Member Registration Now Open for Junior Programs

Karen Soule on

Junior Activities

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The days are getting longer and the junior programs committee has been hard at work preparing for an exciting summer of junior sailing. Here's the skinny:

  • Learn all about Opti-kids, Junior Week and all the race team programs at:
  • To register, go to:
  • FBYC members also receive a discount by using the coupon code:  FBYC
  • Grandparents no longer need to register their grandchildren;  Your grandchildren's parents (also called your kids!) can register directly online by using the coupon code:  FBYC
  • If you have additional questions, email:

FBYC Offers Paid Communications Internship for 2022

Karen Soule on

Club News

Fishing Bay Yacht Club is offering a Communications Internship for Summer 2022.  This is a three-month, part-time, paid position that offers flexible, remote work with the opportunity to work with a wide range of industry professionals.  Qualifications include:

  • Strong communications and social media skills focused on writing and photography
  • Ability to support numerous FBYC events, programs and initiatives using the FBYC website (, social media accounts, and other sailing and local media—both print and digital
  • Ability to attend/participate in major FBYC events in Deltaville, VA as needed and/or coordinate with program chairs
  • Desire to further the sport and lifestyle of sailing and a love of the Chesapeake Bay

FBYC will provide direction and support for this …

Offshore ZOOM call

Bob Fleck on

Offshore Racing

On Wednesday Dec 15 at 6:00pm there will be a ZOOM "Happy Hour' call to discuss the current state, plans and future of FBYC offshore racing. It is open to all concerned. I'll be sending out the meeting link to offshore skippers. They can share it with their crew or anyone they think would want to participate. Contact Bob Fleck if you are not an offshore skipper, and would like to participate.

We'll be talking about where we are today, plans for next year and how we want to change the game to attract new boats and crew. 

Join us for a light ( and hopefully productive) get together.

Offshore 2021 Series Scores

Bob Fleck on

Club News

It was a wonderful fall series at FBYC. The results have been calculated for quite some time but it's been brought to our attention that they were never posted. So without further ado, here are the results from the Fall Series... What the heck, its almost Christmas. Here is the Distance and Spring series also.

If you want to know more about scoring. Stay tuned we'll be doing race scoring training in the spring. 

Stay Warm. Dream of warm waters, cold drinks and fast boats. And have a Merry Christmas!

Fall Series

Place Fleet Boat Name Skipper Qualified? Score
1 A Sting Mark Wensel Y 0.8667
2 A Xcitation Mayo Tabb Y 0.7917
3 A Corryvreckan David Clark …

2021 ILCA Series Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

The results for the 2021 FBYC ILCA series have been posted. The season-long series consists of 5 days of racing with Spring, Summer 1 & 2, Fall and Frostbite Regattas. With one day (Frostbite) canceled due to weather the standard fleet sailed 19 races with 21 boats taking part in a race. 5 boats qualified for the series by sailing at least 50% of the races.

Final standings:

  1. James Jacob
  2. Jon Deutsch
  3. Michael Colbert
  4. Britt Drake
  5. Holly Sears

The complete scores can be found here.

We only had a separate fleet of Radials in one event so no series award for Radials this year.

2022 Opening Day and Race Schedule Set

Joe Roos on

Club News

Mark your calendar, 2022 Opening Day is Saturday April 23rd.

Over the last several months the Sailing Event Committee has finalized the 2022 Sailing Events Calendar for the Offshore, One Design and Junior events,2022 OS, OD and JR Sailing Events  Dates will be posted on the website calendar in the coming days.  Over the next several months, Event Notices and dates for the Cruising, YAM, Instruction, Social and other sailing events will be added to the Events Calendar.

Looking forward to 2022, it is going to be a great year!


Hooray the Christmas Parade is Back!

Joe Roos on

Club News

We will be having an open house to watch the parade! The parade is from 10-12 December 4th. We will be watching on the corner of Lombardy and Broad. Come join us for the parade and than come by afterward for food, drinks and fun! Our address is 1522 Grove Ave. Looking forward to seeing you.

Commodore's Ball a Great Success

Karen Soule on

Club News

2021 Commodore's Ball

What a great way to cap off FBYC's year.

More than 140 members celebrated the close of the "regular" sailing season at the Annual Meeting and Commodore's Ball in Richmond last week.  We announced our new Flag officers and board members, acknowledged our numerous award winners, danced and dined, and simply basked in each other's company.

All the details will be shared in the Log and future emails.  But first, check out your fellow FBYC members enjoying the evening:

Construction Update - Docks Phase 2

Donna Mason on

Club News

Materials begin to arrive on the 15th of November and will be primarily stored in the lot to the west of Fannies with the big red crane.  The two lots between Fannies and the Bath House will be closed to members as of the 11/24/2021 and given to the contractor for his use. If you need to access the East or West Piers please park across the street or in the lot by the dumpsters. All boats need to be off the West Pier by the 11/28/2021 as demolition will start the on 11/29/2021(Monday).  Thank you in advance for staying out of harm's way. Questions to Mark Wensell or Steve Montgomery.

Oysters and Racing Were the Bomb at FBYC Closing Day

Karen Soule on

Club News


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The wind blew stink all week but that didn't stop our offshore boats from racing or our oysters from tasting sweet.

Well over 175 members slurped and shucked till they were stuffed during our Closing Day Race and Oyster Roast.  Our stellar social chairs, Karen and Gary Akens, and their volunteer crew, served up three types of chili and hotdogs while resident musician Mike Dale entertained us all.  

Folks were spread all over the campus, inside and out, so it felt comfortable being with each other after a two-year "pause."  Also thanks to FBYC's Eric Perkins and member Carl Simon for doing double duty, roasting our catch.

Now on to the Commodore's Ball!

Commodores Ball DEADLINE is 11/3

Karen Akens on

Social Events

Don't miss out on the social event of the season!!  The Commodores Ball is just around the corner on November 13th and we want to make sure everyone who wants to attend gets a ticket.  We have a registration deadline of Wednesday, November 3rd and we don't have flexibility on this deadline - click here to sign up!    


Karen Akens on

Social Events

The Time Has Come the Oysters Said


You know the drill. 

Crisp air.  Late fall colors.  Closing regatta pursuit race.  AND, oysters, three kinds of chili, hot dogs and drinks.  They are all yours for the taking but only if you sign-up by this Saturday, October 30 at:

THANK YOU for helping out your social chairs who will be doing the shopping on SUNDAY 10/31, by signing up by the deadline.

(And while you're at it register for the Commodore's Ball!)


Come and see all the boats in the creek and bay heading south while you shuck and eat.  See you there!

The Starting Sequence Has Begun for the Commodore's Ball!

Karen Soule on

Club News

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There are only 14 days left to register for the 2021 FBYC Commodore's Ball

OK now..let's chat.

We're all most comfortable in deck shoes, tattered Mount Gay hats and slathered in sunscreen, right?  As sailors, we put function well before fashion.  Usually.  But for the first time in TWO years, we can dress up, don some dancing shoes and surprise our dockmates with "Is that really you?"

We're at a new location, the Bon Secours Training Center in Richmond, but we'll have the same great food and our "regular musicians, the Jangling Reinhardts.  

The 2021 Commodores's Ball also includes our annual meeting and awards presentation--both not to be missed.  So register now and don't be late to the …


Donna Mason on


The Trophy Committee will receive nominations until October 28th for the following perpetual trophies to be awarded for this year’s Annual Awards.

PIANKATANK TROPHY – Recognizes the FBYC skipper who most exemplifies the principle that “all is not lost until the boat sinks.”

MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY BOWL – Recognizes a member of FBYC for an outstanding contribution to sailing at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.

COMPETITION TROPHY – Recognizes a member of FBYC who is the skipper of an enrolled offshore or one design boat and who most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the past year. Nominations should consider the character (local, regional, national) of events entered and the quality of competition as …


Donna Mason on

Club News

Do you know a member who has consistently contributed over many years of membership to the success of FBYC and the sport of sailing? A member who actively works to set the strategy and direction for the club and is always there to help fellow sailors. A member who has been instrumental in helping FBYC become the club it is today. If so, consider nominating them for Life Member.

The purpose of awarding Life Member status is to recognize a member whose contributions are distinguished by their depth, breadth, superior quality and lasting impact. It needs to be stated, this is a “you know it when you see it” intangible. The compelling rationale for the nomination should be self-evident.

Many …

Commodores Ball - Register TODAY!

Karen Akens on

Social Events

Commodores Ball

You are cordially invited to join us at the 2021 Commodores Ball

Come join us Saturday, November 13th at the Bon Secours Training Center in Richmond for a very special evening. We will start the night with the FBYC Annual Meeting, and then a cocktail reception followed by an elegant seated dinner and awards. After dinner, tempt your tastebuds at the dessert table, and get your groove on dancing to the Jangling Reinharts.

Register today and take advantage of the Early Bird Pricing.  Don't delay - limited seating is available! 

Registration Deadline is November 3rd - No Exceptions

40th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small


The Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters prove that things do get better with age – both the sailors and the regatta itself which celebrated its 40th annual this weekend. Special guests Happy Hubard and Jim Rodgers were both toasted at dinner along with current competitor and Chef Alain Vincey who all sailed in the very first FBYC Masters regatta in 1981. Alain shared the story of how the regatta was founded – in typical fashion sailors sharing a beer after racing labor day weekend decided to bring their boats and race with only the masters the following weekend and such the event was born. 40 years later the tradition continues and hundreds of sailors have taken part over the years.


Happy Hubard …

Laser Masters set to Sail on Fishing Bay This Weekend

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small


47 Lasers will take to the waters of Fishing Bay this weekend in what will be the 40th annual Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters.  We’re also very excited to honor a few sailors who participated in the inaugural regatta as specials guests at dinner thanks to Alain Vincey, Laser sailor and chef extraordinaire who started the event back in 1981 and has brought this group back together.

It takes a lot to run these regattas and a huge thank you to everyone who has helped over the past 4 decades. This event is special not just for the Laser fleet members at FBYC, but also the guests who come from up and down the east coast, year after year …

FBYC ILCA Fall Regatta Results

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small


Sunday started breezy and sunny for the 8-boat fleet at FBYC’s ILCA Fall Regatta being sailed alongside a 4-boat  Flying Scot Fleet. The ½ mile course was set on the south end of Area A just north of the channel with the wind out of the North. David Waiting (SSA) won the first 3 of 5 races to win the day overall. James Jacob (SSA) was two points behind with Jon Deutsch (FBYC) in 3rd another two points behind him.

In the early races the wind was up in the mid-teens, 2 boats retired early and the rest of the boats did well to sail left and pick up the shifts and pressure coming from up the Piankatank …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters