Cruise, socialize, learn and contribute to preserving and enhancing our wonderful Chesapeake Bay that's a winning combination. VIMS will host its annual open house from 10 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 17th and is supporting a raft-up rendezvous in conjunction with this event. This is a worth-while organization and should be an excellent outing for FBYC members to cruise down to or even go by car.
This year's event promises to be the best ever, with numerous hands-on activities for both children and adults. Activities include tours of laboratories and the teaching marsh, a seafood chowder cook-off, a spin-casting game for young anglers, and much more.
Arrive by 15:00 hours on Saturday, May 17th. Let them know …
One of the most disturbing items of news to hear is that someone was injured and died because no one knew what to do. That's an unconscionable position to be in. How would you feel if a stranger, friend or even family member died from stroke, cardiac arrest, or drowning because you didn't know First Aid or CPR?
Well, you can do something about it. Get certified in Standard First and CPR (adult/child). It's easy. There are many organizations who provide this training for minimal cost, such as the American Red Cross and American Heart Association. Most courses are open to adults and children. One you should consider is run by Teresa Mason, Director, Pharmacy MCV …
FBYC has arranged a bus from Richmond to Norfolk for this Friday's Leukemia Cup reception with Gary Jobson. The bus will leave from the Trigon parking lot at 5:00 PM and will return about 11:00 PM. The cost of the reception is $25/person which includes two drink tickets. The bus is $10/person. You can bring a check to the Mariner's Museum for the reception, and the check should be made out to the Leukemia Society. The bus fee goes to FBYC. Call Judy Buis (804-358-9475) or Willard Strickland (804-752-6154) to reserve.
The CCV RACING RULES CLINIC will not cost you any "green".
The annual event is FREE AND OPEN TO ALL. Tuesday, April 1, 6:30 pm
at The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia. Guest clinician
is Steve Hunt, #1 470 sailor in the USA and Olympic hopeful.
information contact: call (757) 850-4225 or email McCarthy
at If you race, seriously or
casually or somewhere in between, this is one event you cannot miss. And,
the 2003 CCV Racing Guide will be available. Steve
will talk tactics as they relate to the rules - he is a current world class
racer who has truly valuable info to share. (Bring your RRS,
if you have …
Long distance or short hops. We have it all. Please come to Fannies House at 1700 hours on Saturday April 19th to hear more about what we've planned for 2003 Cruising Events and to get ready for a great summer. Bring your favorite beverage. Mixes, glasses and ice will be provided. Click Read More... for details.
Dinner is coming from the Galley Restaurant at a cost of $12.50 each for ages 12 and above. Children are $7.50 each. You may pay in cash or checks made payable to John Koedel Jr.
There will be a chart of the Bay showing our destinations for the cruising season.
Reservations for this event should be made with Eric Powers …
The following two seminars will be held at Yankee Point Yacht Club and are open to anyone who wishes to attend. "Basic Navigation and Nav/Com System IntegrationMarch 29" and "Suddenly AloneApril 5" The cost is $7/person which includes lunch. RSVPs to Dwight Timm at or call 804 462 7119. Click Read More for course descriptions.
March 29..."Basic Navigation and Nav/Com System Integration" Seminar will cover basic navigation including Lights, Day Shapes, Right of Way and Sound Signals, Aids to Navigation, Charts, etc. Also to be covered are types of equipment and instruments to aide communications and navigation and integration of this equipment for Chesapeake Bay sailing and Blue Water Passage making …
Mariners Museum, Newport News, Virginia, 6:30 pm. Open to all. There
is no charge for this clinic. Guest clinician is Steve Hunt,
world class racer and US Sailing Team 470 #1 skipper. US SAILING
TEAM head coach Gary Bodie will be at the Clinic too. This
is also when the 2003 CCV Racing Guide will be distributed.
Here is a top notch event for racers, both skippers and crew. This is an
opportunity to meet our Olympic Team contender and world class racer,
Steve Hunt who, with crew Mike Miller, skippers the number one boat
on the US Sailing Team in the 470 class. Bring …
The FBYC Sailing Events calendar has been completed and the schedule is set for 2003. The books are at the printer and should be distributed to each member pretty soon. In the meantime, there are several ways to see the schedule on the web site. Please explore the Sailing Events Pages to find what interests you the most. Many of you may wish to click on one of the printable versions of the schedule and stick it on the refrigerator along with everything else.At the top of the home page we list the next 5 events, and once we start getting some results, we will list the results for the last 5 events.
Fishing Bay Yacht Club members and friends traveled throughout the North and South Islands of New Zealand for three weeks. Highlights of the trip included a five day cruise through the beautiful Bay of Islands area of the North Island, as well as three days in Auckland exploring all the energy and scenes involved with the Americas Cup. We toured on our chartered sailboat the site of the Cup race courses that included a parade of 1,000 boats. Read more about the trip and Click here to see about 25 photos that were taken of this wonderful country.
