NOR - Inaugural Summer Solstice Ocean Race

Jim Raper on

Offshore Racing

Offshore Fleet and Cruising...below is the abbreviated text of a new event organized by CCV.  It comes on a weekend when there is a hole in the 2017 Offshore schedule and may be of interest for many...

Notice of Race | Inaugural Summer Solstice Ocean Race
Saturday, June 17th, 2017 (makeup date is June 18, 2017)

58 nm daylight race round Chesapeake light for spinnaker fleets (C, non-spin & Cruising - 29.7 nm).
The Chesapeake Light is 1 mile beyond the 12 mile zone in international waters.
The deep draft Thimble Channel is off limits for safety.
Entry fees are: $40 ($35 for USSA members) for entries paid by June 6, 2017.
Enter race and pay online: http …

1949 Virginia Sailing Regatta trophy

Strother Scott on


Someone on Facebook has this pretty copper trophy engraved "Moth - 1949 - First" and they are curious as to the provenance of the trophy. There is a current international class of boats called Moth that existed back in 1949.   Please contact Strother if you know what this is. Thank you.

Update - Jere Dennison reports his second history article  gives us the answer:

"In 1944, the Virginia Sailing Association, then consisting of UYC, Rappahannock River Yacht Club, Hampton Yacht Club, and Norfolk Yacht and Country Club, decided to consolidate the annual regattas of the individual clubs into a single event known as the Virginia Sailing Regatta. The first of these wartime regattas …

Christmas is Coming - Don't Forget FBYC Ship's Store!

Meg Rock on

Club News
Christmas is coming!
How about a special gift or stocking stuffers from our FBYC Ship's Store?  Below is a sample of some of our new merchandise for your favorite sailors.  We can special order many items and have FBYC and/or our burgee embroidered on them, along with your boat name and sail numbers.  If you want a certain color or size just let us know.  We can also get youth sizes.  We have a catalog available for you to select merchandise from.  Please order early!
To order:  contact Debbie Cycotte

Happy Holidays!

Janet Moyers and Debbie Cycotte
FBYC Ship's Store Co-Chairs
Adams Hats w/embroidered burgee  $15.00

Jackson Creek Dredging Soon Underway

David Lennarz on

Club News

Middlesex County Administrator Matt Walker and Keith Ruse of Deltaville Boat Yard both recently confirmed in conversations that the Jackson Creek dredging project will soon be underway.  All necessary permits have been approved, and according to Ruse dredging could start as early as mid-December.  The Virginia Port Authority awarded the County a grant.  The County will also contribute money from the County's dredge fund.  Unlike with past dredging projects, no funds were solicited from FBYC.  The dredging is expected to be completed in time for our Spring sailing season.

Proposed East Dock Project Presentation Uploaded to Website

David Lennarz on

Club News

The proposed East Dock project presentation has now been uploaded to the FBYC web site.  Many of you have attended the three “town hall” meetings held over the Summer and into the Fall, including a November meeting in Richmond.  Outreach to neighbors has taken place as well.  The Flag has listened to many of your comments (in person and by email), and a number of revisions have been made to the plan over the past several months.  The current plan has now been uploaded to the FBYC web site at  Comments or concerns?  Please contact any members of the Flag (David Lennarz, Rob Whittemore …


Meg Rock on

Clubhouse News

The FBYC Fall Clean Up Day scheduled for this Saturday, November 19th has been RESCHEDULED for Saturday, December 3rd!  

Please mark your calendars.

Thank you - Ed O'Connor, Grounds Chair/Dixon Cole, Operations Manager



Matthew Fontaine Murray Award to Jere Dennison

Lisa Fleck on


The Matthew Fontaine Maury Bowl, named after the pathfinder of the seas, is given for outstanding contributions to sailing at FBYC and beyond.  At the Commodore's Ball, Commodore Ted Bennent announced that Jere Dennison is this year’s winner of the Matthew Fontaine Maury Bowl.

