Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) was previously, and sometimes still is, referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Nine days ago, the Columbia 32 Carbon, Uncontrollable Urge, lost its rudder in the vicinity of San Clemente Island while racing in the 4th Annual Islands Race. The crew attempted to set an anchor and attempted to launch a life raft, but ended up abandoning the vessel to swim to shore. One of the crew, Craig Thomas Williams (36) of San Diego, died in the incident. Another of the six-man crew, Ryan Georgianna, has strong southern Bay ties. He hails from Williamsburg and now resides in …
It’s that time again. Join us for our annual “Spring Clean-up Day.” We will gather in the main clubhouse for coffee and refreshments from 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. A pizza lunch will be provided around noon at the main clubhouse for all participants.
On the agenda will be mulching, pruning, planting and raking. Online registration is now available at or you can contact Ken Odell by email at or cell (804)-241-6080 if you plan to volunteer.
See you on March 23rd. Ken Odell, Grounds Chairman
Gourmet food stations including butlered service will serve delicacies such as fried oysters and crab cakes. Full menu here. Open bar will be provided.
This past weekend, the Florida Flying Scot District Series continued with the George Washington Birthday Regatta, hosted by the Lake Eustis Sailing Club. Lake Eustis is located northwest of Orlando.
John Wake and I arrived at the club Friday afternoon. When we arrived there were 6+ boats out practicing and getting dialed in for the weekend. There was talk of a 30+ boat turnout, but given the expectation of a strong cold front passing through Saturday afternoon, the turnout maxed out at 29 boats.
After setting up 5566, which we had stored at the club since the last event in January, we headed to the Oyster Troff (yes that is how you spell it – only in Florida). This is an …
The skipper of THISTLEDOWNE, Bill McClure of Troy, Virginia, and his Charlottesville area team are all signed up for the Hospice Alliance Regatta scheduled in April in St. Petersburg, FL. Bill and his crew earned the right to compete by winning the Turkey Shoot Regatta held last Fall at Yankee Point Marina on Myer Creek, just off the Corrotomon, just off the Rappahannock River. But, for now Bill’s concerns are focused elsewhere. He is in St. Marteen preparing to race in the RORC Caribbean 600, which starts in a week on February 18th. No, Bill will not be sailing Thistledowne, a San Juan 21. Stay tuned – we hope to hear during the coming week …
Bermuda High Party at Home of Carl and Diane Simon February 16 at 7:00 pm
The end of winter is just around the corner. Don your Bermuda shorts and sundresses and come party and enjoy libations and yummy treats to eat! Cruiser or racer, or just warm weather enjoyer! Sure it is cold out but is anyone else craving drinks with little umbrellas and a day in the sun with wind in our sails? We may not be able to feel the sand between our toes but we can start counting down the days to warmer weather! Come plot and plan your summer on the water. Friends and guests are welcome.
BLUEWATER RACERS – Thinking 2014 Annapolis to Bermuda? It’s not too soon to be getting ready for the June 6th, 2014, start of the bi-annual Annapolis to Bermuda Race. On March 2n, 2013, at Eastport Yacht Club, from 0900-1200, there will be a A2B seminar featuring well know speakers (Mike Meers, Gary Chwastyk, Giff Hammer, and Stuart Forrest) talking about how to evaluate your rigging, sails, electronics, and your boat in general for offshore racing. This seminar is FREE, but ya gotta sign up. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED – seating is limited. Act now!
SpinSheetMagazine’s 2013 SAILSTICE ROUND DELMARVA RALLY. Come to the social! If you’re interested …
With the finalization of the schedule for the sailing events book a couple changes have taken place since the draft schedule was last published.
The Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters regatta has moved to the September 7-8 weekend.
The One Design Low Country Boil Regatta moved from September 7 to September 22
The Laser Fall Regatta for September 8 has been cancelled and instead the Lasers will have a start at the 9/15 One Design Fall Regatta and it will serve as the 3rd event in the Laser series.
No other events have been adjusted and the entire schedule can be seen on the events schedule.
39 boats were on the starting line at Quantum Key West Race Week 2013, making J/70 the largest fleet at the 26th annual regatta. Top-notch sailors on boats from across the nation gathered for this midwinter classic including FBYC’s Blake and Lud Kimbrough, Noel Clinard, Clark Dennison, and Matt Braun, who were joined by the likes of Tim Healy, Kerry Klingler, Jeff Johnston, and Dave Ullman along with over 120 other sailors in the J/70 fleet. Some of these well-renowned skippers that have captured major championships in other one-design classes have jumped into the J/70, including Klingler (J/80), Healy (J/24) and Ullman (Melges 24). Johnstone said J/Boats had sailors of that caliber test drive prototypes …
Southern Bay J70 racers Blake and Lud Kimbrough crack Top 10 at KWRW. Blake and Lud, sailing their brand new J70, Nostalgia, hull 99, in the 38 boat one-design fleet at Key West Race Week, finished 9th overall and 2nd in the sub-fleet re-scored among J70 Corinthian sailors. As is often the case with new design classes, word is the fleet was loaded with “expert” talent. KWRW had great wind for all the race days and the J70s got in 12 races over 5 days of racing. Noel Clinard, also sailing out of FBYC and owner of the first J70 on the southern Bay, Loonatictu, finished 29th overall and 8th in the …
They are racing at Key West! Sledd Shelhorse’s (HYC, Va Beach) Farr 400, Meridian X, is competing in the 9 boat High Performance Class and the two J70s from FBYC, Noel Clinard, Lunatictu, and Blake & Lud Kimbrough, Nostalgia, are racing against 37 more J70s. Goggle Quantum Key West 2013 to follow the happenings day by day this week.
It IS [a] MIRAGE! Christian Schaumloffel and his hearty crew, Tom Dwyer, Kevin McKee, and brothers Steve and Dave Taylor, finished 1st IN CLASS (PHRF B) and 5th OVERALL in the 2013 Fort Lauderdale to Key West Race. Quite an accomplishment considering the daunting weather – “rain squalls and swirly winds” followed by a storm …
January 12 and 13 was the fourth regatta in the Florida Flying Scot District Series. The Charlotte Harbor Yacht Club was the weekend's host. Charlotte Harbor is a small yacht club just north of Punta Gorda. The 21 boats, which was a new high for this relatively new event, used every piece of water in the club's small harbor.
Saturday was and a great day of sun and wind. It was tricky on the race course at times with us going from the top three of the first race to the back of the fleet, but we battled back to a 6th. So went the second race with lots of lead changes. We had a solid race going …
Heading for Warmer Climes. Key West Race Week heats up, opening on January 20th. To date three (3) southern Bay boats, and one “beyond”, skippers and crew will be there. Sledd Shelhorse’s Farr 400, Meridian X, will be racing in the High Performance Class. And, two J70s will race one-design – Noel Clinard’s Loonatictu and Lud and Blake Kimbrough’s Nostalgia are among 39 J70s already signed up. The Kimbroughs’ J70 will be fresh out of the box; KWRW is hull #99’s first taste of competition. From “beyond” the southern Bay (Lexington, North Carolina), is well know Teamwork, Robin Team’s J122, sailing in the PHRF 1 class.
The FBYC Cruising Division invites you to attend a class to obtain your Virginia Boater Education Card!
When: March 9, 2013 Where: FBYC Main Clubhouse, Second Floor Time: 8:30 a.m. until examination is finished Instructors: US Coast Guard Auxiliary FBYC Host: Ted Bennett Cost: $10.00 (Coffee and Danish, plus a light lunch will be served.) This year’s course to be held on March 9th is, just like last year’s, an opportunity to obtain the Virginia Boater Education Card. It will be held beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the clubhouse and is offered by Flotilla 66 from Mathews County of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. State Regulations mandate the following for operators of a …
Saturday January 12 - Hilton Garden Inn – Downtown Richmond 6:00-7:00 Cocktails, 7:00 Presentation
Join us to hear FBYC member Rives Potts share his adventures sailing Carina around the world last year. Carina raced in the Annapolis Newport Race, the Transatlantic Race, the Fastnet Race and finally the Sydney Hobart - and Carina did 3 Atlantic crossings in one 12 month period. Rives Potts is the Rear Commodore of the New York Yacht Club and was a grinder on Dennis Conner’s Freedom in a successful defense of the 1980 America’s Cup. He also sailed with Ted Turner on Tenacious in the infamous Fastnet Race of 1979 that Turner won but 15 racers …
This past weekend The Rudder Club in Jacksonville, FL hosted the annual Gator Bowl Regatta. The Florida Flying Scot fleets have organized an extremely successful series of events over the winter to determine their District Champion every year. The Gator Bowl was the second stop of the Florida District Series. Unique to the Gator Bowl is the Wally Trophy (literally a gator’s head mounted on a plaque) that is awarded to the district with the best overall performance.
I left Richmond with 5566 in tow on Thursday at noon. After making a stop in South Carolina to pick up my crew for this event, Bill Wiggins, we rolled into the hotel in Jacksonville at 9pm. An uneventful trip!
The 2012 sailing events committee, led by vice commodore John Wake, has met and been recently working to set the racing schedule for 2013. There may still be a few changes plus adding the cruising schedule, but this has been loaded on the website for review.
THE LAST FROSTBITE was sailed yesterday on the fifth of five consecutive Sundays in Hampton Roads. It was cold and it was bitter. Some said that on the way to the course they saw air temps in the 30s. Consider the source of these comments, though. These are people who actually continued to the race course in the conditions they were reporting. RESULTS, FROSTBITE RACE 5: PHRF A (6 boats) – 1. Phil Briggs, Feather; 2.Glenn Doncaster, Nanuq; 3.Cary Hardesty, Bow Down. PHRF B (6 boats) – 1.Bob Archer, Bad Habit; 2. Ben Cuker, Callinectes; 3. Graham Field, Independence. PHRF C (3 boats) – 1. Alan Bomar, Roundabout. …