2015 Urbanna Fireworks Cruise! - July 1-3

Meg Rock on

Cruising News

This year’s Fireworks Cruise to Urbanna, VA will take place Friday, July 1st through Sunday, July 3rd.  The fireworks show will be held on Saturday, July 2nd over Urbanna Creek.


  • Fun Cruising Race from FBYC to Urbanna
  • Dockside at Town Marina and Flip-flop Dining in Downtown Urbanna


  • Coffee Shop Fog-Lifter Walk
  • Mai Tai Social at Town Marina
  • Fireworks Extravaganza


  • Transit from Urbanna to FBYC

Slip availability is extremely tight this year because of the recent fire.  However, a few spots have been reserved at Town Marina.  Sailors can opt for a 1 or 2 night stay.  For reservations, please contact John Cabell no later than June 17th at john.cabell@embarqmail.com, or by cell at …

Open House Regatta - Cloudy Skies and Bright Smiles

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

The skies might have been cloudy this weekend but there were bright smiles among the racing and rafting boats and party goers at the Open House Regatta & Party this weekend.  The day started with a 6.7nm race out of Fishing Bay to where the Piankatank meets the Chesapeake and back again.  Winds ranged from a few knots to into the low teens and there was close racing among the boats ranging from 12-43'.

Using a progressive start - each boat had their own starting time based on their handicap with the faster boats starting last.  First boat over the line wins it - and it would be a race to the very end with Mad Hatter and …

FBYC Boats Set to Compete at 2016 Southern Bay Race Week

Jon Deutsch on

Offshore Racing

Fishing Bay Yacht Club is going to be well represented at the 2016 Southern Bay Race Week at Hampton Yacht Club this Friday-Sunday.  Among the 14 FBYC boats for SBRW are a number of boats who sailed the 67th Down the Bay Race over memorial day weekend to get there.  Including: Afterthought, Nanuq, Blew By You, Schiehallion, & rhapsody.

2016 Southern Bay Race Week FBYC entrants:


  • E.L.E. Matt Braun
  • Hotty Toddy! Steve Quiriconi
  • Inconceivable Mike Karn
  • No Quarter Jon Deutsch


  • Afterthought Craig Wright
  • Nanuq Glenn Doncaster


  • Blew By You Austin Powers
  • GOIN' Dennis Hannick
  • rhapsody Jim Raper | Matson Roberts


  • Mad Hatter Bob Fleck
  • Shenanigan Miles Booth


  • Catitude …


Mark Hayes on

Junior Activities

A happy camper at Opti Kids

The summer edition of the Virginia Sportsman, published this week, features both an article about our junior sailing program and an article about club member Jerry Latell, of Ullman Sails of Virginia. The junior article features a full description of our camps and is illustrated with many recent photos of sailing and camp life-including action shots on Fishing Bay and fun at the pool. The article about Jerry highlights his sail loft in Deltaville, and the fact that he is currently making sails for the USCGC Eagle, the Coast Guard sail training barque.

The magazine also has plans for a feature length article about our junior racing program in an upcoming edition. You can …

Open House Final Notice

Paul Wash on

Club News

This is a reminder that the registration for the Open House Regatta and Party will close Wednesday, May 25th at 4 PM. If you have not registered, please do so ASAP to avoid missing out on dinner. We are unable sell dinner tickets at the door. Even if you are not eating dinner, we still need to know if you are coming either racing, rafting, socially, all or one! Register now.

Also, we are looking for volunteers for the event. This includes ticket sales, tending bar, and cleaning up. The shifts are short and fun - a great way to meet people! We are using sign up genius - so please browse the openings. Sign up with your crew or by …

Laser Training Day on Saturday

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small


This Saturday the Laser fleet is hosting a training day. This is a day of training and practice in Lasers, open to experienced or inexperienced Laser sailors. Sailors wanting to try this kind of boat are welcome as well. Jon Deutsch, Mike Toms, and other experienced fleet members will be around to lead a day of learning and practice.  More details and how to register on the club website.

While the Kids are Away…Adults Can Learn and Have Some Fun

Karen Soule on

Club News

Calling all Junior parents--or grandparents for that matter! 

Junior Week is great fun for our kids, but can involve a lot of "down time" for the adults.  This year, we’re offering all adults the opportunity to increase their sailing skills with some custom-tailored sessions held right at the club.  (We especially hope our female sailors will attend to increase their confidence out on the water.)

Two instructors from the Annapolis Seamanship School will be running these workshops.  One especially unique opportunity is the "Hands-on Diesel Mechanics" session with a portable diesel engine.  You’ll be able to see, hear and touch a diesel in action—and learn how to do some basic trouble shooting.   There's …

One Design Spring Series #3 & Laser Spring Regatta Cancelled

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing
The One Design Spring Series #3 & Laser Spring Regatta for Saturday, May 20 has been cancelled.  After consultation with fleet leaders, PRO and registered participants - all agreed the combination of the impending rain for most of the day and higher winds would severely jeopardize the fun factor for our racers.

The next and final race of the Spring Series will be Spring Series #4 for Flying Scots and Front Runners on June 18.

And don't forget about the Open House a week from this Sunday - great opportunity to sail a fun short distance race followed by a great party with your fellow members - be sure to sign up ASAP so that we can assign start times for …

One Design General NOR Amendment

Jon Deutsch on

One Design Racing

One amendment has been posted to the One Design General Notice of Race.  This had largely been the practice in past years and we only just realized it had not been included in the actual NOR.  We appologize for any confusion this has caused.

Section 2.7 has been added:

2.7 Separate starts will be offered to fleets of 3 or more like boats.  Minimum 3 boats are required for the event to qualify for series scoring. Classes with fewer than 3 boats participatipating in any race day will be started and scored together as a Portsmouth class.

Posted 5/17 2300
Jon Deutsch
One Design Division Commander


1949 Clubhouse Redux

Jere Dennison on


Your historian had the occasion recently to contemplate the swift passage of time, when, serendipitously, he received a parcel of old photos from member Evelyn Turner through member John Koedel. Among many club scenes worth preserving, there were several pictures of the interior of the old clubhouse, images of which have been notably absent from our archives.

Then it struck me that we still talk effusively about our ‘new’ clubhouse. Really…it has been an incredible 15 years since our old clubhouse came down to make way for the ‘new’ clubhouse in 2002. And many post-2002 members and certainly junior members through their teenage years have no recollection of our original clubhouse that served us so faithfully for over half a …

Don't Forget to Register for the Reception at the Deltaville Maritime Museum to Inaugurate the new FBYC Exhibit

Jere Dennison on


Your Memorial Day holiday weekend will not be complete without attending the FBYC reception at the Deltaville Maritime Museum in honor of our new permanent exhibit. The reception will include beverages and heavy hors d’oeuvres to delight the palate. The event is open to all members but you first must register online.

Cost to attend is $15/adult with juniors admitted free. $10 of each admission ticket will be donated to the Deltaville Maritime Museum which has partnered with us in the past to stage important sailing events, such as the Southern Chesapeake Leukemia Cup Regattas and the 2010 Optimist Nationals.

A full description of the event can be found online on our website. This event will symbolize our support …

Summer Help Needed

Rob Whittemore on

Club News

As has been the case over the past few summers, our Operations Manager, Dixon Cole, is looking for an able-bodied summer assistant. Employee will report directly to Dixon and assist in the maintenance of club facilities and equipment. Ideally, this person would be a high school or college student with accommodations in the Deltaville area. For more information or to apply, please email both Dixon (dixon@va.metrocast.net) and Rob Whittemore (rwhittemore@graycorei.com).

Opportunity of the Year: Blue Water Sailing on OPB (other people's boats)

Lydia Strickland on

Cruising News

FBYC has a cruise going to New England this summer and for any sailors interested in getting some passage making experience, this could be your ticket.

Weather permitting, we plan to sail to Cape Charles on 6/23, then start early the next morning for Edgartown on Martha's Vineyard. Many boats plan on returning to Deltaville from NYC in early August, or maybe end of July; depends on the weather. Berths may be available for one or both of the passages.

This is a great chance for you to experience the joy of being at sea for a few days, without having to own a sea worthy sailboat of your own or having more than a week to make …

YAM VMFA Happy Hour

Jon Deutsch on

Social Events

The Young Adult Member group had a great happy hour meeting up at the VMFA to catch up and talk sailing this spring!

Open House Registration Open!

Paul Wash on

Social Events

What are you doing Memorial Day Weekend? Time's up! Coming to the 3rd Annual Open House Regatta and Memorial Day celebration! Registration is NOW OPEN. This year we are holding the event on Sunday, May 29th. This event is designed for members AND non-members. What better way to introduce your friends to Fishing Bay Yacht Club?

Offshore, Cruising, One Design, Juniors, everyone come out and join the fun! We begin with a fun little distance race. Then we form another circle raft up. Remember last year? Let's double it this year!  Shuttle boats will run from the FBYC dock to the raft up for those that want to join the raft up, but can't make the race. After the raft up back ashore - we …

Water Water Everywhere

Lud Kimbrough on

Club News

Clean drinking water is critical to the future of the Deltaville and more sign-ups are needed to justify constructing the planned water system.  The deadline to enroll is early June, so sign up now HERE .  If you have already signed up, we need you to reach out to your neighbors to encourage their enrollment, too.  There will be a brief training session Wednesday, May 4, at 6:00PM at the DCA building in Deltaville so that you can answer the questions likely to be asked when you meet with your neighbors.

One Design Racing Season Kicked Off

Jon Deutsch on

Flying Scots

The One Design racing season kicked off last Saturday. Five Scots and one FrontRunner took place in the racing while another Scot skated around to the side tuning their boat. To help shake off some of the cobwebs PRO, Jim Raper, organized five practice starts which was a good warm-up.

With everyone ready and energized, the first race was launched. Well, not everyone was completely ready. Most forgot what a W2 race course was and rounded the leeward mark heading for the second beat. All, except the sage Hal Starke who went straight through the line and took the bullet. Immediately, those errant boats had to unwind to finish. A second race was started but unfortunately was soon cancelled due …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters