Fortunately, Hurricane Florence is tracking further south than initially expected.But wind gusts up to 40 and storm surge are forecast and Stingray Point is under evacuation for flood danger.
We are in the final preparation stages at the club today in anticipation of the storm.Please note:
BUILDINGS – The Clubhouse will be locked - access through the front door with keypad.Fannie’s will also be locked – access through the back/porch door with keypad.The Bathhouse will be locked & unavailable for use. DOCKS – Power and water will be shut off to the docks this afternoon - we recommend unplugging shore power cords & double-checking lines. We also anticipate losing a few boards – please walk the dock carefully.Caution tape …
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Sat, Sep 15 - One Design Fall Series 2 - CANCELLED Sat, Sep 22 - Offshore Fall Series 1 Sat, Sep 22 - Fall Series 1 Fri, Sep 28 - North Carolina Cruise (Dinner) Sat, Sep 29 - Indian Summer Regatta (Fall Series 3) - North Carolina Cruise (Depart) Sat, Oct 6 - One Design Fall Series 4 Sun, Oct 7 - Fall Series 2 Sat, Oct 13 - Laser Masters Atlantic Coast Championship Sun, Oct 14 - Laser Masters Atlantic Coast Championship Sat, Oct 20 - Fall Series 3 Sat, Oct 20 - Fall Series 4
This Week’s Update: - Please take a moment to thank the Kadnucs and the Ragsdales for putting an awesome lasagna dinner together last week for the Offshore Distance racer. - Club events scheduled …
Thanks to everyone who attended the 2nd Annual Membership Presentation held at the Club on Labor Day. If you missed the presentation or would like to take a closer look at the presentation materials, the presentation has been posted in the Members only section of the website.
We continue to monitor Hurricane Florence. While the track is still uncertain, it is clear the campus will be impacted by the approaching storm. Please take this seriously and prepare your boat for this storm. If you choose to leave your boat on club property, ensure that you take all precautions to limit windage and secure your boat. Docks Chair, Mayo Tabb emailed all Jackson Creek dock slip holders over the weekend with storm prep guidance. Small boats in the one design parking area also need to be prepared. They should have masts taken down and be secured to the trailer. If your boat damages another boat during the storm, you could be liable for the damages.
We are observing Tropical Storm Florence and will be prepared should the storm threaten the Club. Preparedness measures may include: - Postponing or cancelling events - Shutting down cooking and climate control equipment - Turning power and water off to the docks - Stowing away furnishings - Hauling Club boats
Please take precautions and secure your on-site boat this weekend. The Club is not responsible for damages.
We will provide status updates as the storm gets closer.
Schedule of Upcoming Events: Fri, Sep 7 - Captain’s Choice Cruise (Dinner) Sat, Sep 8 - Offshore Wolf Trap Race Distance Series #4 - J/70 Fall Regatta - Captain’s Choice Cruise (Depart) Sun, Sep 9 - One Design Fall Series 1 Sat, Sep 15 - One Design Fall Series 2 Sat, Sep 22 - Offshore Fall Series 1 Sat, Sep 22 - Fall Series 1 Fri, Sep 28 - North Carolina Cruise (Dinner) Sat, Sep 29 - Indian Summer Regatta (Fall Series 3) - North Carolina Cruise (Depart) Thu, Oct 4 - Field Trip to Annapolis (Bus Leaves Richmond @ 07:00)
This Week’s Update: - Please take a moment to thank Becca Doncaster, Massey Whorley, and John McCarthy for running another great Stingray Point Regatta last weekend. - This weekend …
Light breeze may have truncated the number of races in our Stingray Point Regatta; however, the conditions could not have been more ripe for a front lawn cornhole tournament this past Sunday. Members, guests and teams of all ages from traveling yacht clubs showed up in droves to register their teams and get into the the action...all in all we had a full bracket of 16 teams and a tremendous group of onlooking spectators.
