Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

"Sailboat Sinks After Colliding With Warship" That was the headline on a story in the August 7, 2003, issue of The Log, California's Boating Newspaper.  Seems a 24 foot sailboat successfully avoided a nuclear sub, but, in so doing, ended up hitting a helicopter carrier.  The sailboat sank, but the sailor and his dog were both rescued.  The incident took place at 11:30 a.m. on July 28th, just outside San Diego Bay.  Weather conditions were reported as overcast with high clouds and some sunshine with a 15 knot breeze. The message here is don't mess with the big gray ones.  (Thanks to Jean Kluttz, who spends a lot of time organizing …

Twelve Days to the Moonlight (err Moonless) Regatta

Randy Alley on

Offshore Racing
811 The 12th reason for doing the Moonlight Regatta:
the stars will be brighter, in case the batteries in your GPS go dead....
just follow the Scotts or the Gaenzles...
"they are headed back to Fishing Bay aren't they?"

FBYC Members at Will and Marie Crump's wedding

Strother Scott on

Club News
The Fishing Bay Yacht Club representatives at the Will Crump-Marie Klok wedding in Århus, Denmark were - Left to right:

Strother and Evie Scott, Clark Dennison, Chris Lemmons, Susanne Crump, Will and Marie Crump, Bev Crump, Cyane Crump, Marshall Schoenthal, Bootsie and Jim Rogers.

Weekends at the ranch

David Hazlehurst on

Club News
Another day, another dollar. Another month started off with a bang Friday August 1, with a Board meeting at the club and a reception for new members. Some 55 people stayed for dinner, and it was good to meet partners and newcomers who have not used the club as much as our hard core members. Hopefully they all enjoyed their new found friends and will come back regularly. Saturday Sam and Nancy Stoakley did a great job hosting the racers after the Cruising Regatta. The 14.5 mile race with a staggered start was masterminded by Chip Hall, and after it was all over Commodore Cole finished in second place, helped immeasurably by the loan of a well trained crew …

140 Web site Users - more Members Only Changes

Strother Scott on

Club News
We now have about 140 members signed up for passwords. Members will notice after they login to the Members Only section, that the second line on the navigation screen will now read something like:
Members | Edit Your Information | Log Out |

Once you Log in, the web site will remember who you are. As a result, as long as you use the same computer, you will not need to LogIn when you reboot your computer. But if you are using someone else's computer, please remember to Log Out when you finish in order to avoid any unauthorized use of our password protected web pages.

You may also use Edit Your Information to edit the data that you submitted at SignIn …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Mark Wheeler Does 3-Peat in Virginia Governor's Cup: Mark Wheeler won his third consecutive Virginia Governor's Cup this past weekend.  He's becomes only the second sailor to do so in the 39 year history of the event.  Rob Overton won the Gov's Cup in Lasers in 1984, 1985, and 1986. Wheeler, Virginia Beach (HYC) topped the 20 boat HOD class.  Ware River Yacht Club  hosted the event sailed on the Ware River (Gloucester).  The Gloucester Chamber of Commerce Cup went to the top junior sailor, Eric Brisse, 14.  Brisse hails from Tucker, Georgia, and sails in the Ware River YC junior program.  He raced in Laser (juniors) this past weekend …

Rappahannock River Yacht Club Regatta August 1

Ruthanna Jenkins on

Junior Activities
rrycsmall Thanks to our friends at Rappahannock River Yacht Club for a superb and fun regatta in Irvington today.  Optimists, Sunfish, Lasers and 420's raced on Carter Creek within sight of the club dock.  Winds were 12 - 15 knots at the beginning, but moderated somewhat for the second and third races.  Sailors came mostly from Indian Creek, Rappahannock River and Fishing Bay Yacht Clubs, as well as Premier Sailing.

After the races, everyone was treated to a cookout and all sailors received a t-shirt.

Kramer Koedel placed third and Austin Powers fourth in Optimists, and Quentin Jenkins and Madeline Alderman placed first in 420's.

First Pics in from Will Crump's wedding in Denmark

Strother Scott on

Social Events
willmarie2 Will Crump and Marie Klok were married on July 25 in Aarhus, Denmark. Will was presented a sword to cut the cake.

The rehersal dinner was hosted by the Crumps with a Viking Motif! willtoast

FBYC's representatives, Jim Rogers, Bev Crump, and Strother Scott were still going strong at 4 AM at the dance at the Klok home following the wedding dinner. will3men

Deltaville Maritime Museum & Holly Pt. Nature Park

Bob Kates on


Crop Circles in Deltaville?

No. Aliens haven’t landed, it’s “Bubba” the Wildflower Fish Shaped Meadow at Holly Point Nature Park, home of the Deltaville Maritime Museum. Thanks to Brad Sindle of Crow’s Nest Photography, the aerial view of the meadow definitely shows a fish shape wildflower meadow with surrounding grass meadows.

The wildflower meadow was planted in March, and through the spring and summer the 3.81 million seeds have taken off and colors have been ever changing. While the view from the top doesn’t show off the wildflowers, it’s definitely worth a walk around “Bubba” to appreciate the colors and the butterflies.

The meadow was funded by a grant from NIScource/Columbia Gas Transmissions …

A week on the water

David Hazlehurst on

One Design Racing
The dog days of summer may be here, but there are ample opportunities for spending time around the water, although this past week has provided too many for the writer. Four days, starting Tuesday July 22 with family at Smith Mountain Lake, 893 feet above sea level, so it gets down into the 60's at night. A 240 mile drive Saturday to get to Fishing Bay to catch the end of a 420 Fest, and the second Summer Seabreeze Regatta. Unusually good conditions for late July. And fabulous after race food prepared by Susan and Phil Webb, another great effort by members of the Flying Scot family.

Looking at Fishing Bay early on Sunday, there was promise of a …

Over 100 Members have received new Members Only passwords

Strother Scott on

Club News
We have implemented a new system for permissions to visit the Members Only section of the web site. About 110 people have visited the Sign Up page in the past 2 weeks and been approved. In the Sign Up process, you pick your own username and password. You may also select a FBYC e-mail address - called an alias. Any e-mail sent to youraddress@fbyc.net will be automatically forwarded to your actual address. Once you are approved, Mary Spencer can change your username, password, or FBYC alias. (And when you report to Mary that your real e-mail address has changed, the FBYC alias will automatically send your mail to the new address, once she changes her records.)

We have also …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
FBYC  64th Annual One Design Regatta - August 9-10.  This is a traditional stop on the middle peninsula for one-designers.  A number of racers and families make it part of a two weekend  extravaganza following the Virginia Governor's Cup (August 2-3) at Ware River YC.  The event will host 420, 505, ALBACORE, BYTE, HOD, FLYING SCOT, FRONTRUNNER, LASER, LASER RADIAL, MOBJACK, and OPTIMIST classes.  Additional classes may be added. For info contact David Hazlehurst (804) 353-5657 or go to the FBYC  web site at http://www.fbyc.net/Events/2003/08.09.onedesign/ssi.dtml

CCV FOUNDERS' RACE - This Sunday, August 3rd. This is the 6th of the 10 CCV races which qualify for the CCV …

Leukemia Regatta raises over $125,000

Judy Buis on

Leukemia Cup
The Southern Chesapeake Volvo Leukemia Cup Regatta was a hugh sucess thanks to the many volunteers and Sponsors.This year the event raised over $125,000 for the Leukemia/ Lymphoma Society.

The regatta weekend started on Wed. June 9th with the second annual "ARTS AT FBYC". 200 people came to the clubhouse to view and purchase art form 13 local artists, several of whom were FBYC members. All artists donated several of their works for Friday's Silent auction to benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Many thanks to Bob Kates for organizing this event and for all the artists for their generosity.

Friday's Welcome reception and Silent Auction was sponsored by Mike Karn, this year the auction brought in …

Richmond Times Dispatch recognizes the Leukemia Cup Regatta

Strother Scott on

Leukemia Cup
Great article about the Leukemia Cup in today's Flair Section of the Times Dispatch.

"Copyright Richmond Times-Dispatch, used with permission."

The first sailing lesson came before we even stepped off the dock.

"You have to have a sense of humor to sail," said Willard Strickland, a sailor with a sense of humor. "If you don't, you're going to have a miserable life because so many things can go wrong."

The second lesson became evident soon enough: While just about any reason to go sailing on the Chesapeake Bay is a good one, occasionally reasons emerge that are particularly decent, compelling and noble. Reasons such as 4-year-old Katie, 7-year-old Hannah and 11-year-old Blake.



Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
Southern Bay Screwpile Brigade Forming:  So far, 25 southern Bay boats are heading to Maryland for Screwpile.  Here's how we shake out:  So far, the largest platoon comes from Hampton YC (9) and includes Battlewagon/Hanna; 2002 Best Boat Kahuna/Richardson; Scherherazade/Shelhorse; PF Flyer/Preddy; Feather/Briggs; Cyrano/Mosby; Cool Change/Burshell; Sea Star/Eberwine; Mirage/Schaumloffel.   There are 4 Fishing Bay YC boats entered already and they are Corryvreckan/Clark; Wavelength/Whittet; Chilcoot/Alvis; and Blade Runner/Davis. Dahlgren YC has Radio Flyer/Hannick and Pegasus/Kelsey joining the fray from the southern side of the Potomac.  Broad Bay SA (Virginia Beach) sends along Defiant/Derr and Glory Days/Nestor.  Voodoo …

39TH Virginia Governor's Cup Regatta

catesby jones on

One Design Racing
Governors Cup Logo

Notice of Regatta
39th Annual Virginia Governor's Cup
August 2nd and 3rd, 2003
Ware River Yacht Club

The Ware River Yacht Club is hosting the 39th Annual Virginia Governor's Cup Regatta on August 2nd and 3rd for the following classes: Albacore - Hampton OD - Laser (Adult & Junior)- Mobjack - Moth - Buccaneer - 420 (No Spinnakers) PHRF. Click Read More for full details and the downloadable entry form (PDF format).

Ware River Yacht Club
Box 856, Gloucester, VA, 23061

Two days of sailing on the beautiful Ware River, and for PHRF, the Mobjack Bay. Up to five races plus Saturday night dinner and social.

Some members of WRYC will again open their homes to provide limited housing for regatta …

2003 Art on Fishing Bay Receives Rave Reviews

Bob Kates on

Arts of FB
artonfb Over 200 FBYC members and guests attended the 2003 Art on Fishing Bay held July 9th at Fishing Bay Yacht Club. This year's event was held in conjunction with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as a fundraiser. Fifteen artists exhibited their works; among them eight were FBYC members or had past association with the club. Each artist donated a piece of their work for the Silent Auction held on July 11th.

Francis Church and the Bellevue Square Quartet performed throughout the evening for our enjoyment. Hors d'oeurves were brought by many that attended and enjoyed by everyone. What was billed as an Art Show & Sale turned out to be a splendid "Art Party" and fundraiser for the …

Meg Roberts Wins National "Stuck at Prom" Contest!!

Randy Alley on

Junior Activities
megroberts Meg Roberts and her prom date, Tyler Mickley, won over 339 other couples, from 49 states and Canada, to take the top prize in the "Stuck at Prom" contest. From 50 hours of creative work and 540 feet of duct tape, they'll both receive $2500 college scholarships. West Point H.S., also, receives a $2500 scholarship for their win. See the announcement in today's Richmond Times Dispatch, page B7, or go online at www.ducttapeclub.com/prom/default.asp . Way to go Meg!!!
  new ....and this story is not over... Meg and Tyler were flown to New York on Thursday to be interviewed for the TODAY show....possibly to air on Friday, 11th or Monday, 14th...

Junior Racing News

Ruthanna Jenkins on

Junior Activities
quinton Yesterday at the VA State Opti Championships at Norfolk Yacht and Country Club our Quentin Jenkins got a second place in Blue Fleet and Fifth Overall. His results were aided by one race in very light air where he got a first place - due he says, to the good practice he has had at FBYC this spring!

Last week at the US Sailing Chesapeake Bay Junior Olympic Festival CBYRA Bay Open Championship Quinton Jenkins and Annie MacKinnon represented FBYC against a very tough 38 boat Opti fleet.

And results are now posted for our own June Junior Regatta at June Junior Regatta Results


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

5th Annual Southern Chesapeake Volvo Leukemia Cup Regatta on July 11-12, THIS COMING WEEKEND,  is hosted by Fishing Bay Yacht Club and Stingray Point Marina in Deltaville.  CBYRA sanctioned racing for PHRF (spinnaker and non-spinnaker) and MORC as well as a non-sanctioned Cruising fleet.  One design classes may be added.  Registration and various events are on Friday (July 11) and racing followed by the grand gala and awards is on Saturday.  For info contact Judy Buis at  (804) 358-9475 or email at  judybuis@attbi.com.  Information is also available at the FBYC web site   www.fbyc.net/Events      For registration package, and/or sailing instructions contact Sandy Thurston at (800) 766-0797 or email   ThurstonS …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters