Stingray Point Regatta Mt. Gay Tent to be at Fishing Bay Trace

catesby jones on

Social Events
Entry Forms are now available for the Stingray Point Regatta, see Notice of Race , to be held September 1 & 2 at FBYC. The Friday night welcome party will be held at the Yacht Club, but the Mt. Gay tents and the parties on Saturday and Sunday nights will be held on the large lawn at Fishing Bay Trace condos on the right hand side of Stove Point Road 1/2 mile west of FBYC. Parking for the regatta will be across the road from Fishing Bay Trace.

The Official Entry Form includes reservation requests for various Regatta Packages meals, beer, Mount Gay Tent, etc. Please send your reservations to Mason Chapman and if you have any questions about the regatta, please contact Mike Karn at 804-359-2894.

Itinerary for the Stingray Point Regatta

Friday, August 31, 2001

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM: Registration and Welcome Party (Fanny’s House)

Saturday, September 1, 2001

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Continental Breakfast (Fanny’s House)

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Registration (Fanny’s House)

9:00 AM: Skipper’s Meeting

11:00 AM: Warning Gun for First Race of the Day.

******** Hospitality Tent – Following Races (Fishing Bay Trace)

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Dinner

7:30 PM: Trophies and Band (Fishing Bay Trace)

Sunday, September 2, 2001

7:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Continental Breakfast (Fanny’s House)

10:00 AM: Warning Gun for First Race of the Day

******** Hospitality Tent, Lunch & Trophies – Following Races (Fishing Bay Trace)

Building Contract Signed - Construction is Underway

Strother Scott on

New Building
At long last we are pleased to announce that we have raised adequate money to proceed with construction and that we now have signed an acceptable contract to construct our new building. Construction should now proceed at a more rapid pace. Under Read More, you can see the "From the Quarterdeck" article that appeared in the August LogBuilding Contract - You may recall last August's letter from Mike Karn which indicated that we planned our building to cost the same as the $85 - $100 per square foot we paid for Fannie's House. We have now negotiated and executed a contract with Northwind, Inc. to build our new clubhouse and have been successful in bringing the contract in for a …

RRYC Fall Regatta to be held September 15

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
Attached is the Notice of Regatta for the Rappahannock River Yacht Club Fall Regatta (2 races) on September 15 at Irvington. The Entry Form is available at and your entry should be faxed to RRYC at 804-438-6650. More information available from Ron Mihills.

Heat-illness Prevention for Sailors

Stuart Burnett on

Club News
(From Scuttlebutt No. 876, an online sailing newsletter)

In light of recent extreme heat conditions here is some information on heat-illness and suggestions for precautions sailors can take.For those who are not familiar with heat-related illness, it can include heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and life-threatening heat stroke. Dehydration plays a significant factor and can contribute to decreased performance, increased injury, and further risk of heat illness. Anyone is susceptible to these conditions, but the young, the elderly, the disabled and those with certain diseases including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are at increased risk for problems.

Heat cramps, which can be painful, are associated with excessive sweating and are usually, caused by salt depletion. Heat exhaustion occurs when the …

Fishing Bay kids have fun

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
49093294Kids have fun racing, crabbing, bowling, fishing, and here is a picture of us in junior week.

Gene Roberts' service scheduled for Deltaville on Saturday Aug. 11

Strother Scott on

Gene Roberts, a long time FBYC member and Mobjack one-design sailor, died on Wednesday, August 1, of a massive stroke. His service is scheduled for 11AM on Saturday, August 11, in Deltaville at the "Zoar Church Beach Property". It is located off Route 33 East just past Stingray Harbor Marina, facing the Rappahannock River.Zoar Church uses this beach for interdenominational services every Sunday morning at 8:30AM. We understand most people who attend services there bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on.

The service is the same day as our Annual Regatta. The skipper's meeting for the annual regatta is scheduled for 10:30AM on Saturday with racing to begin at 11:30AM. We will …

Betsy Carwile medals at Junior Olympic Festival

Strother Scott on

Junior Activities
betsycarwile lucykupp The FBYC Junior Racing team attended the U. S. Junior Olympic Festival and Bay Open Championships this past weekend at Tred Avon where there were 89 optis on the starting line. Betsy Carwile - left - received her medal for 6th place in the Green Fleet (45 boats), and Lucy Kupersmith - right crewed on the 2nd place 420. Congratulations to them both, and thanks to our hard working coaches for putting the program together - and to the Hamiltons for housing the team!

62nd Annual Regatta August 11-12, 2001

Tom Roberts on

Club News
Fishing Bay will host two days of one design racing on three separate courses for it's 62nd Annual Regatta on August 11-12.Two days of up to seven races on three separate race courses. Invited classes are Optimists (FIshing Bay Course), 420, Byte, Laser, Laser Radial, and Albacore (Godfrey Bay Course) Front Runner, Flying Scot, Hampton One Design and Mobjacks (Hills Bay Course) Tractors will be provided for launching boats. Be prepared to drop boats and gear off at the gate. Cars will be parked in the field on the left past the club grounds. Watch for signs. Attached is a PDF Notice of Race.

Southern Bay Boats do well at Screwpile

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing

Three boats based in the southern Chesapeake Bay brought home first place silver in their fleets from Screwpile 2001 and 10 others finished in the top half of their classes. The Solomons, Maryland, event hosted 135 race boats in 12 PHRF and one design classes.

First in their classes were John Scott, Check Six , sailing in MORC, John Hanna racing in PHRF A2 in Battlewagon, and Case Whittemore, Patriot, who won the J/29 one design class.



Screwpile 2001 Results Special for Clubs and Sailing Associations

July 25, 2001

A total of 19 boats from the southern Bay and one from the Outer Banks competed at Screwpile. Here are …

Junior Offshore Sailing Day

Stuart Burnett on

Offshore Racing
On Sunday, July 1, the Offshore & Cruising Divisions sponsored a Junior Race Day. Ten juniors and seven adults took out three boats and enjoyed a brisk sail.With conditions somewhat threatening, we decided to forego a formal race and held a more informal "rally" around to Fishing Bay and back. David Hazlehurst, Jimmy & Kenny Cobb, and Stuart Burnett who provided the boats. Thanks to Dick and Jean Cole who prepared a barbeque lunch for all participants.

Junior Week Pictures Available From Kids-n-Motion

Stuart Burnett on

Junior Activities
During Junior Week, “Kids-n-Motion”, a professional photography service which concentrates on youth sports and activities spent two days recording the action of our junior sailors with perfect digital resolution. These pictures are now on sale at their special FBYC JR WEEK web site.Using advanced digital cameras with large, high-speed telephoto lenses, Kids-n-Motion captured beautiful images of our Junior Week experiences. Brad Hopkins, owner of Kids-n-Motion, and his assistants shot over 1,000 pictures of the classes sailing as well as group shots of each class and all of junior week. These were available as key chain viewers in their red tent during the family meal Thursday night. Now these images are available from their internet site in a variety …

Offshore Junior Sailing Day, Sun, July 1

Stuart Burnett on

Junior Activities
With Junior Week and the Volvo Leukemia Cup over, it's time to plan for our Junior Offshore Sailing Day on July 1. This is an opportunity to support our Junior Program and build interest in offshore sailing with our younger club members.The focus of the day will be to add some FBYC junior sailors to your normal crew and give then a taste of sailing on BIG boats. Cruisers who are not participating in the July 4th cruise are invited to take like-minded juniors for a day sail while our offshore racing fleet will conduct a series of fun races with the juniors who are interested in racing on big boats.

A "Skipper & Crew Meeting" will be …

More Stories From the Leukemia Cup

Randy Alley on

Leukemia Cup
Helen Quinby (committee member) shared the following "good deed" stories involving the Leukemia Cup: The following stories originate from the beautiful vessel, Jade, an old Pearson 30, that won the non-spinnaker fleet. The skipper, Barry Campbell, and his young son raised about $600 dollars. Not the largest but it's how they did it.....Jade sails in our Wednesday night series and Barry is paint foreman at York River Yacht Haven. This is an email he sent to all the Wednesday nite skippers...... To all Wednesday night sailors. JADE has entered the Leukemia Cup Regatta as a fund raising boat. My son Andrew has worked hard in our neighborhood and at his church group and we are well on our …

53 boats compete - Fundraising reaches over $80,000

Strother Scott on

Leukemia Cup
On Friday night at the silent auction at Stingray Harbor Marina , it was announced that the 2001 Southern Chesapeake Volvo Leukemia Cup had raised over $80,000. On June 23, 53 sailboats raced in 15-20 knot winds. The race committee set a full Olympic Course for the spinnaker classes and the races concluded just before intense rainsqualls hit the fleets. At the Gala on Saturday night - under continuing rain - the awards were presented by FBYC Commodore Strother Scott and SunTrust Virginia CEO C.T. Hill. In the Fundraising class, the top award went to Carolyn Schmalenborger, Len Scharf and Dr. Rip Radcliff who raised $31,000. Mike Karn came is second with $10,000, and Chip Powell was third. And …

Junior Week Daily now available On-Line

Strother Scott on

Junior Activities
Jan Monnier has lined up a publisher, Stuart Burnett, and an official photographer, Susan McKinney, for a daily newspaper for Junior Week. Issues are printed by Bob Kates and and are distributed to the juniors each day at lunch. Issues are available on line at Junior Week Daily. The best photos will also be put on line at Junior Week Photos. when time allows.

RRYC Spring Regatta June 16 at Irvington

Strother Scott on

Offshore Racing
Attached is the Sailing Instructions for the Rappahannock River Yacht Club Spring Regatta (2 races) on June 16 at Irvington. The times have been slightly revised, the start of the first race is at 1030 and the skippers meeting is at 0830 at the RRYC Clubhouse.The Entry Form available at and your valid PHRF Certificate should be faxed to RRYC at 804-438-6650

FBYC Lightning sailors travel to Gilbert Potomac Cup

catesby jones on

Ron Buchanan and Kelly O’Toole of FBYC along with Jeff Ullman traveled to the Doc Gilbert Potomac Cup Regatta at Leesylvania Park north of Quantico, Virginia. Ron was defending champion for the regatta this year where 32 boats competed... This year’s Doc Gilbert Potomac Cup stands as the most successful in recent years. Thirty-two boats came from as far away as upstate NY, Wrightsville beach NC, and Memphis, Tenn. The fleet was a great mix of everything from wily veterans like Dick Hallagan to first time novices like Murray Jones. Ron Buchanan and Kelly O’Toole of FBYC along with Jeff Ullman travelled to the Doc Gilbert Potomac Cup Regatta at Leesylvania Park north of Quantico, Virginia. Ron …

Cruise to "Art on the Half Shell" June 2 Urbanna

Tom Roberts on

Social Events
Port Towne Urbanna Fine Art & Craft Festival You are invited to "Art on the Half Shell" June 2, 2001 Jurored by James Warwick Jones Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, VA Located on the waterfront in the historic town of Urbanna For information and application call Ginny Sawkins@(804) 758-1606Dear Fishing Bay Yacht Club; The Town of Urbanna is hosting it's first fine art and fine craft festival, "Art of the Half Shell" June 2, 2001. We're inviting area yacht clubs to make the trip to Urbanna June 1st for a weekend in this lovely place to take advantage of spring weather, fine arts and crafts, entertainment and historic exhibits including craftsmen from the Mariner's Museum of Newport News as well as from the Reedville Fisherman's Museum. Featured artists include your own Kathleen Noffsinger as well as John MacLeod, Bob Holland and William Redd Taylor to name a few. Restaurants and merchants are gearing up to welcome visitors as the town prepares for the …
Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters