The amazing thing about Michael Blackburn's "conquering" the Bass Strait isn't that he sailed single-handed across the Bass Strait--that's been done before--it's that he averaged 8.6 knots in a Laser for 13 hours. No, Blackburn didn't pick the Bass Straits because of daring-do, but because it's one of the few places in the world where you could pull this off. See photographs, videos, and a piece Alden Bugly wrote about it here.
A US Sailing Level 1 course will be given on four weekday evenings in Charlottesville (April 11, April 13, April 18 and April 20) and at Fishing Bay Yacht Club all day on Saturday April 23 with Sunday April 24 as a rain date.
This course leads to certification as a US Sailing Level I dinghy instructor, and provides the instructor with personal liability insurance, as well as instruction information. Our instructor has promised to make this course very oriented to Optimist sailing, so attendees will learn proper rigging, and Optimist sail control, topics that are not covered when the course material must be more general.
The instructor has a two-week work commitment in Charlottesville, and so is able to …
The location of the Cruising Class gathering for this coming Saturday, April 2, has been changed from the FBYC second floor facility, to the Deltaville cottage of Tony and Kate Sakowski, 76 Sunrise Lane. Brief directions to the cottage would include taking a left at Ruarks Marina, and then going three speed bumps until you see Sunrise Lane on the left (200 yards). Turn left and park after going up the hill, but be sure to leave room for our neighbors to pass. Parking will be available at the very end of Sunrise Lane (Hay Hardy cottage) if there are no areas open. Please dont park in the large field in front of our cottage.
This coming Friday, APRIL 1st, is
National Sailboat Racers Day, aka April Fool's Day! Get foolish - go
Last Reminder:CCV - HYC
Race Management Workshop, Saturday, April 2, at Hampton Yacht Club, check-in at
0830, start at 0900. No charge, OPEN TO ALL. Pre-registration
guarantees you a 2005 CCV Race Management
Manual. To pre-register, just call (757) 850-4225. If
you have your RRS 2005-2008 (current rule book), bring it. There
will be rule books for sale at the workshop for those who need
Mark your calendars: SOUTHERN BAY
RACE WEEK, June 3-5: Southern Bay Race Week is in countdown
mode. Event Chairman Leigh Morgan promises great racing …
FOOL - Get your PHRF 2005 certificate now!
Racing starts early in April. If you do not have your 2005 PHRF
certificate, you will not be able to do a sanctioned race. Once April
arrives, all the Johnny-Come-Latelies will slow down the system.
Send in your certificate application/renewal form today.
Last Reminder: On
Friday, March 25, Gary Jobson will speak at the University of
Richmond. His 7:00pm talk will be in the Moot Courtroom of
the T.C. Williams School of Law. If you have ever enjoyed one of Gary Jobson's
appearances, you know that his sailing topics know no boundaries. No
matter how many others attend …
* From Michelle Slade (edited to our 250 word limit): I just attended the
Corinthian YC (Tiburon, Calif), first evening of its 2005 speaker series
with Gary Jobson. I know this has been said before but it simply can never
be said enough - Gary is truly a gift to the sport we all love. It's been
both a heart rending and heart warming experience to watch him over the
past few years battle through his illness. To see him healthy and happy
today, his humor-incensed enthusiasm for the sport a complete inspiration
is awesome. I wonder how often we stop and appreciate how much he's brought
to this sport in this …
Greg Fisher will be conducting a workshop on successfully racing Flying Scots.
This will be held on Sunday, April 10th from 11:00 to around 4:00 at FBYC.
A $5.00 per person fee will include lunch.
Greg is one of the top One-Design sailors around and is head of the O/D Loft at North Sails in Annapolis. He has won over 36 Nationals, North Americans, and Midwinters Championships in 9 One-Design Classes - including the Flying Scots five times (the most recent this year's Midwinters)!
This will NOT be an on-the-water clinic but we will have a Flying Scot rigged in the parking lot for demonstrations. Among the topics of the day will be a discussion on …
Since the Laser was introduced in 1972 more than 180,000 boats have been built and are sailed in every country in the world. Adding to the Laser as the established men's single-handed Olympic boat the Laser Radial has been selected as the women's single-handed class for the next Olymics in place of the Europe. A major reason for this change was the ready availability of Lasers on a world-wide basis as well as their lower cost.
Along with other major classes Lasers hold Mid-winters regattas each year, and in the case of Lasers these are held on both the East and West coasts. An unusual incident earlier this month at the Mid-winters West at the California YC …
Fishing Bay was fortunate to host John McCarthy for two seminars on Saturday March 12th. Fifty members and guests attended the morning session on the Rules. Attendees included at least one Junior racer and 9 former Commodores -- we can all use a little refresher. John's presentation was informative and entertaining and should add to the quality of our racing in 2005 with a focus on not only the rules, but how they should figure into strategy on the course. He encourages communication between the racers and recognizes that some issues are not black and white and simply must be handled in the protest room.
Twenty-eight stayed for the afternoon session on Race Management. The session focused on the mechanics …
On Friday, March 25, Gary Jobson will speak at the
University of Richmond. His 7:00pm talk will be in the Moot
Courtroom of the T.C. Williams School of Law. If you have ever enjoyed one of
Gary Jobson's appearances, you know that his sailing topics know no
boundaries. No matter how many others attend, you will feel like he is a
friend stopping by your digs for a friendly chat about sailing.
For tickets ( and price info) call the Leukemia Society in Richmond,
(804) 627-0400, ext 15, or (800) 766-0797.
When the National Hospice
Championship boats hit the starting line on April 15-17 in
Annapolis, there will be three southern Bay representatives on the …
Don't be caught with your
PHRF cert down! You must have a valid 2005 PHRF rating certificate
to race in sanctioned (as well as many other) events. Check the
expiration date on any special or provisional rating you may have
obtained late in the 2004 season; chances are it will not cover you for the 2005
organizing committee is hard at work on this year's rendition of this great
event set for June 3-4-5. 2005 Event Chairman Leigh Morgan says the
"big boat" fleet can expect the venues to remain in the same locations as last
year - the PHRF A, B and C Spinnaker fleets and One-Design classes …
Two independent sources have confirmed that the Middlesex County Cable TV people were on site last week and have now buried the Cable TV line to Stove Point as it crosses the FBYC property. They successfully avoided cutting all water lines that we knew about. Apparantly some water lines were unknown! The next step is to remove the old above ground cable TV wire, which might be done Monday.
Great job and thanks to Chip Hall, Grounds Chair, for getting this long awaited project underway.
REMINDER: If you intend to race in a PHRF fleet in 2005, you MUST have
a 2005 VALID PHRF CERTIFICATE. The 2004 version does
not get it; even 2004 certificates issued late in that year expire
prior to the start of the 2005 season in the southern
Chesapeake. Get your 2005 valid certificate NOW!
Time's a'wasting.
2005 Black Seal -
Southern Bay Race Week CBYRA qualifier for US SAILING Offshore
Championship: Word comes from CBYRA US Sailing delegate Joe
Krolak, that the 2005 BSC-SBRW Regatta will be a CBYRA qualifier event for
the very prestigious USSA Offshore Championship for the Lloyd
Phoenix Trophy. The finals for this competition among keel
boat crews from …
Richmond, Va Feb. 24, 2005 World class sailor and television commentator Gary Jobson will share his passion for competitive sailing at a lecture on March 25 at the University of Richmond. His talk will stir up interest in another Jobson passion this summers Leukemia Cup Regatta at the Fishing Bay Yacht Club in Deltaville.
Jobson helped win the Americas Cup in 1977 as tactician for Ted Turner. He has written 14 books on sailing, is an editor at large for two sailing magazines, serves as ESPNs sailing analyst and producer, and promotes the sport through his company, Jobson Sailing, Inc.
His stature in sailing is such that in 2003 Jobson was inducted into the Americas Cup …
Tomorrow is President
George Washington's birthday. He was our first President. He was
also our first racing bowman - picture him standing in the bow while crossing
the Delaware.
MIRAGE finishes
2nd in class at the St. Pete NOOD: Christian Schaumloffel and the
crew of Mirage, finished 2nd in the 7 boat Hobie 33 one design class
racing this past weekend at the St Petersburg NOOD Regatta. Over the three
days of racing, our homies amassed a string of 2-2-2-2 (day 1), 1-5 (day 2), and
5-5 (day 3). Juan Mauri (Texas) dominated the Hobie 33 fleet with 7
bullets and one 2nd place - the blemish on his near perfect string
came from our homies …
DAY! If you have not already, call the florist and hope he or she
will have sympathy for a racer whose brain simply froze up due to lack of use
during the off season!
When the Rolex Trans
Atlantic Race starts May 21st from Sandy Hook, there will be at
least 2 southern Bay homies on board one of the entries. Pat
Patterson, owner/skipper of Orion and Jim
Rogers, owner/skipper of Firebrand , will be on
the Stad Amsterdam, the Netherlands sail training vessel. The race
finishes in Cowes and the goal is to beat the Schooner Atlantic's race
record. Pat says that as of now, there are about 20 entries …
At the CBYRA Region 4 Dinner and Awards Presentation dinner at FBYC last Saturday night, outgoing CBYRA President John Dodge presented the President's Award to Noel Clinard of FBYC in recognition of the excellent 2004 Optimist Atlantic Coast Championships hosted by FBYC in October 2004.
A second award was presented to David Hazlehurst Commodore of FBYC in recognition of FBYC's efforts on the event.
More than 70 racers and friends
attended the CBYRA Region 4 Dinner and Awards
Presentation Saturday evening hosted by Fishing Bay Yacht
Club. CBYRA Vice President for Region 4, Tom Roberts,
made the presentations with an able assist from immediate past (2004)
CBYRA President John Dodge. On hand to receive
first place awards in their fleets for 2004 were
Leroi Lissenden, VooDoo Chile, for PHRF A North,
Allan Heyward, La Maga, for PHRF B North,
Bob Archer, About Time, for PHRF C South, and
Jake Brodersen, Midnight Mistress, PHRF Non-Spin
South. Also, at the soiree to pick up silver were Strother
Scott, Loose Cannon, 2nd in PHRF A North …
Wednesday, February 2, is Groundhog Day. Make sure your GH
does not see his shadow, become frightened and retreat to his hole, and,
therefore, extend winter by another 6 weeks! It's on every racer to do all
he or she can to bring in an early spring!
WEEK: Wednesday, February 2nd is the deadline to make reservations for the
CBYRA Region 4 High Point Dinner and Awards Ceremony on Saturday, February
5, at Fishing Bay YC. $15 per person is all inclusive.
Social begins at 5PM, dinner at 6PM, and awards presentation at 6:45PM.
This is a great gathering for southern Bay racers, families, and friends. …
CBYRA Region 4 High Point Awards Ceremony is
all set for Saturday, February 5, 5:00 PM at Fishing Bay Yacht Club.
This is a great event - a chance to socialize, enjoy the sunset by the
FBYC fireplaces, and share in honoring southern Bay racers who excelled in their
fleet in 2004. Skippers, crew, friends, and family are all welcome.
Refreshments at 5PM, dinner at 6PM, and the awards presentation begins at
6:45PM. All inclusive cost is $15 @ person. Contact Region
4 Vice President Tom Roberts at (804) 843-2782 or email at - or even better - Register on line at
Sign Up for CBYRA and Bermuda High
Do it now
- the deadline …