Jere Dennison"This sailor has been a member of the club since he joined at age 16 as an unattached junior. Over the years, he has been involved in all aspects of FBYC – sailing, cruising, racing, socializing, volunteering and serving over 20 years on the Board. In December 2015, the Board honored him by electing him to Life membership.From 1971 through 1976, he served as House/Security Chair, Log Streamer, Rear Commodore, Vice Commodore …

2016 FBYC Annual Award Winners

Lisa Fleck on


Fishing Bay Yacht Club held its Annual Meeting and Awards Party on Saturday at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, VA. The following is a list of all of the 2016 recipients of the club's perpetual trophies.

HENRY E. HUTCHESON, JR. MEMORIAL TROPHY – awarded to the Optimist skipper with the highest standing in Sanctioned Regattas and intra-club races. Guthrie Braun

JUNIOR COMPETITION TROPHY – awarded to the Junior skipper (or skippers) who has most successfully represented FBYC in sailboat racing events conducted by other yacht clubs or associations during the Regular Racing Season. Tomas Sitzmann

L. WOOD BEDELL TROPHY – awarded to the FBYC sailor under the age of 14 who is the highest finisher in FBYC races during …

Fall Cleanup Reminder

Rob Whittemore on

Club News

Please join us at the Main Clubhouse between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. for coffee and low fat/low calorie doughnuts. We’re looking to start at 9 and our tasks will include leaf pickup, brush cleanup, carpentry work on the dumpster privacy doors as well as weeding/trimming the garden/cleaning beds.

This is a great opportunity to work on our campus, see old friends and make new ones.

Please sign up on the FBYC website or call/email

Ed O’Connor, Grounds Chair (804) 338-1142

Meeting on Proposed East Dock Replacement: Please join us to learn more

David Lennarz on

Club News

On Thursday, November 10th at 7 pm, we will hold an informational meeting regarding the proposed east dock replacement.  The meeting location is Retreat Hospital in Richmond.  Retreat Hospital is located in the second block of Grove Avenue east of the Boulevard. The parking deck is behind the hospital off Robinson Street (closer to Floyd Avenue than Grove Avenue). From the parking deck, follow the yellow line on the pavement to the door into the reception area. The Board Room is located at the end of the long corridor after passing the reception area. If you have questions about how to find the hospital, please contact or use one of the online …

USSailing - One Day Race Management Seminar - January 21, 2017

Jim Raper on

Club News

Saturday, January 21st, 2017 @ 8am – 5pm

John McCarthey, National Race Officer and Regional Judge, will conduct USSailing's One Day Race Management seminar upstairs in the FBYC clubhouse, on Saturday January 21st with a continental breakfast beginning at 8am and catered lunch provided.

The cost is $60 (requires a USSailing membership).  Registration will be available on the USSailing website beginning on November 1st and concluding on January 16th. Registration link.

There are seven current FBYC members who are a certified club race officer or better and many others who were once certified race officers but have allowed their certification to lapse.  This course is an opportunity to begin the race officer certification process or to …


Geoff Cahill on

Social Events

This is the final call for registration and head count for the Oyster Roast this coming Saturay (10/29).  Please go to the Fishing Bay website to register by the end of the day Thursday (10/27).  So far the weather looks PERFECT! We will be offering oysters of all kinds--roasted, steamed, raw and specially baked by our very own Julie Ann Wash!  For those who are not oyster eaters, we will also be serving hotdogs and of course all of the delicious dishes brought by our party-goers.

Please contact Geoff and Allene Cahill at to let us know which side dish or dessert you plan to bring.  We are also looking for volunteers to provide the …

New Jackson Creek Survey from September 2016

Tom Roberts on

Club News

ESDS - New Survey (Jackson Creek)--  

New survey information has been added to ESDS.   This survey is in color(screenshot of 2016 survey shown)

  • Survey Number: JK_01_JCK_20160901_CS
  • Channel: Jackson Creek
  • Project: Jackson Creek
  • Surveying Start Date: 9/1/2016
  • Surveying End Date: 9/1/2016

You can view this data by visiting the ESDS website at

Note: If you have any comments on ESDS, please consider filling out our online feedback form. These comments are anonymous and will help us improve ESDS.

Thank You,
The ESDS Team
US Army Corps of Engineers, Norfolk District

The Corp has been actively watching this,   All previous surveys are available at …

New Event Registration System Launch

Strother Scott on

Club News

I could not be more pleased with the launch of our new registration system.   Over the last 25 days it has been offered as the preferred option and it has processed 60 successful registrations. Those registrations have included 35 credit card charges. We have not received a single inbound call or email about any substantial issue and 100% of actual payments made were processed without any error.   As a result, the Board has approved removal of optional links to the legacy system on the Home page.

As a reminder any Sign Up! link will direct you to where you will be required to log in. The necessary credentials are the same as the Zope …

Welcome to the 2016 Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small

Welcome to the 35th Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship at Fishing Bay Yacht Club this weekend!  That's right - the regatta is finally old enough to truly be a masters regatta.

We've got 40 boats registered and a few more expected to join us for some great sailing and food.  As always - we've got a great group of volunteers and we thank them for their work to make this happen.  And to the sailors - thanks for putting this on your calendar every year and making this part of your fall.

Here's a few things to know as you make your way to Deltaville:

Anyone arriving on Friday is more than welcome to go …

Would you like some more racing? Thank you sir! I'll have another!

Bob Fleck on

Offshore Racing

logo_smallith the chaotic weather that we've been having, do you suddenly have an itch for some more racing? Well, if you've made enough trips around the sun, you can scratch that itch at the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship this weekend at FBYC. Online registration can be found here:


If you are a few rotations short of 35, or you don't own a laser, you can still get some racing this weekend with at short trip up the Rappahannock. RRYC is hosting its final PHRF race of the season with their Commodores Cup. Jerry Latell will be PRO and they expect to race two races.  The …

Notice to Members - Facility Vandalism

Rob Whittemore on

Club News
This past weekend one of the bathrooms in Fannie’s House was vandalized. The event has been reported to the police. We all need to do our part to protect our facilities from further episodes, which becomes more difficult as we are entering the period of lower activity at the club. 
If a building is locked prior to your entrance, please make sure the building is secure/locked when you leave. When at the club, please keep any eye out for anything that seems out of place. 
Thank you for your attention,
Rob Whittemore
Rear Commodore

SheJumps event in September introduces women to sailing

Caroline Patrick on

Club News

SheJumps is a national organization that supports women being active and outdoors. The regional coordinator approached Kim and Caroline Garrett to see if we would help host a SheJumps event at FBYC. On September 10th, we hosted the event, which involved a morning chalkboard session followed by an afternoon on the water. 

During our morning session, the ladies learned how to tie basic knots, sailing terminology, parts of the boat, the points of sail diagram, and general rules of the water. With the help of Carrie Russell as the third skipper, we showed the ladies how to rig a Front Runner, and we set sail for the afternoon.


We did some simple drills in Fishing Bay, giving everyone a chance on …

Fishing Bay YC Team Wins the Annapolis Yacht Club Inter-Club Team Race Challenge

Mike Toms on

Team Racing

FBYC Team Race Team

Fishing Bay's string of 5 consecutive seasons of participating in team racing events around the bay was extended last weekend with an exciting, and significant, win at the Annapolis Yacht Club Inter-Club Team Race Challenge. Fishing Bay's Team for the event, skippers Chris McDowell, Dan Herlihy and Ben Buhl, along with crews Carrie Russell, Jay Buhl, John and Sharon Wake and Mike Karn, with pick-up Annapolis sailor Sam Septembre, took home the championship trophy last weekend in Annapolis, besting teams from Annapolis YC, Eastport YC, Severn Sailing Association and Hampton YC. The event was a two-day, 40-race event sailed in AYC's J22s, with no spinnakers and 3 people per boat.

After the first breezy day of sailing, FBYC …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters