Smith Point Race and Full Moon This Saturday

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
Since we didn't get it for the Moonlight Regatta, the make-up date for the full moon is the Smith Point Race, this Sat., Sept. 13th. This race is a little more of a challenge than last month's nocturnal fun, but an enjoyable and worthwhile venture.
Some slight additions and changes to the sailing instructions are listed:

Beer and soft drinks will be on ice at the clubhouse starting at 11:30am on Saturday. Bring your own lunch and eat at the clubhouse at Noon with your fellow adventurers before we set out for the first warning at 1400 hours (same as original.)
Dinner will be drop shipped to your boat by helicopter around 1900 hours.
On Sunday morning …

Atlantic Coast Laser Masters

David Hazlehurst on

ILCA Logo - Small
From Ted Morgan, Laser District 11 Secretary Fishing Bay Yacht Club hosted the 2003 Master Atlantic Coast Champs this past weekend.  29 boats showed up for 6 races.  The ever shifty winds were out of the N/NE at about 8mph the entire weekend.  There was just enough wind to make you want to hike out...just not enough to allow you to hike out for more than a couple of seconds.

Martin Willard (Wrightsville Beach, NC) won two races and finished second overall to Bob Tan (Perryville, MD).  Tan carded scores of 3,2,13,2,1,3 to take the overall title. Complete Atlantic Coast results are available on the District 11 website http …


John Koedel on

Social Events

FBYC has agreed to be the host Yacht Club for the first annual Virginia Institute of Marine Science raft up. It will take place October 4th begining at 1700 hours including a dinner put on by Toby's followed by a band. On the 5th there will be a breakfast begining at 0800 hours.

You will be able to view VIMS exhibits and talk with their staff about reasearch projects. There is no charge for attendance but a donation to VIMS would be much appreciated. Make reservations through Mimi at VIMS (804) 684-7784 or email: More details are in the September Log on Page 7. Lets have a good turn out in support of VIMS.


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Southern Bay "Youngsters" Out There Racing: Chris Behm (Hampton Roads Academy/Hampton)  finished 6th in the Bemis Nationals and 2nd in 420 North Americans in Canada.  William Bomar, who sails with his dad, Alan Bomar, on their J/24, roundabout,  struck out on his own and won an inaugural Optimist regatta held at Two Rivers Yacht Club (Governors Land/Willliamsburg) this past weekend.  Two Rivers YC hosted their first Summer Junior Program, which was administered by Premier Sailing of Irvington (Phil and Arabella Denvir, owners).

September 11, 2001.  This Thursday will mark the second anniversary of that horrific event.  Since then most racers sail with a more intense appreciation of the freedom that characterizes …

Titillation Wins Halsey Trophy

catesby jones on

Titillation Crew Paul Anderson, sailing his J29 Titillation, won the Stingray Point Regatta Halsey Memorial Trophy on Sunday, August 31. Assisting Paul were crewmembers (shown above from left to right), Diane Reilly, Michelle Garn, Rob Whittemore, Mary Carter, Elizabeth Staas, Morgan Marchant, and Carolyn Grant. The Brent Halsey Memorial Trophy is awarded to the winner of the Stingray Point Regatta.HalseyJrKids Philip Halsey, Ali Halsey, Christian Halsey, and Brent Halsey, III, accompanied by Commodore Dick Cole presented the award to Paul Anderson.

Over 45 boats sailed in this year’s regatta representing 5 classes. Presiding over a packed clubhouse, Mike Karn, with Dick Cole and David Hazlehurst, conducted a festive awards ceremony. First place in the J24 Division went to Will Crump. Christian …

DAWN TREADER wins prestigious Northern Ocean Racing Trophy

Allan Heyward on

Offshore Racing
dawntreader.jpg Larry Cohen’s Dawn Treader, sailing under the FBYC burgee and with three other Fishing Bay sailors on board, sailed to a second place finish in Stamford Yacht Club's 238 mile Vineyard Race over Labor Day weekend. Sailing in winds that varied from 4 to 22 knots, Dawn Treader completed the race in just under 39 hours, to finish second in the five boat IMS Cruiser/Racer class, in which two of the other competitors were candidates for the Northern Ocean Racing Trophy.

LarryCohen dawntreaderspinThe second place finish, coupled with a first in class in the Annapolis-Newport Race and a fourth in class in the Marblehead to Halifax Race, earned Cohen and Dawn Treader the 2003 Northern Ocean Race Trophy …

Lessons Learned - Motor Boats and One-design fleets

David Hazlehurst on

One Design Racing
The August 29 issue of Scuttlebutt had a novel item on why it is important to stay in your boat when it's under power. And in today's issue a reader commented on the marksmanship skills of the Greek Coast Guard with the admonition "terrorists beware!" Food for thought.

During the Saronikos Gulf regatta in Athens, in early August, the Austrian Tornado coach was tossed out of his boat in high waves while heading to the course area. He did not have the kill switch cord attached to himself, so the boat kept running, directly at the Mistral fleet (approximately 80 boats). So with no one driving, and the boat a threat to the Mistrals, the Greek …

Southern Bay Racing News You Can Use #166

Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
2003 STINGRAY POINT REGATTA OVERALL CHAMPION IS TITILLATION - The red J/29, Paul Andersen's Titillation, with it's [almost] all women crew, has a long history of manhandling it's competition in regattas. The winners of this year's Stingray Point Regatta in Fishing Bay on Labor Day weekend showed their stuff by trouncing B fleet with a four race showing of 2-1-1-1. In so doing, Titillation won the coveted overall best boat and the Brent Halsey, Jr. Memorial Trophy. Scorching temperatures (97 degrees) on Saturday with moderate breezes from the southwest gave sailors two good races on opening day. After a whopper thunderstorm Saturday night, cooling conditions, but no rain, changed Sunday's race course entirely, and brought …

Starry, Starry Night

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
The best weather of the Summer blessed us Saturday night for the Marslight Regatta. 18 boats were treated to a gorgeous sunset, no moon, but a million stars, and Mars...and oh, yes, there was racing too...First place in PHRF A was taken by Paul Andersen and the Titillation crew, with 2nd going to Strother Scott and his Loose Cannon crew of 1 adult and 5 kids. Loose Cannon topped the J105 fleet. PHRF B was won by Miles Booth and the crew of Shenanigan, while Eric Powers and the crew of Nereid took top honors in the 9 boat Non-Spin class, with the Gaenzle family finishing second in Nutmeg.

Lori Moyer and her race committee crew set great …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
A bee for your bonnet:  On October 18, The Mariners' Museum, in Newport News, VA, is presenting an Antique and Classic Boat Show. Plans call for an all day affair on the Museum grounds and a number of runabouts on display on the lake.   Efforts are under way to have some small sailboats there too.

2003 HOD NATIONAL CHAMPION is LATANE MONTAGUE: Latane and his crew, Chris Johnson, sailed  in the National Championship under the Potomac River Sailing Association banner.  As 2003 champion, Latane will name the site for the 2004 event.  He may pick any location on the Bay, and several interesting ones will be explored as possible hosts.  Finishing second in the 2003 …

Flying Scot Sailboats can sink after all!?!

Strother Scott on

Flying Scots
Sailboat mishap has happy ending - reprinted from the Southside Sentinal

"Copyright Southside Sentinal, used with permission."
Although they don’t know the names of the people who helped them when their small sailboat overturned on August 8, Joe Grimes and Eleanor Dunlap of Arlington said they are very thankful that so many people came to their rescue in the Rappahannock River just off Urbanna Creek.

Dunlap said people in four or five boats came to their rescue and helped them right their 19-foot boat. “We will probably never know their names, but they will always remain in our hearts,” said Dunlap.

Grimes said he and his wife, who are part-time residents of Urbanna, were trying to raise the main sail …

Annual One Design Regatta

Lori Moyer on

One Design Racing
The 64th Annual One Design Regatta held on August 9 & 10 can go down as a fun and successful event. In near ideal conditions, 82 boats in nine divisions raced two days in 8 - 15 knot breezes in FBYC's premiere One Design event. Of the 82 boats, 35 represented Fishing Bay. The largest class at the event was the Flying Scots with 18 boats. Two visiting classes were Hamptons with 13 boats and Albacores with 9 boats.

The race committees did an outstanding job running at least 7 races on the three race courses. It was great to have the club's flagship, Mr. Roberts, back on the starting line. Results of the regatta can be found on …

Cruise with Kids: Pirates on the Prowl in Fishing Bay!!

Eric Powers on

Cruising News
Swarms of small pirates attacked FBYC this past weekend during the annual Cruise with Kids. After a slight delay due to threatening skies Saturday morning, the pirates commandiered a flotilla of small ships, hoisted the jolly rogers they made that morning and put to sea where they fought a pitched battle with water cannon, water ballons and washdown hoses off Stove Point. No prisoners were taken though and the pirates soon stormed ashore near the main clubhouse in search of fabled buried treasure.

Later that afternoon, several grownups met their fate at the end of the plank (aka diving board) for the annual cannonball contest. Last year's defending champion Captain "Gusher" Gaenzle was handed certain defeat by Captain "Hardball …

FBYC Clubhouse Featured in September Sailing World

Randy Alley on

Club News
From Alain to your nearest newstand to get the new, September issue of Sailing World which features the old and new FBYC clubhouses front and center in Gary Jobson's article, "Taking on the Big Club Project"!!

Four Days to Moonlight

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
819 As the August moon fades, and my creative well dries up, member submissions for reasons 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.....for doing the Moonlight Regatta are requested, please post for everyone's pleasure in the reply at the bottom of the second page below. Best reason will win a free dinner at the cookout!

FBYC Team Wins J/22 Mid-Atlantic Championship!

Bev Crump on

Club News
In a light and shifty weekend of racing in Annapolis, MD, the team of Scott Collins, Blair Hamilton and Marie & Will Crump bested a 45 boat fleet that included the current North American Champion in addition to several other exemplary teams. The regatta was the debut for Will and Marie as a husband and wife team, and a championship title in a major event could not have been a more suiting wedding present.will22mid

Will remarked that it was also a special experience to connect generations of sailors from Fishing Bay in having the opportunity to share the experience with Blair, now 21, who has demonstrated her own skills many times over in the Optimist and Byte classes. This event …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

The 2003 MOBJACK NATIONAL CHAMPION IS TREY SMITH. In three days this past weekend, the class was able to get in the required number of races (3 of a minimum of 6 miles each) in topsy turvy weather that went from drifty to honking thunder storm precursors.  Yesterday, going into the third and final day of the regatta, held off the mouth of the Warwick River in the James River, Trey Smith and Mark Arnold were tied.  They decided the championship with a 1-2 (Smith-Arnold) finish. Bob Beach from Winchester, Virginia, sailing out of the Potomac River Sailing Association finished 3rd.  Crew for the top three finishers, Smith, Arnold and Beach, were Jordan Wintringham,  Matt Frank …

Eight Days

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
815 blackbeard The 8th reason for doing the Moonlight Regatta:
If Queen Anne's Revenge were to suddenly appear off your stern, it's good to know where you stand in the FBYC fleet...if you're not the fastest, there's always a good reason for not being the slowest, quarter given...

August Junior Regatta concludes successfully!

Ruthanna Jenkins on

Junior Activities
Although it started with a no wind delay, the August 12th Junior Regatta featured oscillating but steady wind and a strong turnout by neighboring clubs, particularly Norfolk Yacht and Country Club and Ware River. Sailors also came from Severn and Hampton. There were 12 Red-Blue and White Optimists, 11 Green Fleet Optimists, 7 Lasers (three radial and four full rig) and four 420's.

Optimist Race Committee was Ron and Ruthanna Jenkins aided by Eric Powers in the mark boat. Coaches Melanie Clore and Justin Ailsworth (coach at WRSC and FBYC member) and Steve Wirt in the mark boat managed the 420 and Laser Course. Social Chairperson Kelly O'Toole served a delicious post race meal to all, and juice …

Ten Days to the Marslight Regatta

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
813 mars The 10th reason for doing the Moonlight Regatta comes from Strother Scott:
You'll have the chance to almost reach out and touch Mars when it makes its closest passing of Earth in 50,000 years, a mere 35 million miles, as opposed to its normal 60 million miles...look for the blazing orange (if dust storms don't interfere) early in the evening in the southern sky close to the moon....while to the north, you may see remnants of the Perseid meteor shower as the Swift-Tuttle comet makes its passage through our galaxy....
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters