SOUTHERN BAY RACE WEEK – They came. They raced. They partied. SBRW racers gathered in Hampton for three days of competition that tested the full range of racing skills. On Friday, a lightly rainy, semi-dreary day weather-wise, they raced in Hampton Roads Harbor; on Saturday, a bright sunny, blustery day, featuring NNE breezes in the high teens and low 20s and accompanying seas, they raced one another in a distance race off Bukroe; on Sunday they squared off in multiple windward-leeward races off Ocean View, again under sunny skies with perfect, steady, racing wind. When all was said and done, Neil Ford and Lis Biondi (J24, Rocket J) won their fleet and the coveted BLACK SEAL CUP, thus proving …
On July 3rd, Thursday, there will be a precruise get together at Fanny’s House at 1800 hrs. Bring light snacks. Beer and wine will be provided. Friday we sail to Urbanna and dock at Port Urbanna. There will be an evening dinner, location to be determined. A Saturday day time activity is in the planning stage. Saturday evening Urbanna’s fireworks will be set off across the water from where we are docked. Sunday morning we have a group breakfast before sailing back to Deltaville. Slip reservations will be tight that weekend, so let John & Fay Koedel know you will attend as soon as you can. Sign up on the Club web …
The 75th FBYC Anniversary History Book has been finished! The Book will be 8” x 9 ½” Perfect Bound (like our Yearbook and Sailing Events Books, but a little bigger) and is comprised of 132 pages of black & white and color images with narratives of the Club’s history dating back to its founding on May 8, 1939 (exactly 75 years before the May 2014 Board Meeting).
The fascinating history was compiled by Club Historian Jere Dennison over ten years, edited by Logstreamer Nica Waters, and includes a foreword by Gary Jobson. Contributors include numerous members and non-members alike. Shown at right is the cover of the book and the entire book can be downloaded and printed if …
Hope everyone enjoyed the racing on Sunday - here is the 3rd place write-up:
Apparently the planets are back in alignment. The wind was a seabreeze, the humidity has begun to make itself known, and the Commodore ain’t typing this summary. Last Sunday’s racing got started after the fleet waited on the dock for an hour for the wind to fill in from the SE. Tom Roberts and his merry crew (Blackwell, Mike, Kate, Russ) wasted no time setting up a W course and then switching over to H courses once the wind “settled in.” Before one start my compass had the wind 35 degrees different at the boat than at the pin.
In addition to Opti Kids and Junior Week, there are many upcoming Junior Division Events for your sailors to have fun and get on the water at FBYC:
May 31 through June 2: The University of Virginia Sailing Team will be practicing at our club! The team has qualified for and is training for the ICSA Dinghy National Championship to be held June 3-6 at St. Mary’s College, Maryland. We are excited to host the team! Collegiate sailing is an important next step for many of our junior sailors. By my count, we currently have seven former junior members competing in the college ranks. Five of our current junior parents are graduates of the …
Bring your kids, grandchildren or nephews/nieces to the "Kid's Cruise" to Little Bay on June 13-15! This short cruise is to one of the cruisers’ favorite gunkholes, within an easy sailing distance from the Club. Grandparents and their grandchildren or families with teenage children are strongly encouraged to join in. June usually provides “fair” winds for a good weekend cruise after a fun Friday night.
Our schedule for the Kid’s Cruise to Little Bay begins on Friday, June 13, 7 PM, with a dessert reception and skipper’s meeting at the Sakowski Cottage , 76 Sunrise Point, Deltaville. Please bring all your crew for dessert, planning and fellowship.
We will leave for Little Bay (Antipoison Creek entrance area …
The first Open House Regatta & Party was a huge success. Thanks to all of the organizers and volunteers for making it happen. We had racing, raft up, dinner and a great band/party on day with beautiful weather.
The Young Adult Members and their guests started out the Memorial Day Weekend with a great cookout at the club on Friday night. Big thanks to Christin Lipscomb and Mike Walsh for organizing.
Our schedule for the Kid’s Cruise to Little Bay begins on Friday, June 13, 7 PM, with a dessert reception and skipper’s meeting at the Sakowski Cottage , 76 Sunrise Point, Deltaville . Please bring all your crew for dessert, planning and fellowship.
We will leave for Little Bay ( Antipoison Creek entrance area) at your leisure, but will plan to raft up around “Miss Kate” at noon for lunch (on your own).
At 1 PM we will leave in our dinghy’s (will transport those without dinghys) for the beach to play some games, and relax.
At 2 PM a dinghy race (oars only) for kids , and …
Welcome to our first Open House Regatta & Party on Saturday! We’re really excited about this new event and can’t wait to go sailing, pig out and have fun with our members and guests.
Here’s some information about the event and if you have any questions, please let us know.
See you Saturday!
-Your Event Team: Caroline Garrett, Elizabeth Staas, Len Guenther, Mark Hayes, Matt Braun, Paul Wash, Jon Deutsch
0930 Late registration @ Mr Roberts slip
1000 Competitors Meeting - creekside flag pole - we will be prompt
1100 First warning for Optis
1115 First start for <22’ boats
1130 First start for +22’ boats
1400 Post-race raftup
Landlubbers - meet on Fishing Bay pier to join raft up **ALL …
The Offshore fleet finished up the spring series on Sunday with great sailing for 2 more races. 24 boats in 4 fleets sailed 8-10 knots out of the north and partly cloudy skies. PRO John Hubbard ran W6 courses for the AB fleets and W4 for everyone else.
In the PHRF-A fleet it was Double Eagle and Voodoo 2 each with a win and Double Eagle got the tiebreaker to win the day. In PHRF-B GOIN' put up two bullets to lead their fleet. PHRF-C was led by a trio of S27.9 and Horizon just out of moth balls won the day on a tie breaker over Cheeky Monkey. Juggernaut took the Non-spin …
The universe must have a ripple in it, because there is NO way I should be writing this up. I already have a writing job for the year and this ain’t it! The past Sunday we had a near perfect day for sailing with eight Scots and three San Juan 21’s sharing the starting line. The day taught us many things and some of us werefaster learners than others. Things learned were how to sail on lakes, mark entry/exits, how to sail an Olympic course.
How to sail on lakes ….UH…Wake - we were sailing on a tidal river! This is true EXCEPT when the wind blows from the north then all bets are off. The wind on …
For the third time FBYC will be represented in the New York Yacht Club U. S. Qualifying Series for the Invitational Cup, one of the most prestigious Corinthian events in sailing. This September at NYYC' Harbour Court in Newport RI, our club will be represented by Clark Dennison, Skipper, and Scott Collins, Caroline Garrett and A.L. Braun.
Celebrating our 75th year, We are very excited about starting a new tradition with the Open House Regatta (Saturday, May 24). This event will bring all fleets together on one day to celebrate our wonderful club and equally wonderful members. The upcoming Open House Regatta is open to all fleets, and all members are invited to participate in the racing and post racing activities. We encourage everyone to register on line today if you have not already, this will guarantee you a spot at the table. The food and entertainment will be great. Also feel free to bring a guest and …
Another very successful Offshore race day occurred on May 10th. Predicted weather was for 12 to 14k out of the southwest and the possibility of a few showers. Race #1 started with wind at the high end of the prediction and dropped down during the second windward leg. Race #2 brought more of the same conditions and a total of three drops of rain fell during the racing on this day. A big wind shift took place after the start of race #3 , resulting in a change mark being deployed at 270deg from the start area, this race was a 5 leg format thus a windward finish close to the mouth of Jackson Creek was to conclude racing for the …
The 16th Annual Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regatta takes place over the weekend of July 11-13 in Deltaville. An exciting change this year is that all onshore activities will be hosted by the Deltaville Maritime Museum & Holly Point Nature Park on its spacious grounds.
Twice voted the Best Regatta on the Bay by the readers of Chesapeake Bay Magazine, Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Stingray Harbour Yacht Club, and Wilton Creek Cruising Club will continue to sponsor this popular regional sailing event.
The Leukemia Cup kicks-off Regatta Weekend with a reception on Friday evening, July 11, at the Deltaville Maritime Museum where participants will pick up their race instructions and enjoy adult beverages and a splendid crab cake dinner …
Spring Series 3 is this Saturday, May 10th...We hope to see everyone there! Please be sure to register for the event!
Also, if you have not already renewed your PHRF certificate for 2014, please do so now. As of May 1st, 2013 PHRF certificates are no longer accepted as valid. Per the sailing instructions, if you are racing in a PHRF fleet, you must have a valid PHRF certificate. You can easily renew by visiting this site. It only takes a few minutes!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.