As we worked through the bracket in single-elimination fashion down to our final four, eventually the island mood-setting reggae tunes turned to amateur comedic commentary over the felt a little like watching Wimbledon play-by-play analysis performed by Will Farrell and Jimmy Fallon wannabes …
Join Commodore Rob Whittemore, Vice Commodore Paul Wash, Rear Commodore Tracy Schwarzschild, Finance Chair Veronica Hinckle, and Secretary and Membership Chair Joe Roos for an informal meeting on Monday, September 3rd (Labor Day), from 10-11 am upstairs in the main Club House.
Clark and Paula Dennison; Ann Murray (Jere's Sister)
Jere's Legacy Regatta was a wonderful event! There was excellent race course management by the race committee under trying conditions of shifty winds. There were three races and nineteen boats started the first race. The Regatta consisted of three boat divisions; Flying Scots (8), Typhoons (3), Portsmouth Class (8). The weather was perfect for this type of fun racing - and - no protests.
The Regatta social was outstanding. There was an enjoyable continental breakfast before the race. In addition to the racing, the after race awards social was a highlight of the event. There were approximately 70 people in attendance. Event sailors, family, friends of Jere - all to have fun and pay homage …
The Annapolis Boat Show is the sailing world’s best land-based, gunk-hole gathering. Where else can you talk to experts about everything sailing, buy anything sailing related at discount prices, and most importantly, step aboard a gazillion number of boats....and either see your dream boat or decide you still like your own boat best?
Come along with your fellow members and friends as we travel to the show’s VIP Day, Thursday, October 4, 2018 by coach bus. We’ll leave Richmond at 7 am with coffee and bagels on board and arrive in Annapolis in time for the show’s opening at 10 am. You’ll have the entire day to explore, shop and simply soak up everything …
Are you in your 20s / 30s / 40s and interested in getting more involved at the club???
As we approach the close of summer and begin looking ahead to 2019, the YAM Committee is welcoming interested and energetic members to join our crew. The commitments are relatively lightweight, but the fun we have is off the charts! Whether you've been a member since birth, joined primarily for your kids to enjoy the junior program, or literally just joined the club and are still figuring out what you are going to enjoy most as a member...we are excited to engage fresh ideas from across our diverse membership.
If you're interested in learning more and considering joining us in making 2019 the …
The early bird deadline for registration for the 2018 Stingray Point Regatta ends Friday, August 24th. Please make sure you sign up by then to avoid paying a late fee. We have a great weekend planned with good food and live music both nights. Don't miss the fun! Sign up TODAY at
Any boat class with three or more participants will be scored as a Fleet. In the 70 and over - Vintage Skipper class, we already have 3 Flying Scots and 2 Cape Dory Typhoons. One more Cape Dory Typhoon will make a class. We have one Laser and two more will make a class.
We still have one more Club Owned Flying Scot available for use. Sign up and attend the Inaugural Jere Dennison Legacy Regatta (previously called Legacy of Sail) on Saturday August 25, 2018.
We encourage all classes of boats to participate--we especially invite the Flying Scot, Typhoon fleet, Windmills, Mobjack, Lasers, San Juan 21--and any classic boat. The older the better. You …
Come join fellow member-athletes in the funnest dog-gone cornhole tournament of the year!!! September 2nd is approaching fast and we are sure to have a competition unlike any other on the front lawn of Fishing Bay Yacht Club. Practice up, bring your A-game and these beautiful trophies are yours for the taking...
What began as an escape is now an FBYC can't miss event!
This Saturday; on your own schedule, following your own course, with your own crew, on your own boat - or not - [thirteen boats currently registered, plenty of time to add more (register here)] will voyage to the Eastern Shore's urban hub of Cape Charles. We'll overnight at the Cape Charles Harbor docks, socialize until we can't; have dinner when we feel like it; call it a day after last call or before, then on Sunday unwind the course and return to FBYC at our leisure.
Cost of entry is paltry...but participants are encouraged to bring a shared hors d'oeuvres and a bottle of whisky (no 'e'). The contest …