Rosegill Race - a mix of sailing and partying

Strother Scott on

Social Events
voodooweb.jpg In a lack of wind foreshortened race, Voodoo Chile reached the finish line set at the bridge by Dabney Overton and his crew of the handsome Mr. Roberts replacement boat. Hours later a few other boats finished, but most retired and headed for Urbanna for the party, dinner provided by Janie French, and the barn dance.

Results are posted for the Fishing Bay to Urbanna Race on Saturday.

girlsweb.jpg Many more hours later, the partying continued. Thanks to Bradley Davidson Photography for the excellent pictures he has taken for FBYC. Please visit For many more pictures.
collinsweb.jpg Scott Collins and Will Crump cruised to the event on a Mobjack.




Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
DISTRICT 11 GRAND PRIX REGATTA - LASER CHAMPIONSHIPS ARE THIS COMING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MAY 31 AND JUNE 1.  The venue is on Hampton Flats. Host yacht club is Hampton YC.  Expectations are for 35-40 boats for this district-wide event.  George Panayides, aka "The Laser Guy", will be defending his 2002 championship title. For info and/or to register contact Leigh Morgan at or George Panayides at   The NOR is available at    Spectators are welcome - bring your own boat, though.

Better get your SCREWPILE stuff together.  John Hanna said the regatta will cap entries at 170 boats this year.  The dates for the 2003 Screwpile Lighthouse …

Deltaville Museum's Grand Opening Saturday, May 24

David Lee on

Dvle Museum Park Drawing Come and support a great effort at 9:30 on Saturday morning and participate in the Grand Opening of the Deltaville Museum and Holly Point Nature Park.Dville Park Logo Our past Commodore, Tim Blackwood, Chairman of the Board of the Museum, will do the ribbon-cutting which will be followed by refreshments and tours of the facility. On the way to FBYC, the museum is located at 287 Jackson Creek Rd. (Right off of Rt # 33 at the Deltaville Convenience Center, second driveway on the left). Click Read More for more on the mission of the museum and plans for its development.

The mission of this great facility is "to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the area designated Holly Point and …

8th Annual Little Creek Regatta To Benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

catesby jones on

Club News
Little Creek Regatta Logo The 8th Annual Little Creek Regatta to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital will be held St Judes Logo August 1 & 2, 2003 at Bay Point Marina, Norfolk, VA. The Regatta consists of a sailing race, power boat poker run and fishing tornament. The Regatta has raised over 1/2 million dollars in the fight against cancer. Please see the attached for more information and check out

Rememberance of Mac McCullough - by Ken Ringle

Strother Scott on

Mccullough2 Alan McCullough, Jr. was a FBYC member most of his life. He died May 11, and his memorial service on Friday was attended by his family and many friends. Among the rememberances read at the service was the following article, which was written and read by Ken Ringle.

As most of us know, Mac made a movie about his life. No film was actually shot, of course, but that is somehow beside the point. The movie was always showing on the inside of Mac's forehead.

What made relations with Mac so maddening, so bewildering and so much fun-all at the same time-was that he was always simultaneously shooting the movie and watching it. And directing it. And editing it …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
WHITTET, MARSHALL, ANGUS, and POWERS Win FBYC Offshore Spring Series:  Tie-breakers decided the series final positions in PHRF A as well as Non-Spin.  The finale Saturday was sailed in brisk winds on the Rappahannock.  RESULTS:  PHRF A:  1. Rob Whittet, Wavelength; 2. Strother Scott, Loose Cannon. PHRF B:  1. Sam Marshall, Night Music; 2. Allan Heyward, La Maga. MORC:  1. Jason and Will Angus,Brass Monkey. PHRF Non-Spinnaker:  1. Eric Powers, Nereid; 2. David Hazlehurst, Oracle.

The maxi-cat PlayStation is at Bay Point Marina at the mouth of Little Creek in Norfolk.  Steve Fossett is waiting for the right weather pattern to develop, so that he can make a run at …

Job Opportunity--Towing a Boat

catesby jones on

Junior Activities
Hampton One Design I have a wooden Hampton One-Design that I need to get from Portsmouth, VA to Boise, Idaho. My college student that was going to tow it for me backed out. Click Read More... for details.


WANTED: Enterprising person to tow an old wooden HOD from Portsmouth, VA to Boise, Idaho as soon as possible. Will pay per-mile towing fee plus a sum to make it worth your while, to be negotiated. Perfect summer job for an energetic college student. Contact Vince Serio, III at or 208-342-7090.