FBYC New Zealand Trip Update Wayland and Margaret Rennie, Charlie and Stella Jones, Laurie and Barbara Rennie, Tony and Kate Sakowski …
FBYC will host the 2003 J29 Invitational Regatta on April 18, 19, and 20. Entries need to be in by March 15 to avoid a late penalty fee. Boats will be coming from North America and even a Canadian boat has registered. As many as 10 races are planned, with 4 on Friday, 4 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday. FBYC will be providing catered dinners and entertainment on Friday, April 18th and Saturday, April 19th. An awards ceremony will be held on Sunday, April 20th. Interested racers can download the
Notice of Race forms from this site in PDF form. Address any questions to Case Whittemore, ( President of the J29 Class Association and FBYC host.Photo …
MUSEUM. This is when the 2003 CCV Racing Rules
will be distributed. The guest clinician is world class
racer and Olympic hopeful Steve Hunt, #1 on the US Sailing Team
- 470 class. Also, Gary Bodie, coach of the US Sailing Team,
will be in attendance. Hunt will be in town for the clinic having
just raced against the world's best in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, and on
the way to another huge regatta in Hyeres, France. Steven is at the
"top of the game", having crewed on the best of big boats in championship
level …
The Junior Web Pages have been updated to reflect information about the 2003 Programs - including downloadable applications, etc. You will be able to learn more about the three Training/Teaching programs: (1) Opti Kids, (2) Junior Week, and (3) Race Team Extended Program that we will operate this year.
If your parents have a hard time understanding plain English, we also offer versions of the Junior Web Pages for them. Have fun!
Registration 9:00am
Skippers Meeting 10:00 am
Race # 1 11:00am
3 minute starting sequence, with as many races as we can fit in.
Beer Pitchers, soft drinks, and soup available for purchase in the upstairs lounge after sailing.
Governing Rules: Racing will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, US Sailing Prescriptions, Class Rules, and the Sailing Instructions (available at Registration).
Awards: Awards will be presented to top 3 finishers of each class …
From February 14-16, St. Petersburg Yacht Club was the host
for the traveling Sailing World NOOD Regatta. Joining new
FBYC member Skipper Hope on the J/24 "Thin Ice" he co-owns
with fellow FBYC member Don Landau, were myself, Wes Marshall,
and Edward Allen. Here's a brief account of our adventures in sunny Florida.
After an all-night haul down to St. Petersburg, we rigged and
launched "Thin Ice" Thursday afternoon just in time to miss the
last of a dying breeze, and therefore, some valuable pre-regatta
practice. 160 boats had registered - 28 of which
were J/24's, making it the largest class at the regatta.
The next morning opened the regatta with a steady 8-10 knots.
The J …
No matter how big and ugly one might be, we all need someone to love us. The same is true with the drysail hoist. Not the prettiest piece of sailing equipment I've ever seen but for others, the ones it matters to most, its "their baby." Well, finally, its getting some much needed repair. Also, a preventative maintenance inspection is going to be completed. This should reduce routine failures but it will mean that it will be leaving Fishing Bay for a few weeks for a visit to the shop.
It's been interesting, when the notice went out to the drysail members that the beloved hoist was going to be taken down and temporarily removed, perhaps several weeks …
15, Hampton Library, (Main Branch - Victoria Boulevard), 9:30 am - 1:30
pm. Open to all. Each participant will receive a 2003 Race
Committee Manual. Coffee and donuts provided. There is no
charge for this seminar. For information and to pre-register
(optional), contact John McCarthy at (757) 850-4225 or email at
covered will include: Signal Boat Operations, Course Selection and
Considerations, Mark Boat Operations, Flags and Signals, Starting Situations,
RC Options During the Race, Finishing, Scoring, Paperwork, Publicity, Handling
Protests, and a Flag and Signal Demonstration. Chief clinicians include,
Boykin,Glenn Giles, John McCarthy, and Joe Hallissy.
The new CD …
Greg Fisher will be conducting a hands on workshop about successfully racing Flying Scots. This will be on Sunday, April 6th, at the Rappahannock River Yacht Club, home of Scot fleet #185.
Greg is one of the top One Design sailors around and head of the O/D Loft at North Sails in Annapolis. He has won over 34 Nationals, North Americans, and Midwinters Championships in 9 One Design Classes - including the Flying Scots four times!!!
Click Read More... for details on time and registration.
This session will start at 10:00 with a discussion on the principles and practices of making Scots go fast. In the afternoon there will be an on-the-water coaching session. This is open to all …
Clay Harris - age 9 - and son of 1969 Vice Commodore Bill Harris was selected by Mr. Roberts to christen the new pool. Today, Clay is CDR Clay Harris, Commanding Officer of the USS Arleigh Burke (DDG 51). Clay is shown at the left awarding a certificate to one of his crew.
Mike Toms submitted the correct answer plus added previously unknown information that he almost won the honor of being first into the pool. For the full answer, plus awesome pictures of the Arleigh Burke, see Riddle of the Month
Indoor And On-The-Water Sessions
The club is stepping up efforts to increase the quality of our race committees through more training, both indoors during the off season and on the water (OTW) once the weather turns favorable. Luckily, this coincides with an increase in new members expressing an interest in serving on race committees. For more information about our planned program and schedules, click Read More....
To accommodate everyone, we are planning repeat sessions for both indoor and on-the-water training. We encourage every person who will be serving on race committees this coming year, either as PRO, Race Chair, or committee member, to attend one of each. The training will encompass three main areas -- general RC …
ST PETE NOOD: Final Results are in for the
southern Bay contingent in St. Pete. In two of the one design fleets,
area boats finished close 2nds. Christian Schaumloffel (Mirage)
was 2nd in the 6 boat Hobie 33 fleet, just two points out of first (4-3-1-2-2-3).
Whittemore (Patriot) was 2nd in the 10 boat J/29 fleet, missing
first place by only 3 points (2-1-5-2-2-1). Also racing in the J/29
fleet, Paul Anderson (Titillation) took 4th overall and
Jay McArdle
(Fast Lane) 6th.
World class racer Steve Hunt will conduct the CCV
RACING RULES CLINIC - APRIL 1. Steve and his teammate Michael
Miller are in the #1 470 spot on the US Sailing Team …