FBYC Juniors Dominate 2015 CBYR High Point Awards!
Joshua Bendura and Ren Moody at 2015 CBYR High Point awards
On Saturday March 5th the Maryland Yacht Club hosted the 2015 CBYRA High Point Awards, with FBYC Juniors winning 18 of 43 awards! Over 346 sailors competed in 28 regattas and our sailors shined.
Our Opti Team had 7 of the top 15 sailors including top overall Opti winner Benton Amthor and Opti Blue winner Guthrie Braun with Madeline Amthor as the number 3 Opti Girl.
The laser team was equally as impressive with 7 of the top 15 overall sailors as well! Garret Levy was FBYC’s top finisher in 3rd place and Amanda Almany was …
Carrie Russell was at 2016 Key West Race Week racing on J/111 Wicked and here's her account of the experience:
Key West Race Week, hosted by Storm Trysail Club, took place January 17-22, 2016. It was a wet and wild week of top class boats competing in four Divisions on the Coke bottle green waters of Key West. With weather conditions described by Commander Weather as "juicy and unstable," it was just that. Predictions of 8-15 knots fell short; in reality 20+ knot breezes with close, steep chop seas were the norm for the week. Four courses of 130 boats participated. Hailing ports sounded more like a fast paced trip around the globe than a …
This perpetual award was first presented in 1981 by Commodore Beverly L. Crump. It is awarded to the Fishing Bay Yacht Club member skipper of a yacht or yachts enrolled in the Club Register, who have most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. Such events may be either one-design or offshore and specifically shall include Chesapeake Bay events, and events with area, regional, national and international competition. This trophy is intended to recognize the unusual and outstanding efforts by FBYC members, the character of the event or events entered, the quality of the competition, the extent of the effort involved for the FBYC member and the participation of …
Karen Soule has agreed to lead the Adult Sailing program in 2016. Karen together husband David have been active in the cruising division aboard their Ericson 38 Soulemate for several yearsand is excited to bring her many years of racing and cruising experience to this committee position.
The long term mission of the FBYC Adult Sailing program is the development of sailing skills for members and prospective members, including the increased knowledge of boat handling, seamanship, navigation and safety; the furthering of this purpose by the promotion and encouragement of day sailing, racing and cruising. The Program is meant to continue the development of lifelong sailors who will be a great credit to the Fishing Bay Yacht Club and …
Please join us at the Main Clubhouse between 0830-0900 for coffee and low fat/low calorie doughnuts. We’re looking to start at 0900 and our tasks will include putting down mulch and gravel as well as sprucing up the garden/flower beds.
This is a great opportunity to work on our campus, see old friends and make new ones.
FBYC is again offering their popular Crew Training Program with classes starting in March. This program was started over 25 years ago and has been introducing sailors to the sport and to FBYC ever since. For anyone looking to learn the basics of sailing, or get into racing, or improve their skills - this is the class. The class consists of 3 evening classes in Richmond and 2 optional on the water practice days at FBYC.
Classroom instruction is provided by FBYC racing skippers and crew with experience in local, national and international racing and participants are given written materials to compliment the classroom sessions.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club is pleased to host a J/70 speed clinic on Sunday April 10, 2016 at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Our clinic instructor will be Allan Terhune of Quantum Sails. Allan will join us to discuss rig tune, boat preperation, speed tips and more. The onshore instruciton will begin at 1000 followed by on the water practice session and concluding with debrief session and social around 1430. Eveyone is welcome we are encouraging all boats to be rigged and ready with crew in attendance at 1000. Please contact Matt Braun at matt.braun@thalhimer.com to RSVP by April 6, 2016. Feel free to contact Matt or Adult Sailing Director …
VOICE YOUR OPINIONS: As active users of the beautiful waterways of Middlesex County, we encourage you to participate in the following survey:
Middlesex County, in partnership with the Middle Peninsula Chesapeake Bay Public Access Authority and the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission, is interested in improving understanding about public access needs and waterfront conflicts occurring along the shorelines of Middlesex County. More specifically Middlesex County wants to capture public perspective and experience on a variety of topics, including how the public accesses public lands, beaches and waterways; waterfront conflicts that have been experienced; working waterfront infrastructure problems; and suggestions about how to enhance access to the waters from Middlesex County. Therefore a “Coastal Access Survey” has been …
Registration for Junior Events opened Feb 1 and spaces are filling up fast!
Member preference ends on Tuesday, March 1
We are excited about the 2016 Junior sailing season at Fishing Bay Yacht Club, and are looking forward to another great year of FUN! No matter your sailor's age, experience, and sailing goals, we have an event to excite them and get them out on the water with their friends. Our philosophy is that if kids have fun sailing with their friends, they will come back for more and develop into lifelong sailors. And remember, parents and grandparents are always welcome to join in the fun!
Come hear from Rob and Andi Overton, seasoned experts in offshore sailing, on how to prepare oneself to go offshore cruising. You will learn what kind of boat is appropriate, what equipment is needed, and what it costs to cruise. This will be a two-part discussion on sailing, equipping, and provisioning your own boat, as well as what is entailed in chartering a boat. So, whether you have never cruised, cruised once or twice, or you are an experienced cruiser, there is still much to be gained from Rob and Andi’s knowledge and experience. We hope to see you there!
Fishing Bay Yacht Club is excited to announce its 2016 professional coaching staff! Once again, we will have world-class coaches with a breadth of experience as both racers and coaches. They have over 40 years of combined coaching experience. Four are returning, with our Head Coach, Tomas ("Tommy") Dietrich, in his third season at FBYC! Three of our coaches grew up in the Junior program. They will be led by Head Coach Tommy, who is himself a National and South American Champion!
We are extremely excited to welcome Tommy back for his third year at FBYC! In 2016 he will serve as both Head Coach and Opti Race Team Coach.
The use of Club member emails for business use is against Club policy. Please keep this in mind when sending out any communications. Group email addresses are for Club use only and are not to be used to generate mailing lists or email notices about subjects not connected to Club business or activities. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and helping us to respect fellow member’s privacy. More details may be found under the Rules section of our website at:
We have finished our winter long website upgrade project. We continue to transition our website https://www.fbyc.net/ where we continue to have our Home Page, all event listing pages, event pages, and most webpages, to our new more modern Django website https://new.fbyc.net/ where we post news, edit web pages, keep our member database, and, new in 2016 keep all account creation and editing pages and the resetting of password pages. About a month ago we finished the project and have had a soft opening all January.
Users may notice some differences.
The New Website probably works better on mobiles devices - at least the navigation links appear differently on a small device.
A feature on FBYC sailor Gannon Troutman and his Pied Piper Crew at Quantum Key West Race week:
Gannon Troutman was one of the biggest stories of Quantum Key West 2015. The 12-year-old skipper of the J/70 Pied Piper captured the imaginations of fellow competitors and spectators alike.
A feature story about Troutman that appeared on the event website received thousands of views and the youngster became an instant folk hero. Making the story even more remarkable was the fact Troutman and the Pied Piper team finished fifth in a talent-laden 56-boat fleet. The youngest skipper in Key West Race Week history won a race and also had a second and third.
This fall and winter the event scheduling committee consisting of our fleet and division leaders led by incoming vice commodore David Lennarz have been hard at work creating the 2016 Events Schedule. They took a close look at our events over the past year and have hopefully created a schedule that does more of what we like and less of what we don't like from previous years. They've also done their best to coordinate with other local and regional sailing and non-sailing events to reduce conflicts where possible.
A couple noteworthy changes for this year:
The format for Opening Day is unchanged, but the next day on Sunday has been designated for recuperation, training by teams …
The Laser Fleet finished their racing with the Frostbite Regatta as the 4th and final event in the 2015 Laser Series. With the fall event having been cancelled due to extreme weather 3 events stood with 16 sailors competing in 17 races. 8 sailors competed in enough events to qualify for the series and 5 of them participated in every race of the series.
We are excited about the 2016 Junior sailing season at Fishing Bay Yacht Club, and looking forward to another great year of FUN! No matter your sailor's age, experience, and sailing goals, we have an event to excite them and get them out on the water with their friends. Our philosophy is that if kids have fun sailing with their friends, they will come back for more.
And remember, parents and grandparents are always welcome to join in the fun!