Vince Serio, III

106 Lasers at Atlantic Coasts This Weekend

Jon Deutsch on

ILCA Logo - Small
Deutsch This weekend 106 Lasers took part in the Atlantic Coast Championships held at Severn Sailing Association. Fishing Bay member Jon Deutsch made the trip for the event. Light and shifty winds on Saturday allowed only 2 races and conditions on Sunday led the races to be abandoned just before they were to start.
The overall winner was Scott Ferguson from Jamestown RI. Olympic hopeful Andrew Campbell finished fifth and George Panayides from HYC finished 11th. Numerous other frequenters of FBYC events and Masters Regattas from around the region were also in attendance.
Other big events in the district coming up are the District Championships at HYC May 31-June 1 and the Chesapeake Bay Laser Masters Championship September 6-7 at FBYC …


catesby jones on

SBR News You Can Use
CAPE HENRY CUP IMPORTANT INFO:   The point of contact for this event, Scott Almond, has a new phone number, effective immediately.  To reach Scott, call him at home at (757) 471-2663, or work (757) 428-4646.  Also, from a BBSA board member comes the following info on the CHC awards presentation plans:  CHC awards will be presented May 20th (Tuesday evening) at BBSA's cover dish supper meeting at the ODU Sailing Center.   Award winners are invited to attend the supper, tour the Center, and pick up their trophies. (Race date - Saturday, May 17; entry deadline - Friday, May 16).

ROUND DELMARVA 400 EXPECTED ARRIVAL AT SALT PONDS (Hampton): This is a cruisers rally, not a …

FBYC Sponsored Christchurch Regatta Raises $14,000

catesby jones on

Leukemia Cup
Christchurch Regatta The Christchurch Junior Challenge Regatta on May 3rd was an outstanding success, raising more than $14,000—well above the previous years' results. In all, more than 50 high school aged sailors competed for racing and fundraising honors on a wind-whipped Rappahannock River during a blustery day of northwest winds and chilly temperatures. Click Read More... for more on this and upcoming Leukemia Cup events.

Sponsored by Fishing Bay Yacht Club, Christchurch School, the Edward “Rip” Radcliffe family, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Virginia Chapter , this year's races drew teams from Hampton Roads Academy, Walsingham Academy, Murray High School, Norfolk Academy, and St. Catherine’s in Richmond. Competing in 420's, the junior sailors raised money from …

Rosegill Deadline Is May 21-Don't Miss The Ultimate Barn Party

catesby jones on

Social Events
Rosegil Icon Saturday, May 24, race up the river, cruise or drive to the biggest barn party on the bay in one of the Chesapeake's most outstanding and beautiful settings. Food will be catered again by the famous Willoby’s, featuring a Caribbean meal. Entertainment will be live from The Energy Crisis. Cocktails are at 6:00. Dinner is at 7:00. Reservations must be submitted by May 21. Cost for members is $20 per person. Guests are welcome at $25 per person. Children under 16 are $10. Send your check with full payment to Janie French, 620 Henri Road, Richmond, Virginia 23226. If you are not familiar with Rosegill, give yourself a treat and visit the Rosegill website (http://www …

One Design Season Opens

David Hazlehurst on

The club was buzzing with activity Saturday evening after off-shore boats returned from Mosquito Point as One Design sailors rigged their boats for the start of the 2003 season the following day. Most noticeable were the 420 crews rigging four new club boats. Conditions on Sunday were close to ideal, some 10-15 knots out of the NNW. In order of start there were 5 Front Runners, 9 Flying Scots, 3 Lasers and 3 420's, starting with a near perfect line and a windward-leeward course.

Using the Laser class rule of thumb "no triangles unless you have a steady 12 knots" the race committee changed to a "G" course for all but the 420's and ignored mild complaints from …


Allan Heyward on

Club News
vesselsafety Through the efforts of FBYC member Dick Curtiss, USCG Auxiliary Vessel Examiners will be available on the Jackson Creek docks starting at 9:00 AM on Saturday May 10 to conduct free courtesy safety examinations. The USCG courtesy safety inspection program is designed to promote safety awareness and information. A description of the program, and a copy of the checklist used in the inspection, are available for by clicking on the links. Any boat passing the courtesy inspection will receive, and will be entitled to display, a Safety Check Decal, signifying that it has passed a safety inspection by a USCG approved Vessel Examiner.

Will Crump and Scott Collins 4th in J-22s at Annapolis NOOD

Will Crump on

Junior Activities
This past weekend the Fishing Bay Yacht Club may not have been represented widely among the many classes at the Annapolis NOOD event, but in the hotly contested 50-boat J/22 fleet, a couple of Fishing Bay boys demonstrated that the little club is still a force to be respected. Scott Collins and I represented FBYC in the J/22 fleet and brought home a hard fought fourth place standing.

J22worldsNED This was my first regatta as a driver in well over a year and my first regatta driving a J/22 since the 2000 World Championship in Medemblik, Holland. It was nice to get back in the saddle, and especially nice to do it with Scott Collins who I grew …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use
MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY 11th - Take her sailing, or... if appropriate, let her take you sailing!

SEA STAR, COOL CHANGE, ROUNDABOUT, and CHECKS-IN-THE-MAIL finish first in CCV Spring Series:  Three Sunday races over a four week stretch brought out the best in skippers and crews as cold to cool and mostly cloudy conditions prevailed for the series.  When all was said and done, an average of 36 PHRF boats raced each of the 3 race days, covered a fleet total of 135.5 miles (as the crow flies), and ate-nobody-knows-for-sure-how-many hotdogs.  Series Provisional Results:  PHRF A:  1. Sea Star, J/36, Bumps and David Eberwine;  2. Cyrano, Frers 36, Bob Mosby;  …

VIMS Marine Science Day--A Great Event For Kids & Adults

catesby jones on

Social Events
VIMS Logo Pic Marine Science Day
VIMS will host its annual open house at the Gloucester Point campus from 10 am-3 pm on Saturday, May 17th, free and open to the public . Numerous hands-on activities for both children and adults. Activities include canoe trips, seining, tours of laboratories and the teaching marsh, a seafood chowder cook-off, a spin-casting game for young anglers, and much more.

After Marine Science Day, help support VIMS research by attending the Calypso Party Fundraiser from 3:30-6:00 PM on the VIMS Lawn. $50 per person for Caribbean food, steel drum band and chance to win one of the six unique prizes in the VIMS Ecotour Raffle such as aerial sea turtle tracking, billfish tagging and chance to …

Laser Sailors—Race & Skirmish During Blackbeard Festival

Tom Roberts on

ILCA Logo - Small
LaserRacingBlackbeard poster The Laser District 11 Championship Regatta will be held at Hampton Yacht Club , May 31 through June 1 this year. The word on the street is to expect a minimum of 30 boats for this event, and it's being talked up with the local college sailors, as well. To add to the fun, the popular and colorful Blackbeard Festival is being held in Downtown Hampton that same weekend.

BlackbeardFestivalFlag This is a double-edged sword (ha ha). The festival is great and offers lots to do in the evenings after racing, including a Pirate's Ball on Friday and a special Block Party on Saturday night. Also, if you bring your families, there is guaranteed entertainment …

Optimist Coaches Seminar June 7 and 8 at Fishing Bay

Ruthanna Jenkins on

Junior Activities
Kenneth Andreason Kenneth Andreasen, U. S. Optimist Dinghy Association Director and Coach of the U. S. National Optimist Team, will give a two-day OPTIMIST COACHES SEMINAR at Fishing Bay on June 7 and 8. Kenneth, who travels with the US Optimist team when they compete in international events, is truly one of the country's outstanding Opti coaches; so this is a terrific opportunity for all of us who will be working with "Juniors" and Optis. Click "Read More…" for further details.Coaches, instructors, CIT’s and parents who volunteer with the racing team will want to learn all the latest tips for rigging Optis for speed, boathandling techniques, and on the water drills and games. Kenneth and his team of national …

Join FBYC Members For The Indian Creek Cruise June 6,7,8

catesby jones on

Cruising News
Indian Crrek Club We hope cruisers or racers will join us at Indian Creek on June 6,7,and 8. We cruise to Indian Creek Friday and either raft up in Pitman's Cove or go to the Club's slips. Both golf and tennis will be available to us on Friday afternoon and Saturday.Indian Creek Marina Dinner on Friday will be at the Club restaurant and Saturday we'll have our own picnic there. I will need a close head count for dinner at the Club on Friday and an accurate count for tennis and golf. I have arranged for a special fee for golf at $25.00 per person including cart. There will be a fee for tennis also. The club does not …


Lin Mccarthy on

SBR News You Can Use

The 2003 Offshore Spring Series at Fishing Bay Yacht Club got things underway this past weekend.  In the MORC fleet Thin Ice (Landau/Hope) and Mojo (Mark Wensell) each recorded 2 wins out of 5 races; Brass Monkey (Jason/Will Angus) won Race #5.  In PHRF A, Wavelength (Rob Whittet) took 2 first in 3 races, and Chilcoot (Alex/Donna Alvis) got the Race #2 win.  In PHRF B, Sam Marshall's Night Music, Allan Heyward's La Maga, and Wayland Rennie's Trilogy shared the #1 spot over 3 races.  Dick Cole in Nutcracker won both PHRF Non-Spin races.The mega flood current, a 70 degree wind shift around the middle of the race …

Fishing Bay Yacht Club
Office Mail: Fishing Bay Yacht Club, 2711 Buford Road #309, Bon Air, 23235,
Clubhouse Address: 1525 Fishing Bay Road, Deltaville, VA 23043 (no mail delivery)

Phone Numbers: Club House 804-889-2327

Contact Webmasters