr. Tondo can usually be found in the club’s gritty boatyard, wearing jeans and construction boots and operating a forklift.

The club, which lies near the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge and next door to a sewage treatment plant, is a world removed …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
THE SCREWPILE LIGHTHOUSE CHALLENGE - July 19-21, 2010 - Solomons, MD  This is a season highlight for most southern Bay racers.  This is where racing and party-ing skills are honed to the finest point.  It is a Chesapeake Bay signature regatta!  The competition is Bay-wide, boats coming from all over the Chesapeake and beyond.   It is where legends are made!  
SCREWPILE NITTY-GRITTY:.  Entry forms and info are available at the event website -   The deadline for avoiding the $75 late fee is Noon, Wednesday, JULY 1st.   No entries accepted after Noon on July 15th.  Regatta Headquarters is at the Holiday Inn Select Solomons - (410) 326-6311 .  In addition to the HI Select …

Schooner Sultana to be featured at FBYC Wednesday Night Dinner, June 17

Jere Dennison on

Club News
Colonial Schooner Sultana.jpg The Colonial Schooner Sultana will be berthed at the Fishing Bay pier on June 17 during the weekly Wednesday Night Dinner scheduled for June 17. Members will be able to board and tour the schooner before dinner and later dine with captain and crew. This occasion will be an exciting opportunity for members and guests, young and old, to become acquainted with a replica of a historic vessel that served the British Royal Navy on the Chesapeake Bay during the late 18th century. Members need only bring a side dish to complement the main Italian-themed course to be provided by the evening’s master chef, Rip Radcliffe. Contact him at to let him know you will …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
The Annapolis to Newport Race started Friday, June 5, and one of the boats,  Vela Veloce  grabbed up southern  Bay racer  Mark Wheeler at the last minute, when her regular navigator unexpectedly could not make the trip.  Vela Veloce is a brand new R/P Southern Cross 52 owned by Richard Oland (St, Johns, Canada).  The boat is like a TP 52, but  optimized  for IRC. It is hull #2.  Dr. Robert Razenbach, Vela's main navigator, was unable to make the trip due to professional responsibilities.   Seems there is more to it than "just turning left at Cape Charles!"
Familiar faces at regattas in the southern Bay are the Savage brothers, Doug and Tim.  They …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
BLACK SEAL CUP WINNER:  WAIRERE,  Pete Hunter, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina 
Boats of the Day: 
    Day #1 (Sponsored by Winters Sail Loft):          Ocean View Course -  WAIRERE  (Hunter)      Buckroe Course - PUFF CARD (Boatwright)
    Day #2 (Sponsored by North Sails, Hampton):  Ocean View Course -  #999 (White/Ballard)     Buckroe Course - WIKI WIKI  (Paice)
    Day #3 (Sponsored by Doyle Sails, Hampton):  Ocean View Course -  INEVITABLE (Karn)     Buckroe Course - USA !93 (Behm)
On the OCEAN VIEW COURSE:  Day 1, three races sailed;  Day 2, one race sailed;  and Day 3, three races sailed.
Boats racing in each fleet …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
This is MEMORIAL DAY, the day set aside to remember and thank those members of our Armed Forces who have laid down their lives for us and our freedoms.
60th  DOWN THE BAY RACE FOR THE VIRGINIA CRUISING CUP - great racing, great turnout, great fun!  The actual racing began in Annapolis on Friday when  co-organizing authority Storm Trysail Club, Chesapeake Station,  got the boats started and  co-organizing authority Hampton Yacht Club, began the vigil for their arrival.   Capturing line honors, Jim Muldoon's  Donnybrook crossed the finish line off Hampton / Fort Monroe at  04:23:56  on Saturday morning.  The beautiful Santa Cruz 72 was the only racer to finish during the dark hours; dawn …


Strother Scott on

SBR News You Can Use
The Start of the 60th DOWN THE BAY RACE is this Friday,  May 22nd in Annapolis.  The 120 mile dash to Hampton is about to begin! 
60th  DOWN THE BAY RACE for the VIRGINIA CRUISING CUP.  May 22-23.    For info and details contact either co-chairman, Vince Behm (Hampton - 757-876-7778) or Wayne Bretsch (Annapolis - 301-332-6773) or go to the event website at and click on the DTB logo.  Deadline for entries is this Wednesday, May 20.  There are currently 39 entries that are hot to trot.  Even though the start is 4 days away (Friday morning, May 22), weather watchers are calling for a lovely SSE breeze  that should be quite manageable …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
The last two weekends of this month are jam-packed with top flight racing on the southern Bay.  Two events dominate the action:  May 29-31 is SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK for the BLACK SEAL CUP.  Racing takes place at two venues, the Ocean View Course and the Buckroe Course, event headquarters is at Hampton Yacht Club, where all social activities (food, drink, music, awards, and more) will happen.  The event opens at the Welcome Party and Check-in on Thursday evening, May 28, and racing begins on Friday, May 29.  Hampton Yacht Club, Old Point Comfort Yacht Club, and Cruising Club of Virginia coordinate on this premier southern Bay event - 3 days of great racing and 4 nights of …


Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
Crump_large.jpg Scuttlebutt 2838 had the following article last night --- RESURRECTING THE TRUE SPIRIT OF AMATEUR RACING Though she will be impressed by some prominent names entered in the New York Yacht Club’s inaugural Invitational Cup, you can be sure Marie Klok Crump can hold her own in a room full of sailing standouts.

From Århus, Denmark and now living in Newport, R.I., the tall blonde Scandinavian has been a top-ranked women's match racer since the mid-nineties, ranking as high as number two in the ISAF Women's World Match Race circuit and crowned twice as the Danish Match Race Champion (’94, ’96). As a member of the Danish national team, she also pursued an Olympic campaign in the …

Junior Sailing News

Noel Clinard on

Junior Activities
Please visit for an update on some great Junior News. Excerpt below:

The Report from USODA Team Trials:

Would you like to represent the United States and visit another part of the world? Qualifying for Team Trials at a USODA event is the first step.

The 2009 Team Trials occurred last weekend at Noroton YC in Darien , CT. With 211 competitors from all over the country, over a dozen Chesapeake sailors qualified for this event.

Racing was held over four long days, and the 200 competitors got in 12 races total. The host club provided great hospitality. The conditions on Long Island Sound were "foggy and soggy", with competitors seeing shifty breeze from …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Remember, this coming Sunday (MAY 10)  is Mother's Day.  Wine her and dine her and then... take her sailing!
Fishing Bay Yacht Club Spring Series Leaders:  After 3 days of series racing, the fleet leaders in the FBYC Spring Series are: PHRF A - Brad Davis, Bladerunner;  PHRF B/C - Allan Heyward, La Maga; and PHRF Non-Spin - Paul Cross, Battlewagon.   Race Officer for Spring Series Race Day 3 this past weekend was Dale Chesser.  FBYC will run their Spring Series Day 4 on this coming Saturday,  May 9.
RESERVE A SLIP FOR SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK.   Here are two options - make ressies NOW!
Downtown Hampton's Piers  dockmaster, Greg Harrison …

Laser Fleet Pratice May 16

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

The Laser Fleet is planning a practice Day on May 16. The plan will be to meet at the club by 10:00 and hit the water by 11. We'll talk through boat set up and and the conditions and then do some drills and short races.

This is an off-day for sailors who also sail in other fleets, so come out and sail your laser!

If you are thinking about or planning on attending, please email Jon.

Art on Fishing Bay Scheduled for June 5

Jere Dennison on

Leukemia Cup
Art on Fishing Bay, one of Middlesex County’s premier art shows, has teamed up again with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society on this 11th anniversary year of the Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup series. Art on Fishing exceeded all previous attendance records in 2008. So mark your calendar for Friday, June 5, 5:00 – 9:00 PM, at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville and arrive early to have your pick of arts and crafts produced by many local and regional exhibiting artists.Talented exhibitors will again display their creations to both browsers and buyers. Each will generously contribute one item to the popular Leukemia Cup Auction at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club on Friday evening, July 10, during …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
USA-90 wins  J/30 fleet at Annapolis NOOD and  BOWMOVEMENT finishes 2nd in Catalina 27 fleet.   Dave McConaughy and several of his friends from Hampton including North sailmaker Kenny Saylor,  finished in the # 1 spot after 3 days of racing at the National Off-Shore One-Design (NOOD) Regatta held this weekend in Annapolis.  USA-90 beat 11 other boats in his fleet.   Meanwhile, Martin Casey and his crew aboard Bowmovement finished 2nd in the 6 boat Catalina 27 NOOD fleet.  Will Crump from Fishing Bay sailed his J/105 to 6th place in the 30 boat J/105 fleet.  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!    (NOTE: These results are preliminary; see event website for final report  www …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
FBYC Spring Series Opens:  Racers got in one short race Sunday to get the 2009 Spring Series underway.  RESULTS: PHRF A: 1.She Crab Soup (J105) Cyane Crump; 2.Bladerunner (J105), Brad Davis; 3.Corryvrecken (J105), David Clark.  PHRF B/C (combined): 1.Strokin, Robert Bowles; 2.Blue Moon, Walter Bundy; 3.Last Boat III, Frank Murphy.  PHRF Non-Spin: 1.Checko, Don Barfield / Steve Smith; 2. Battlewagon, Paul Cross; 3.Scuba Kat, Michael Chesser.  Principal Race Officer - Brooks Zerkel.       Race Day 2 of this series is scheduled for  Sunday, April 26 - for info contact Race Chairman Ric Bauer, Jr. at (804) 769-4293 - home, or (804) 644-0049
It's time to think about …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
To Fiddler's Green - Joseph Michael Hallissy, 88,   passed from among us quietly, unexpectedly, and peacefully while at his home Tuesday.  Joe is known best to racers for his dedicated involvement in southern Bay race management.  Joe and his dear friend Clyde Winters were for years known affectionately as the "A Team" when it came to running sailboat races.  His expertise, his charm and his Irish twinkle will long be remembered by all who knew him.  Joe was preceded in death by his wife of 60 years, Katherine. 
SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK  (May 29, 30, & 31) - EARLY BIRD ENTRIES are due no later than Friday, April 17 (this Friday)!   ALL EARLY BIRDs …

2009 Opening Day

Strother Scott on

Club News
Racers, Cruisers, and Juniors, everyone is invited and encouraged to bless the fleet and enjoy this great event.

The Blessing of the Fleet 5:00 pm
•    Dinner 6:00 pm-8:00 pm by White House Catering
•    Music and Dancing  7:00 pm-10:00 pm

Delicious Cocktail Buffet Served Continuously from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm:
•    Cajun Shrimp and Cheese Grits
•    Mini Cheese Burgers (Cooked to Order)
•    Slow Smoked Smithfield BBQ
•    Fresh Veggies, Cheese, Fruit and desert
•    Cheddar Scallion Scalloped Potatoes
•    Classic Garden Salad
•    Fried Chicken Fingers, French Fries and Chips
•    Refreshments include: Soft drinks, Dark N Stormies, Beer and Wine

Back by Popular Demand: Music by Tom Goodrich …

Opening Day is Almost Here

Alex Alvis on

Offshore Racing
Opening Day, April 18th is now only a week and a half away. Many boats have returned to their slips and more will show up this weekend. I know we're all looking forward to an exciting Spring Series as well as some other events in the next few months. I know we have several boats traveling to the Annapolis NOOD later this month, the Down the Bay Race held on Memorial Day weekend will have FBYC representation as will Southern Bay Race Week. If you haven't renewed your PHRF Cert. it's not too late. Contact Mayo Tabb if you need help.
PHRF of the Chesapeake address is: P.O. Box 3169, Prince Fredrick, Md. 20678. Certification is …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters